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Old 31-01-2009, 22:24   #166

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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
in todays age you would think the council and the goverment would embrace technology by having conferences over the internet and phone but no that would keep them off the gravy train is time for a new political party............
After sitting in a 4 hour video conference the other week I can assure you it is nothing like a face to face around a table. As the majority of the people were just outside London I felt very much like I was watching the meeting and not like I was part of it. I would have preferred the 8 hours travelling to sit around the same table as everyone else.
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Old 31-01-2009, 22:36   #167
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

but why do they need face to face they are supposed to be learning things and spreading their knowledge and working for the local best interests people not creating cliques and going on junkettes.they are supposed to be serving the local people and cant do that when they are not in the office or locality.what happened if a disaster happened i the borough they would not be able to do their job properly if they were in london..anybody else who does not do their job properly would be sacked..
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Old 31-01-2009, 23:55   #168
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
After sitting in a 4 hour video conference the other week I can assure you it is nothing like a face to face around a table. As the majority of the people were just outside London I felt very much like I was watching the meeting and not like I was part of it. I would have preferred the 8 hours travelling to sit around the same table as everyone else.
Perhaps we should all give up our membership of Accy Web, and instead have our little discussions face to face, in a community centre perhaps.

I'm sure if we all clubbed together we could pay adequate expenses to those who may have to journey over seas.

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Old 01-02-2009, 08:13   #169
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Going back to the question you asked of me Garinda. I would probably have voted with an inflation increase. However, I would point out that there hadn't been an increase in about four or five years so I would suggest that was taken into account.

It's too early for me to do maths at the moment but I reckon it would have put it up to about £15 or something like that for a meal.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 01-02-2009, 09:00   #170
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
Going back to the question you asked of me Garinda. I would probably have voted with an inflation increase. However, I would point out that there hadn't been an increase in about four or five years so I would suggest that was taken into account.

It's too early for me to do maths at the moment but I reckon it would have put it up to about £15 or something like that for a meal.
A rise in line with inflation, taking into account the years the allowance didn't go up, sounds fair enough to me.

Whatever the maths, we both know that the figure would be well below 49% and over 100% that the figures rose by, as for the last few years inflation has been relatively low.
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Old 01-02-2009, 10:18   #171

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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by cmonstanley View Post
what happened if a disaster happened i the borough they would not be able to do their job properly if they were in london
I did not realise that everyone who works for the Council works 24 hours a day every day of the year in case there is a disaster

Come on you must be able to think of better excuses to moan about Councillors/Council Officers than that.
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Old 01-02-2009, 10:43   #172
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Is selective/blinkered reading common to all Conservatives, or just yourself and Andrewb?

I don't detest anyone, and certainly not because of someone's political views.

If you'd care to re-read post 80 of this thread, you'd might see that I'd said some very positive, and nice things about Peter Britcliffe. Just as I have in the past when I think he's come up with something worthwhile. For example the Floral Market Town/ flower towers, how well the park looked for the summer concert, etc.

It does become very tiresome when the Conservative party faithful take every criticism as a personal attack. The whole forum knows that the Tory clique on Accy Web would be filled with glee if the criticism had been aimed at someone of another political party. The fact is I'd criticise anyone who had voted for these increases at the present time.

You even dig your own grave even deeper because of your close frienship with Cllr. Britcliffe, because you've made public exactly how much he did spend on his meal in London, £12.30, which is a hell of a lot less than the £25.00 he voted to award themselves, and a percentage increase much more in line with current inflation would mean no one would be out of pocket, and there would have been no story, and therefore no public outcry.

So before you become anymore hysterical I'll say again, I have nothing against Cllr. Britcliffe (see #80 for glowing testimonial), but I will continue to post about something I see as wrong, irrespective of the political allegiance of the person concerned.

Yesterday on this very forum I called some members of this government 'cretins', I notice you haven't accused me of 'despising' the Labour party for doing so.

Odd that.

Well perhaps not too odd, considering you only see what you want to see, and not all the facts that are laid before you.

Perhaps being a member of any one political party makes everything seem as if it's viewed through blinkers.

Happily I'm free from both one party allegiance...and blinkered vision.

Just my final word on this, I didnt start the personal attacks Rindi, it appears you can give it but can't take it
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Old 01-02-2009, 11:15   #173
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
A rise in line with inflation, taking into account the years the allowance didn't go up, sounds fair enough to me.

Whatever the maths, we both know that the figure would be well below 49% and over 100% that the figures rose by, as for the last few years inflation has been relatively low.
The independent review is done by an independent body that recommended these increases. They conducted a survey to find out what the upper limit should be set at, as of course they recognised the seasonal changes in cost. A rise in line with inflation could well lead to a negative value, I don't believe they found that prices in this particular sector had gone down. I believe you will appreciate the lack of political bias, as these independent reviewers have no political axe to grind.
formerly cyfr

Last edited by andrewb; 01-02-2009 at 11:19.
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Old 01-02-2009, 11:20   #174
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Just my final word on this, I didnt start the personal attacks Rindi, it appears you can give it but can't take it

Personal attacks?

You really have lost it.

Care to give examples?

I notice you make no comment on the praise I've given to Cllr. Britcliffe in this very thread, both as a likeable man, and as a hard working councillor.

As for myself I'm open to any criticism if someone thinks I'm wrong, but will defend myself if I think the criticism is unjustifed.

This is a bit like when you wrote to the Observer, saying this forum was full of 'vile' atacks against your friend Peter Britcliffe, but when challenged couldn't come up with any valid evidence.

As I said in answer to Gayle's post, an increased allowance, in line with inflation, including the years the allowance remained static, couldn't really be challenged, and would certainly have had no argument against it from myself.

I shall continue posting, be it to criticise, or praise, whoever and whatever I see fit, irrespective of which political party is involved.

I notice you've decided not to comment, and accuse me of anti-Labour bias, given the recent example I gave where I accused the Labour government of being 'cretins'.

I don't expect a reply, which is a pity, because it might have been interesting, but as you've said the above post was your final word regarding this matter, I know you to be a man of your word, and it will have been your final word.
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Old 01-02-2009, 11:29   #175
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
The independent review is done by an independent body that recommended these increases. They conducted a survey to find out what the upper limit should be set at, as of course they recognised the seasonal changes in cost. A rise in line with inflation could well lead to a negative value, I don't believe they found that prices in this particular sector had gone down. I believe you will appreciate the lack of political bias, as these independent reviewers have no political axe to grind.

If it makes you happy I'd also query the reasons why an independent body recommended so a great an increase, way above the rate of inflation, given that neighbouring councils manage with lower limits.

Anyone care to say who this independent body was, and their qualifications, and what they based their findings on?

It still doesn't make it particularly wise for some councillors to vote in favour of the massively increased limits, given the current financial crisis.
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Old 01-02-2009, 12:12   #176
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
If it makes you happy I'd also query the reasons why an independent body recommended so a great an increase, way above the rate of inflation, given that neighbouring councils manage with lower limits.

Anyone care to say who this independent body was, and their qualifications, and what they based their findings on?

It still doesn't make it particularly wise for some councillors to vote in favour of the massively increased limits, given the current financial crisis.
They like to Mimic their "Heroes" in the House of Commons!!!

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Old 01-02-2009, 12:27   #177
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
If it makes you happy I'd also query the reasons why an independent body recommended so a great an increase, way above the rate of inflation, given that neighbouring councils manage with lower limits.

Don't think that the 'Independent Body' .. would have particularly looked at the increase percentage wise Garinda. Just what would be a recommended 'ceiling' price for the most expensive scenario. i.e. London.

Don't know myself who they would be except professionals in this field ... perhaps Travel Agents or summat ?

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Old 01-02-2009, 12:35   #178
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Just my final word on this, I didnt start the personal attacks Rindi, it appears you can give it but can't take it

Personally I don't feel under attack, people have disagreed with point of view, and that is their right.

I'm certainly not going to lose any sleep over it.

As for the perceived personal attacks against your chum Peter Britcliffe, let's not forget that this is the same person who featured in a story in the press the other year, where he was accused of calling a fellow councillor a 'silly cow'.

I'm sure Cllr. Britcliffe has developed a thick enough political skin to ward off any criticism levelled at his decisions by myself, or anyone else.

If he hasn't then perhaps it's a good thing that he was twice rejected as an M.P. by the people of Hyndburn, as I fear the criticism that comes with that job would have been too much for him, and his acolytes, to bear.
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Old 01-02-2009, 12:39   #179
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post

I'm sure Cllr. Britcliffe has developed a thick enough political skin to ward If he hasn't then perhaps it's a good thing that he was twice rejected as an M.P. by the people of Hyndburn, as I fear the criticism that comes with that job would have been too much for him, and his acolytes, to bear.
He's dropped one or two, not so subtle hints lately that he might like to run again!!!

Best Regards - Taggy
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Old 01-02-2009, 12:50   #180
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Don't think that the 'Independent Body' .. would have particularly looked at the increase percentage wise Garinda. Just what would be a recommended 'ceiling' price for the most expensive scenario. i.e. London.

Don't know myself who they would be except professionals in this field ... perhaps Travel Agents or summat ?

Perhaps a councillor will inform us who they were...please?

If 'independent bodies' are going round to each individual council, would it not be a better if councillors nationwide had the same limits on their allowances?

After all a bed in London, or a meal in Harrogate costs the same whether a councillor is from Hyndburn or Halifax.

None of this would be a political issue then, as councils run by all parties would not be involved in deciding to implement the independent body's recommendations.

Just a thought.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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