Just to help out when people are considering what they are voting for in the forthcoming elections I took this off Hyndburn Life's website. It is useful to know who to blame for what!
Here in Hyndburn we are served by a system which is known as "two tier" local government. In other words, we have two sorts of council serving local people - a county council and a district, or borough council.
We have one county council, Lancashire County Council, and a borough council, Hyndburn Borough Council.
The main services provided by Hyndburn Borough Council include:
refuse collection
leisure services such as swimming pools and leisure centres
environmental health
local planning
The County Council's main services include:
education and schools
social services
bridges and transport
strategic planning
libraries and museums
economic development
tourism promotion
trading standards
street lighting
What it doesn't add is the sort of glossy bit that Hyndburn should be doing like securing investment in the town, generating businesses and promoting it as an individual tourism destination, plus working with the people to create a welcoming place and more vibrant place.