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Old 30-09-2008, 09:57   #46

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Re: Local police 'safety purge'

Originally Posted by Kitkat View Post
driving whilst using a mobile phone is dangerous, but some people think its OK its not a huge crime.
I use mine all the time. I have even spoken to the Police while driving down the motorway to report debris in the road and a car swerving between all 3 lanes being driven by an old lady that looked unwell.

It is no more dangerous than talking to a passenger. In fact you could argue it is safer than talking to a passenger as you are not tempted to look at the person which many people seam to do.

You might be able to explain why it is not illegal to use a taxi radio while driving? They have a cable on them that get wrapped around everything while you are driving.

I do agree though that holding a hand held mobile phone while driving is dangerous. Seeing as you can buy a full bluetooth car kit like mine for only a little more than the fine I can't understand why people do it.
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Old 30-09-2008, 10:09   #47
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Re: Local police 'safety purge'

Something that surprised me is that a new driver who gets six penalty pionts on their licence within the first two years have their licence taken away and have to take the test again. I only found out about it because there was a case highlighted on breakfast tv theother day, but it makes sense to me
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Old 30-09-2008, 10:23   #48

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Re: Local police 'safety purge'

Yep its 6 points for the 1st 2 years then goes up to 12 points after that time
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Old 30-09-2008, 11:50   #49
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Re: Local police 'safety purge'

Talking of mobile while driving, have you ever seen a local copper talking on his radio when driving? the radio's fastened right up near their collar and when they use it the turn their head to the side and look in a downward direction - thats worse than using a mobile phone.
I say local coppers because the traffic cars have a built in system, usually push button on the steering wheel or on a stalk by the indicators

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Old 30-09-2008, 11:53   #50
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Re: Local police 'safety purge'

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Yep its 6 points for the 1st 2 years then goes up to 12 points after that time
And you could get a ban very quickly because it could Soon be 6 points for speeding if your over 15mph above the limit and 6 points if your over 25mph above the limit on motorways, thats if it gets passed but their trying to get it through now

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Old 30-09-2008, 11:56   #51

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Re: Local police 'safety purge'

Originally Posted by K.S.H View Post
Talking of mobile while driving, have you ever seen a local copper talking on his radio when driving? the radio's fastened right up near their collar and when they use it the turn their head to the side and look in a downward direction - thats worse than using a mobile phone.
I say local coppers because the traffic cars have a built in system, usually push button on the steering wheel or on a stalk by the indicators
That's why the rushed in law is daft. It specifically states hand held telephone so hand held 2 way radios are not included.
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Old 30-09-2008, 12:05   #52
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Re: Local police 'safety purge'

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
That's why the rushed in law is daft. It specifically states hand held telephone so hand held 2 way radios are not included.
I agree and I've had this discussion with a few coppers, I wouldn't mind as much if they were using a radio with a cable thats fitted into the car, yeah they get tangled and wrapped round things but at least you can keep your eyes on the road, not like using the radio fastened to your collar and you have to twist your neck round to use at and keep the button pressed while your talking, don't get me wrong though, I agree its dangerous using a phone while driving and always use my hands free, and if it aint turned on I don't answer the phone while driving

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Old 30-09-2008, 12:07   #53

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Re: Local police 'safety purge'

With my parrot you can't turn it off. Start the car and within a few seconds it beeps so you know it has connected. then one button press to answer and one to end the call - easier that working the heater
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Old 30-09-2008, 13:09   #54
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Cool Re: Local police 'safety purge'

Originally Posted by Kitkat View Post
Glad Police are booking motorists who don't pay Tax, Insurance, don't wear seat belts, use a mobile phone whilst driving, have defective tyres, etc its not hitting the motorist unfairly just making sure they obey the law
Amen to that.
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Old 30-09-2008, 13:11   #55
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Cool Re: Local police 'safety purge'

Originally Posted by derekgas View Post
We spend a lot of money keeping our vehicles roadworthy and legal kitkat, we also spend a substantial amount on replacing stolen property! Never seems to get found though, but one of our drivers was pulled the other day for no infringements, and the van was spot on, that is what irritates me! Go catch the thieving tykes who had us over for 3000 quids worth of equipment a couple of months ago!
It is rare to catch a burglar in the act so the police can only get involved after the event. OK so if more cops were on the beat it would deter burglars in their proximity but we don’t have and never have had wall-to-wall cops.

The real problem is the fences and the general public. How many people can honestly say that they have never bought something that ‘fell off the back of a lorry’?

Some burglars steal to furnish their own premises and those of close friends but most burglary proceeds are sold off to pay for drugs and booze.

The answer, in part, is surely to dish out meaningful prison sentences that will deter repeats.
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Old 30-09-2008, 13:16   #56
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Cool Re: Local police 'safety purge'

Originally Posted by lancsdave View Post
You are right but where do you think some of those offences rank in the list of seriousness compared to non-traffic crimes ?
Just how serious do you think driving whilst using a mobile phone, losing control and killing someone is? Not forgetting a dangerous tyre blowing out at speed and causing a major accident, with all the problems that causes innocent people. No insurance and the guy ploughs into your car. You pay not him.
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Old 30-09-2008, 13:23   #57
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Cool Re: Local police 'safety purge'

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
They do.

What happens is the camera van drives around spotting them.
Then a couple of dudes in suits look at them ( not sure why but seen it happen )
Then the clampers turn up with a Police man/woman with them.
If tax not paid in a couple of days then car is lifted and taken away.
If tax and fine not paid within certain time car is crushed.

I find it hard to believe they would crush a valuable car. It would make more sense to sell it to me.
Not all cars are crushed. Genuinely roadworthy cars are sold at auction.
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Old 30-09-2008, 13:46   #58
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Re: Local police 'safety purge'

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Just how serious do you think driving whilst using a mobile phone, losing control and killing someone is? Not forgetting a dangerous tyre blowing out at speed and causing a major accident, with all the problems that causes innocent people. No insurance and the guy ploughs into your car. You pay not him.

I actually said SOME not ALL

but where do you think some of those offences
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Old 30-09-2008, 13:58   #59

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Re: Local police 'safety purge'

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Amen to that.
Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
It is rare to catch a burglar in the act so the police can only get involved after the event. OK so if more cops were on the beat it would deter burglars in their proximity but we don’t have and never have had wall-to-wall cops.

The real problem is the fences and the general public. How many people can honestly say that they have never bought something that ‘fell off the back of a lorry’?

Some burglars steal to furnish their own premises and those of close friends but most burglary proceeds are sold off to pay for drugs and booze.

The answer, in part, is surely to dish out meaningful prison sentences that will deter repeats.
Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Just how serious do you think driving whilst using a mobile phone, losing control and killing someone is? Not forgetting a dangerous tyre blowing out at speed and causing a major accident, with all the problems that causes innocent people. No insurance and the guy ploughs into your car. You pay not him.
Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Not all cars are crushed. Genuinely roadworthy cars are sold at auction.
Have you noticed there is a special button for quoting more than one person at once?

Its the middle one here

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Old 30-09-2008, 14:44   #60
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Re: Local police 'safety purge'

I am a motorist and it bugs me that they purge on certain 'money making' crimes

Iy used to be a regular thing, round the corner of where I worked, the last 2 days of every month there used to be mobile cameras on a carpark at the bottom of a hill. (the top road into Haslingden). There used to be about 4 or 5 coppers there, and it was purely to make sure numbers were met and money targets hit.

On the other hand, when I worked behind a bar at the pretty much the same time, I had a bottle thrown at my head bu a punter, called 999, nearly two hours later the police turned up.

With regards to mobiles being more danerous than drink/drug driving, what a load of twaddle.
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