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Old 09-02-2009, 22:56   #346
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by claytonender View Post
Are you by any chance a relative of Andrew's.

Several facts about recent actions of the current Tory administration (which are completely true) have been posted - but he refuses to provide an answer.
i wondered that when roy stated he was a very able student, if they are andrews never mentioned it to me oer coffee.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 09-02-2009, 23:04   #347
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by claytonender View Post
I have been using Safari (which does underline wrong spellings) but I posted that post from Internet Explorer -trouble is my fingers go to fast for the keys.
No, your brain is ahead of your fingers .. that's my excuse anyway ..
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Old 09-02-2009, 23:11   #348
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by claytonender View Post
Are you by any chance a relative of Andrew's.

Several facts about recent actions of the current Tory administration (which are completely true) have been posted - but he refuses to provide an answer.
I've already provided the answer. Council tax will rise 3.6%.

The bill you got last time, will be 3.6% higher this time around.
formerly cyfr
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Old 09-02-2009, 23:58   #349
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i wondered that when roy stated he was a very able student, if they are andrews never mentioned it to me oer coffee.
Well if he was your relative would you really own up to it?

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Old 10-02-2009, 00:09   #350
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Well if he was your relative would you really own up to it?
can i phone a friend?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 10-02-2009, 00:32   #351
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
i wondered that when roy stated he was a very able student, if they are andrews never mentioned it to me oer coffee.

Nor me, over a couple of bottles of wine.

I know quite a few of Andrew's family and am happy to report there are no skeletons, or imbeciles, locked away.

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Old 10-02-2009, 08:49   #352
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by andrewb View Post
I've already provided the answer. Council tax will rise 3.6%.

The bill you got last time, will be 3.6% higher this time around.
You also being disingenuous, what you are failing to say is that on the figures provided in the HBC report circulated at the Cabinet meeting on 4 February 2009, it clearly states that Hyndburn's share of the Council Tax will rise by 7%. It is on page 38 of report 9 (I am providing the link again).

Do you deny that it states 7%.

(for the other precepting authorities it states if) but for Hyndburn it clearly states 'Hyndburn Borough Council Taxt @ 7%). Underneath the chart it states 'Assumed figures for major percepting authorities are subject to their respective formal descisions being made. Figures are indicative at this time.'
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Old 10-02-2009, 09:37   #353
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

The thing is Joan, regardless of what the Hyndburn Borough Council portion of the Council Tax will be - I accept that it is a 7% increase - it is irrelevant here because as far as the people of Hyndburn are concerned the amount of money that they have to pay will increase by 3.6%.

For the Conservatives clearly it is better to say that the overall bill is only increased by 3.6%, for Labour it is more important to state that the Conservatives are raising the HBC portion by 7%.

If you want my honest opinion I think both parties are using the figure that suits them best and by both digging in your heels no one's finding out the real facts.

Can someone tell me what the actual benefit to the people of Hyndburn will be based on Labour's budget and including all the other factors.

I maintain my point that no one cares about the HBC portion, all they care about is the overall increase that will affect their pocket.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 10-02-2009, 09:45   #354
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Nor me, over a couple of bottles of wine.

I know quite a few of Andrew's family and am happy to report there are no skeletons, or imbeciles, locked away.

Another 'Tit for Tat' from the Brat.....

I am not related to Andrew and said that he was a very able student by reading his post's............a deduction, nothing more.
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Old 10-02-2009, 09:46   #355
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
Well if he was your relative would you really own up to it?
Good moaning Grumps.
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Old 10-02-2009, 10:52   #356
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
The thing is Joan, regardless of what the Hyndburn Borough Council portion of the Council Tax will be - I accept that it is a 7% increase - it is irrelevant here because as far as the people of Hyndburn are concerned the amount of money that they have to pay will increase by 3.6%.

For the Conservatives clearly it is better to say that the overall bill is only increased by 3.6%, for Labour it is more important to state that the Conservatives are raising the HBC portion by 7%.

If you want my honest opinion I think both parties are using the figure that suits them best and by both digging in your heels no one's finding out the real facts.

Can someone tell me what the actual benefit to the people of Hyndburn will be based on Labour's budget and including all the other factors.

I maintain my point that no one cares about the HBC portion, all they care about is the overall increase that will affect their pocket.
I sure that you are right Gayle, people, want to know how much it's going to cost them.

But people are also want to know what they going to get for their money in terms of services provided

A lot of the budget as you know Gail is spoken for,and it doesn't matter which party is in control. The council as statuary responsibilities, to meet, money is also ring fenced for certain projects.

What we are essentially talking about is tinkering at the edges. One party thinks we should be spending money on this , the other party thinks we should be spending on that.
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Old 10-02-2009, 12:52   #357
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

I see the councillors in Preston decided to follow the recommendations put forward by their independent panel, unlike some of our councillors in Hyndburn.

Councillors vote for a pay freeze after panel's recommendations - Lancashire Evening Post
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Old 10-02-2009, 12:54   #358
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by Robert Owen View Post

But people are also want to know what they going to get for their money in terms of services provided

What we are essentially talking about is tinkering at the edges. One party thinks we should be spending money on this , the other party thinks we should be spending on that.

So, if that's the case, what difference will the extra 4.1% on the HBC portion amount to - what extra are we being told that we'll get. Or is it that Labour are cutting corners to keep it down to 2.9%.

Also, that wasn't actually an answer to my question, so like Jeremy Paxman I'll keep on asking until I get an answer. What would the overall increase be if Labour were in charge? Let's just hope I don't have to ask the same question 14 times until someone is prepared to answer.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 10-02-2009, 13:04   #359
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

I don't normally get involved in debates like this but seems to me that nobody is prepared to answer Gayles question. You all seem to just want to say how much the Tory side are raising the council tax but seem unable to tell us how Labour can manage to keep the costs so low. Easy peasy really seeing as you have the figures or do politicians never answer a question directly?
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Old 10-02-2009, 15:09   #360
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
So, if that's the case, what difference will the extra 4.1% on the HBC portion amount to - what extra are we being told that we'll get. Or is it that Labour are cutting corners to keep it down to 2.9%.

Also, that wasn't actually an answer to my question, so like Jeremy Paxman I'll keep on asking until I get an answer. What would the overall increase be if Labour were in charge? Let's just hope I don't have to ask the same question 14 times until someone is prepared to answer.
We certainly won't be cutting corners Gayle. Truthfully if I knew the answer to your question I would tell you.

I have seen a lot of figures banded about, but setting a budget is ongoing process both within the council and the various political groups.

The aim will be to keep the overall increase down to as low as possible, whist maintaing services and also funding Labour priorities.
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