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Old 27-01-2009, 00:37   #31
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Re: Lordy Lordy

This may well be the death knell for the House of Lords
...and not before time

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Old 27-01-2009, 10:18   #32
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Re: Lordy Lordy

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
I'll think it's generally acknowledged that it was Thatcher who sold off the family silver, when she privatised the nationalised industries and utilities.

The most you can accuse Brown of selling off was the polish that was used to clean the silver, for that's all that was left.
No Rindi it wasn't silver in Browns case it was Gold, a lot of people don't realise that to make his chancellorship look good he sold of our gold reserves
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Old 27-01-2009, 10:31   #33
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Re: Lordy Lordy

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
I disagree - there are probably only a small minority of them that are in it for themselves, but the majority are hard working and dedicated to their job. If the majority of them were like that then the country would come to a standstill and we'd be hearing about different scandals every day. As it happens the scandals may be biggies but they're actually quite rare, only three or four a year (and usually the same ones involved).

It possibly just seems like they're all on the make because the papers like to make it look like it and because you don't hear about the ones that are just getting on and doing their job.
I totally agree with you Gayle, it very sad that a few bring the rest into disrepute. On the whole MPs do a god job and as Rindi said in another post they could probable earn more in the city and get less flack for doing it too. My political standing is well known on here, but I have to say that we here in Hyndburn have been gifted throughout my involvement in politics, with first class honest representatives at the palace of Westminster. Aurthur Davidson, Ken Hargreaves and now Greg Pope, as I've said many time previously I don't see eye to eye politically with Greg, but I always see him as a thoroughly decent hard working MP as were Ken and Arthur before him
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Old 27-01-2009, 22:26   #34
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Re: Lordy Lordy

Not only did Prudence Brown sell off our gold reserves at a rock bottom price, anyone with a company pension will never forgive him for pillaging their pension funds in order to facilitate his benefits give away to the sick, lame and lazy. I reckon the government should follow America's example of limiting child benefit to two children. That would surely save the hard pressed taxpayer a bundle and stop the 'benefits breeders' in their tracks.

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Old 27-01-2009, 22:29   #35
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Re: Lordy Lordy

Don't think it is fair to pre-judge this situation just yet Jaysay ... if it is proved then we will all have a go at sticking the needles in ...
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Old 27-01-2009, 22:55   #36
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Re: Lordy Lordy

Originally Posted by katex View Post
Don't think it is fair to pre-judge this situation just yet Jaysay ... if it is proved then we will all have a go at sticking the needles in ...
if it aint proved then justice will have been ignored once more fer the chosen ones, the tapes give the game away in my book.
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Old 27-01-2009, 23:00   #37
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Re: Lordy Lordy

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
if it aint proved then justice will have been ignored once more fer the chosen ones, the tapes give the game away in my book.
Could it not be 'Cooking the Books' with IT?
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Old 27-01-2009, 23:18   #38
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Re: Lordy Lordy

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
if it aint proved then justice will have been ignored once more fer the chosen ones, the tapes give the game away in my book.
I think we can agree here. This is a massive scandal and can't really believe how little I've heard about it in the media.
formerly cyfr
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Old 28-01-2009, 00:23   #39
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Re: Lordy Lordy

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
if it aint proved then justice will have been ignored once more fer the chosen ones, the tapes give the game away in my book.
As you pointed out earlier, if the allegations are proved to be true, there is very little in way of legislation to punish our noble Law Lords.

Whether or not these four Lords are found to have broken the rules, Lord Taylor of Blackburn in his recent interviews since the Sunday Times published their findings after their investigation, showed scant regard for the matter, no humility, or indeed any doubt that he'd done anything at all wrong.

His manner and thinking would have lesser beings safely locked in a secure home somewhere, rather than sitting in the House of Lords, taking bungs.
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Old 28-01-2009, 00:32   #40
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Re: Lordy Lordy

as margaret said earlier, the lords should be done away with,jobs fer the boys has never cut it with me. if a second house is needed it should be an elected one that works fer legislation, NOT sleeps through it or takes backhanders like some of these owd *******.
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Old 28-01-2009, 00:37   #41
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Re: Lordy Lordy

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
as margaret said earlier, the lords should be done away with,jobs fer the boys has never cut it with me. if a second house is needed it should be an elected one that works fer legislation, NOT sleeps through it or takes backhanders like some of these owd *******.
Well that's me, you, MargaretR, and Greg Pope thinking along the same line, only another sixty million people to convince and the jobs a good un.

Labour's half hearted attempt at reforming the Lords has failed in my book, and sadly none of the other parties have made known any of their intentions to sort out this outdated relic of an institution.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 28-01-2009, 00:49   #42
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Re: Lordy Lordy

Originally Posted by garinda View Post

Labour's half hearted attempt at reforming the Lords has failed in my book, and sadly none of the other parties have made known any of their intentions to sort out this outdated relic of an institution.
agree, but no party will sort em,cos most of the "Big Guns" in all of em, intend to be put out to grass there.
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Old 28-01-2009, 09:48   #43
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Re: Lordy Lordy

It has now emerged that Lord Taylor claimed £400,000 in expenses from 2001 to 2008 that is for travel, meals and accommodation, that's over £50,000 a year, and they say they don't get paid in the upper house, in the immortal words of Yosser Hughes, "give us a job, I could do that"
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Old 28-01-2009, 15:24   #44
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Re: Lordy Lordy

The Lords is a long story, but I think we need to keep it. It is a good scrutiny body, which we need. Having an elected upper house would make it rather pointless unless we move in the American direction. The thing about the Lords is they can do and say things without needing to think about re-election, which makes it particularly good at scrutiny despite having no real powers.

Obviously these people who abuse the system should be dealt with, as they make the ones who are hard working look bad. Same with MP's.
formerly cyfr
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Old 28-01-2009, 15:37   #45
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Re: Lordy Lordy

then please explain how "Jobs fer the Boys" as is now, is preferable to n elected body? seems to me they get in now by arse-licking n towing someones line.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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