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26-01-2009, 19:14
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Re: Lordy Lordy
Originally Posted by SPUGGIE J
How else can they afford their lavish life style. Mind you £330 in allowances a day aint a lot is it.
It does seem quite a generous allowance, all for sitting in the warm, and having a nice snooze.
Hell, it's nearly enough for Councillor Britcliffe's hotel accommodation for two nights.
Only a tenner short. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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26-01-2009, 19:25
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Re: Lordy Lordy
Originally Posted by Stumped
All politicians, of whatever ilk, are only interested in lining their personal pockets at the expense of the gullible, long suffering tax-payer.
I disagree. There are politicans from all sides, whose primary concern is to benefit others, rather than themselves.
Even in these financially challenging times there's still more money to be made in the City or the Law, than there is in Whitehall (or Scaitcliffe House.)
I'd prefer to see the modern equivalents of Jenny Lee, Aneurin Bevan, and Bessie Braddock in politics. Their main raison d'etre for being involved in politics was primarily to help those less fortunate than themselves in society.
(I'm sure there must be a Tory old timer who had integrity, to add to my list, it's just that I can't think of one off the top of my head.)

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
26-01-2009, 19:28
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Lordy Lordy
whilst i respect Greg Popes stance on the matter, what i can't grasp is him saying " they should throw the book at them" when in fact they can't do sod all about it.  this fact i'm sure he knows, so therefore i suggest he puts some vigor into trying to change this scandal. cos whilst these people remain fireproof, words are meaningless. 
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26-01-2009, 19:47
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Re: Lordy Lordy
another scandal from yet more politicians, it never changes does it
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26-01-2009, 19:52
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Re: Lordy Lordy
flashy dear they learn their trade when involved with local polotics then move on to bigger scams when they become propper polotitions
well those that are as crooked as a £3 note that is which sadly seems to be quite a lot of them
its unfair to say all of them are crooks or scamming the system but theres quite a lot of them it would seem that are and do
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26-01-2009, 19:54
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Re: Lordy Lordy
Originally Posted by accyman
well those that are as crooked as a £3 note that is which sadly seems to be quite a lot of them
its unfair to say all of them are crooks or scamming the system but theres quite a lot of them it would seem that are and do
have you been on the happy pills today?
quite a lot of them? dont you mean 'the majority of them'?
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26-01-2009, 19:59
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Re: Lordy Lordy
Originally Posted by flashy
quite a lot of them? dont you mean 'the majority of them'?
I disagree - there are probably only a small minority of them that are in it for themselves, but the majority are hard working and dedicated to their job. If the majority of them were like that then the country would come to a standstill and we'd be hearing about different scandals every day. As it happens the scandals may be biggies but they're actually quite rare, only three or four a year (and usually the same ones involved).
It possibly just seems like they're all on the make because the papers like to make it look like it and because you don't hear about the ones that are just getting on and doing their job.
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
26-01-2009, 20:01
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Re: Lordy Lordy
yes Gayle, i see what you are saying and agree with most of it, the three or four a year are only the ones that WE hear about, i bet a lot more are covered up that we DONT hear about
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26-01-2009, 20:11
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Re: Lordy Lordy
Originally Posted by Greg Pope
My personal view is that if we are to have an upper House at all it should have no more than 100 members, be all-elected and similar to the US Senate, but clearly not many MPs share my view!
That's a shame because the present House of Lords with its collection of chinless wonders, bottom-lickers and general hangers on is an affront to modern democracy. The fact is that these people are in a position to take decisions which affect our lives because of who their fathers were or because they happened to toady up to Tony Blair...that's the REAL scandal.
26-01-2009, 20:14
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Lordy Lordy
nah wyn n even bigger scandal is the "Lords" has no comeback mechanism on these thieves.
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26-01-2009, 22:37
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Re: Lordy Lordy
I wholeheartedly agree, Spuggie, but having (barely) survived the Wilson, Callaghan and Foot years, I just sat back and waited until another dose of Labour policies were seen to all but destroy the wellbeing of our once proud country. UK PLC is like the Marie Celeste: abandoned and derilect in the stinking mire of rule by Brussels. Guess it's just another case of 'I told you so!'
 : behead:
26-01-2009, 22:50
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Re: Lordy Lordy
Fairness in politics! Pull the other one, Greg. You are subservient to an unelected Prime Minister who has now proved to be a failed chancellor who sold off the family silver to make himself and his murdering sidekick, Blair look good on the world stage. That being the case, then the views of the electorate are shown to have been sidelined in the interests of no-one but Gordon Brown. What we need is a General Election - NOW!
Last edited by Stumped; 26-01-2009 at 22:54.
26-01-2009, 22:54
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Re: Lordy Lordy
Originally Posted by Stumped
Fairness in politics! Pull the other one, Greg. You are subservient to an unelected Prime Minister who has now proved to be a failed chancellor who sold off the family silver to make himself and his murdering sidekick, Blair look good on the world stage. That being the case, then the views of the electorate are shown to have been sidelined in the intersts of no-one but Gordon Brown.
I'll think it's generally acknowledged that it was Thatcher who sold off the family silver, when she privatised the nationalised industries and utilities.
The most you can accuse Brown of selling off was the polish that was used to clean the silver, for that's all that was left. 
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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26-01-2009, 23:21
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Re: Lordy Lordy
Originally Posted by garinda

Shurely shome mishtake?
27-01-2009, 00:29
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Re: Lordy Lordy
Originally Posted by flashy
another scandal from yet more politicians, it never changes does it
Yeah but it's same old, same old. Greed for wonga.
I mentioned John Major's Conservative government earlier, and we really should be taking more inspiration from that era of 'Family Values' politics.
As well as all these finacial bungs we could do with some nice juicy sex scandals.
Things just aren't the same as in the 'good old days'.
I'll go and dig out my footy shirt, my gimp mask, and my bag of oranges.

'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.
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