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07-07-2005, 18:18
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Re: London Underground explosions
A very sad day for our country...sadly, I don't think the hooligans in Scotland will have the decency to call off their protests...and i'm sure there'll be some idiots defacing mosques and the like...fortunately, they don't represent the spirit of the British people...a spirit which was shown in the calm and determination of those on the streets of London.
07-07-2005, 18:40
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Re: London Underground explosions
Originally Posted by Sparkologist
The official death toll is now listed as 37: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4661059.stm
Is there anything we can do to stop these atrocities happening? As the IRA were reputed to have said, "You have to be lucky every day. We only have to be lucky once."
I think you've hit the nail on the head. On the radio today they were talking to I think he's called John Nicol who was a POW in the first Iraq conflict and he stated we have to be 100% lucky they only need 1% to cause mayhem the likes we've seen today. I don't think you will ever stop anyone who is completely committed to causing this sort of pain. It's a sad state of affairs
I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
07-07-2005, 19:14
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Re: London Underground explosions
London was my home for seven years and I am very fond of the place. I was there during part of the IRA bombing campaign and so can empathise with what many Londoners must be feeling tonight.
A more striking contrast with the patriotic euphoria of yesterday is hard to imagine. but London and Britain have been down this well worn and sorry path before. I know that when the tears have all been shed and the damage put right, London will dust itself off and carry on as before, as though nothing untoward had happened. There is comfort in that.
The current crop of terrorists will make as much impression on Londoners as their predecessors the IRA and Hitler did, which is to say hardly any at all.
I am relieved that, though they were close to todays events, Pendy and Tealeaf are safe and well. I grieve for those who lost their lives this morning, what a terrible, shameful waste of life.
I do not care how oppressed, marginalised or disenfranchised the perpetrators of this crime against humanity imagine themselves to be, there is not one iota of justification for an act of such callous and calculated evil. May God forgive them, if he can then he is better than me, because I cannot! I spit on them, fling my shoes in their faces and call them less than men. They are craven cowards and pitiless murderers who dishonour their families, their countries and the name of the God they claim to fight for.
I think that it is high time that our muslim brethren decided which side of the fence they are on and deliver these murderous pigs to the Police. 
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
07-07-2005, 19:31
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Re: London Underground explosions
To prove that not all French people are despicable ingrates, the following was posted in The Times today.
"France owes so much to Britain that as a French citizen one may only express a heartfelt feeling of horror and solidarity with the British people. We stand by you as you did so often during the past century. Thierry Tuot, Paris "
Enough said I think.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
07-07-2005, 20:05
white rabbits
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Re: London Underground explosions
thank god the accy members are safe....
the people who did this are just cowardly, PIGS,,,how can they sleep at night ?
Not a full brick
07-07-2005, 20:25
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Re: London Underground explosions
Originally Posted by harwood red
I don't think you will ever stop anyone who is completely committed to causing this sort of pain. It's a sad state of affairs
You can't stop somebody who is willing to take their own lives to do this
It is simply impossible and even if you do there will be another terrorist following in the last ones footsteps unfortunatly this was unevitable that this was going to happen and thankfully the london authorities were prepared and prevented as much loss of life as possible
The Voice of the Terrace
07-07-2005, 20:56
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Re: London Underground explosions
It worries me that if the government doesn't now take sensible action against suspected terrorists the people of Britain will.
We all know about the people who have been allowed into this country who live well on the backs of British taxpayers and repay us by inciting and indoctrinating hatred and terrorism. We all know that they have been handled with kid gloves and allowed to stay. We mustn't cause any offence.
Sorry, people, but when a rotten apple falls into the barrel you pick it out and despose of it. You don't wrap it in tissue paper and hope it doesn't spread its fungus.
So Al Quaeda is behind the carnage? This is not men from Afghanistan who have crept in overnight armed with explosives, in a Commando raid. The perpetrators have been here for some time, maybe all their lives, have carefully planned their operations and have been taught how to do so by those whose mentality is too extreme for most right-minded folks to comprehend. The government has known of the probability for years. They have done nothing.
It has to be stopped before the people of these islands take matters into their own hands and there is a bloodbath. I truly pity the many good, decent, hard working Muslims in our communities who will feel the backlash, in some quarters, from the activities of Al Quaeda. With more stringent immigration policies it would not have come to that. As it is, the BNP, an organisation I personally abhor, will capitalize on the event and indulge in their ususal rabble rousing.
Some cinemas let the flying monkeys in............and some don't.
07-07-2005, 21:37
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Re: London Underground explosions
The following is a statement issued by U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld in the wake of the deadly terrorist attacks in London on July 7, 2005: This morning, the civilized world watched with concern as the people of London saw the face of violence and brutality. We offer our deepest sympathies to the families who have lost loved ones and to those who were wounded.
Too often the global struggle against violent extremists is discussed in a context that can distract from the harsh reality that its victims are innocent mothers and fathers, husbands and wives, and neighbors we see and work with every day. Images from London have shown faces filled with tears and shock. Such faces are sadly familiar to us here in America. However, reports from London are already telling of calm passengers, compassionate strangers, and courageous rescuers. And that too is familiar — the grace and humanity that contrasts vividly with the hatred and violence of terrorists.
The London attacks have a special resonance for the American people — for America has no stronger or closer ally in the world than Great Britain. We are bound together by a common heritage, a common language and a deeply shared commitment to freedom. As President Bush indicated earlier this morning, the United States will stand with the British people with unflinching resolve.
Though it is not yet known with certainty precisely who is responsible, we do know terrorists' intentions. They strike without warning and without regard for human life in the hope that they can frighten and intimidate free people — to change our way of life. And they won't stop until their side or our side has prevailed.
But if these terrorists thought they could intimidate the people of a great nation, they picked the wrong people and the wrong nation. For generations, tyrants, fascists, and terrorists have sought to carry out their violent designs upon the British people only to founder upon its unrelenting shores.
Before long, I suspect that those responsible for these acts will encounter British steel. Their kind of steel has an uncommon strength. It does not bend or break.
The British have learned from history that this kind of evil must be confronted. It cannot be appeased. Our two countries understand well that once a people give in to terrorist's demands, whatever they are, their demands will grow.
The British people are determined and resolute. And I know the people of the United States are proud to stand at their side.

07-07-2005, 21:57
Re: London Underground explosions
Originally Posted by John_Timmins
You can't stop somebody who is willing to take their own lives to do this
Yes you can. You have to kill them first, before they kill others. Sounds harsh you may think. I bet it dosn't to the families of todays victims.
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07-07-2005, 22:12
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Re: London Underground explosions
I think that it is high time that our muslim brethren decided which side of the fence they are on and deliver these murderous pigs to the Police
fat chance of that happening though
these terrorists wouldnt even assosiate with muslims that wanted to live in peace
07-07-2005, 22:13
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Re: London Underground explosions
Or to put it another way, the peace loving muslims of Britain do not associate with people like this.
07-07-2005, 22:30
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Re: London Underground explosions
This only becomes a religious issue if we allow these bastards the opportunity. It’s time we stopped glamorising what they are doing by calling it Terrorism. These people are murdering cowards and should be treated as such. God Bless those that lost there lives today whoever they are, or whatever their religion. No matter what happens they can never come back. When they get these people they should suffer the same fate.
On - Stanley – On - Who’s Laughing Now -
Last edited by Doug; 07-07-2005 at 22:31.
07-07-2005, 23:00
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Re: London Underground explosions
And Ken Livingstone is a hypocrite
"This is not an attack against the rich and powerful. It is not an attack on
the politicians, but on the common working people of London," Livingstone
told reporters
Not so long ago.....
Ken Livingstone's refusal to acknowledge that he was wrong to welcome the
extremist Muslim cleric Dr Yusuf al-Qaradawi in July 2004 is a demonstration
of his disregard to the concerns some of London's diverse communities.
Livingstone was presented with a 214-page dossier compiled by the LCC, a
group comprised of 13 groups such as the Board of Deputies for British Jews,
the Hindu Forum of Britain and the gay rights group Outrage! Outlined was
evidence to support their opposition to Livingstone's red carpet treatment
to the *suicide bombing advocator*, women's rights suppressor, anti-gay
adherent of the militant Wuhhabi interpretation of Islam advocated by
al-Qaradawi, a "moderate" in Livingstone's eyes.

07-07-2005, 23:12
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Re: London Underground explosions
I have yet to see any of the horrors of this tragedy, although I've heard lots throughout the day on the radio. Truly awful, there really are some sick bastards on this planet.
'It's a carrot dangler'
07-07-2005, 23:24
Coffin Dodger.
Re: London Underground explosions
its a tragic fact of life sparkie that there is no concievable way to stop these barbaric acts,some say i.d.cards- totally useless if as is suspected its a HOME cell,and if not how can you legislate for this sort of thing, i wish we could. N.L.T.B.G.Y.D.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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