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Old 31-03-2009, 22:56   #1
God Member

lmao at margram

the margram have always been teh most expensive in accy for fuel but their way of competing with asda's fuel prices is to charge a full 5p a liter more pmsl

cant imagine why tehir forecourt looks so emtpty lol
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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 31-03-2009, 23:12   #2
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Re: lmao at margram

Where's Margram Accyman ? Did notice that the one at the bottom of Dill Hall Lane had increased to 91.9 today... thought they may have reduced after the nearby Asda were offering at 87.9 last week, or has theirs gone up too ?
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Old 31-03-2009, 23:13   #3
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Re: lmao at margram

ah but quality is always better than quantity
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Old 31-03-2009, 23:13   #4
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Re: lmao at margram

Margram is the one where homebase is... so right next to Asda
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Old 31-03-2009, 23:18   #5
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Re: lmao at margram

Originally Posted by AccyLass28 View Post
Margram is the one where homebase is... so right next to Asda
So, we have got two petrol stations putting their prices up against Asda ? Wonder why ? Is it to make up for any lost business I wonder ?
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Old 31-03-2009, 23:49   #6
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Re: lmao at margram

Price of petrol has risen at all stations as from midnight due to the 2p tax hike so i heard on the radio
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Old 31-03-2009, 23:52   #7
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Re: lmao at margram

Originally Posted by Polly_45 View Post
Price of petrol has risen at all stations as from midnight due to the 2p tax hike so i heard on the radio
Ok .. thanks Polly .. Dill Hall Lane was 89.9 two days ago, so that explains it, but looks like they were a little early here.
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Old 01-04-2009, 00:32   #8
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Re: lmao at margram

they got a bloody nerve sticking 2p extra on , were already paying about 10p per liter more than what we shoud be , the last time oil was at this price we were paying 87p per liter and they still are charging us way too much

mind you they are all at it , british gas are still overcharging to hell for their gas and electricity and have even been featured on watchdog a few times for ripping us off with total lies about costs to themselves

as for quality over quantity shell are the same price as asda so if asda and shell can keep prices down i cant see why margram cant or anywhere else for that matter and even if they coudlnt match their prices 5p is a lot extra per litre in any ones book

asda may have changed their prices by morning but it was still 96.9p when i went past at 11pm and margrams was £1.01
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Old 01-04-2009, 06:48   #9
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Re: lmao at margram

it all depends on who owns teh station. A lot of Shell garages are owned by Shell themselves, the Margram is privately owned and probably can't buy it as cheap as Shell or ASDA.

Also there is a definate difference in quality of fuels from supermarkets to Branded fuels. There are independant tests that show this up. If all you do is potter round town in your 1.4 corsa fair enough, higher performance cars need better fuels.

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Old 01-04-2009, 07:00   #10

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Re: lmao at margram

Well the government needs the money lmore than we do. More tax, thankd Gordon.

To be fair, we have and have had, some high performance cars and have never noticed the difference in fuel quality form any petrol station.
The only problem I have is when I come home every month and find that my Fiancée has been pottering around in her Turbo Charged Petrol flyer and the turbo is clogged, causing lots of smoke while I unclog it!!!
"your mind will find a way to be unkind to you somehow. But all we really have is happening to us right now. Happiness is the road"

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Old 01-04-2009, 07:01   #11
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Re: lmao at margram

even if it is better fuel than asda £1.01 is still over the odds compared to shell , texaco etc even if you dount count asda and tesco

i cant remember if margram is still a BP petrol station or not but in other areas BP keep their prices in line with competition yet accy margram is always the more expensive

if it is a case of not been able to get a better deal maybe the guy who sorts that out needs replacing with someone who can lol
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Old 01-04-2009, 07:22   #12
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Re: lmao at margram

Asda, Tesco, etc, dont have to buy stuff (including petrol) in the way that smaller retailers do, they dont ask the manufacturers of say baked beans 'how much will it cost for a million tins', they would TELL the manufacturer, 'we want a million tins of baked beans, and will pay you x amount', same with the petrol stations! It is then up to the supplier how they cover some of the losses, hence things like mars bars are smaller, because the manufacturers have to keep the big companies happy. B & Q, Comet, Curries, British Gas, etc etc, are all the same, they buy for half the price that small retailers do, but most are still expensive in comparison.
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Old 03-04-2009, 01:35   #13
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Re: lmao at margram

well had a blazing row in burnley road shell station over the increase in the price of v-power, they put theres up 3 pence on sunday from the 96.9 it was on thursday even though fuel wholesale price had come down god knows what it is now as the wholesale cost of oil went up $4 a barrel.

quick question for the guru's in here.

oil is at $52 dollars a barrel at the moment and fuel is around 93p for unleaded.
when oil was $140 a barrel pump price was around £1.26p

now has the price at the pump not come down proper or am i missing something?

oils is nearly two thirds cheaper but the pump price is around a qtr cheaper ?
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Old 03-04-2009, 09:20   #14
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Re: lmao at margram

Originally Posted by Ossywarrior View Post
well had a blazing row in burnley road shell station over the increase in the price of v-power, they put theres up 3 pence on sunday from the 96.9 it was on thursday even though fuel wholesale price had come down god knows what it is now as the wholesale cost of oil went up $4 a barrel.

quick question for the guru's in here.

oil is at $52 dollars a barrel at the moment and fuel is around 93p for unleaded.
when oil was $140 a barrel pump price was around £1.26p

now has the price at the pump not come down proper or am i missing something?

oils is nearly two thirds cheaper but the pump price is around a qtr cheaper ?
Well I'm no guru, but to me its called daylight robbery, simple as that
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Old 03-04-2009, 09:31   #15
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Re: lmao at margram

i used to work at a petrol station (north valley in colne), every monday we rang asda and asked thier prices then made ours cheaper
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