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Old 16-12-2005, 23:51   #1
Senior Member+
mani's Avatar


ok so my parents have a flat and i swear the quality of tenants available in this area is awful!!!

from the last four tenants - three left owing us rent of about 6 months in total. the last one left half their crap for us to clear out. we have a elec meter in there and they took a wire out so they wudnt have to pay... now there's a charge of 70 odd quid

its like thats the best quality of tenants we can get! its got to the point now were i think my mom's thinkin either give it to an agent to sort out and good bye 10-20% or to just not give it out anymore...
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Accrington Web
Old 17-12-2005, 04:29   #2
I am Banned
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Re: lodgers...

i have an idea whatyour going through , some people moved into a house on my street and within 2 weeks it was a shell , the poor owner wasnt even aware she was renting it to teenagers as their father made out it was him going to be living there and simply handed the keys to his kids

be carefull which agent you get to manage it for you because some dont give a crap who they give the keys to as long as they get the money coming in
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Old 17-12-2005, 09:07   #3
Resident Waffler

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Re: lodgers...

Your parents have my total sympathy Mani. The house next door to us was bought by someone with the idea of renting it out but the type of tenants he got were awful! One lot even ripped out the kitchen units before they left! You wouldn't believe how much somebody could trash a place. The worst ones we had were a bunch of students partying till all hours.

Chav is quite right too because some agencies don't seem to give a hoot about tenants. On the other hand some landlords don't help either. When Busman first came up here and was looking for somewhere to rent some of the property was disgusting.

I suppose when a decent landlord finds a decent tenant both are very lucky.

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Old 17-12-2005, 09:51   #4
Senior Member

Re: lodgers...

There are some good tenants but unfortunately they are hard to find. There are also good Landlords but again they are sometimes hard to find. Your parents have my sympathy Mani.
Going off thread slightly, a young couple with a small child, I know are looking for somewhere to rent. They found a property were accepted by the Landlord then told by the job centre that the rent was too expensive so they can't move in. Which in effect means they are homeless. Luckily they have a good family who 'put them up' so they aren't in the homeless unit yet. Some Landlords charge too much for property probably trying to weed out the good from the bad tenants but occasionally prospective good tenants miss out.
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Old 17-12-2005, 10:53   #5
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Re: lodgers...

It will be a hard slog for your parents Mani with this. Even the so mcalled profesionals can be just as bad as teenagers. Some of the people who work here and rent out their other property prefere it to be some one from in the company to try and be sure of no hassles. And 9 times out of ten it works as they tennents dont want to sully their good name at work.

All comments above are nothing to do with here and therefore not the resposibility of the Accrington Web site owners admins or mods.


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Old 17-12-2005, 12:35   #6
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Re: lodgers...

I have an idea of what you are going through as we had to rent when we moved back up here. Luckily we found a decent agent and a decent house. One day whilst paying over my rent I got into a conversation with him about other tenants, one lot had trashed the flat they were in not paid rent for 3 months so he was going up there to issue their notice, but he was waiting for a PC as they had threatened him if he even set foot near there.
On the other hand I also know of businesses in London and Brighton who are buying property without even viewing it and renting out with no vetting. It's just swings and roundabouts I'm afraid. I'm just glad I bought last year and don't have the hassle of landlords and agents inspections every 6 months.
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Old 17-12-2005, 14:33   #7
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Re: lodgers...

*sigh* i just wish at tiems there was more powers as to what land lords cud do - like beat the crap outta crap tenants *L*
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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