15-07-2011, 10:09
Resting in Peace
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Re: Living off the fat of the land.
Originally Posted by Ken Moss
Doesn't sound too good on the face of it, does it? However, the most cursory glance of Graham's expenses will show where that money is going and as I've said before I would not do that job because it's bloody hard work and your life is not your own.
The county council expenses are being used largely for good causes and organisations within Rishton alone have already benefitted from it. I wonder how much of Peter's old £43k salary was donated back to community groups? Peter got to go home every night, he didn't hold surgeries every single week or spend 6-8 hours travelling to and from London every four days and he wasn't sharing a house with someone he wasn't overly familiar with.
As someone who is well acquainted with politics you should know full well how much more the setup year costs an MP and such muckraking is beneath you.
I'm sure Peter wouldn't have claimed his county allowance if he'd become MP....
He wouldn't because he would have resigned both his council and county council seats Ken which to my mind would have been the proper thing to do. Being a constituency MP is totally time consuming and I would imagine it hasn't got any easier since Ken Hargreaves days, if anything it will have gone the other way and as for your defence of Graham, if he'd done the right thing he would have had to have managed on his pittance 68 grand a year plus exes of course  ya its a hard life all this travelling and living a nomadic life until you get settled, but he knew the score and wanted to do it so I'm sorry excuses don't wash with me Kenneth old chap 