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Old 11-10-2006, 17:34   #16
Resting in Peace

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Re: Lovely stormy weather!

Originally Posted by grannyclaret
There was an almighty crash of thunder at half seven this morning....the rain was lashing down...then no more thunder,,,strange
I was extremely grateful for that GC ... for the 1st time in decades was late for work .. didn't set me alarm .. and that is what woke me up.

Great though, the morning passed very quickly
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Accrington Web
Old 11-10-2006, 18:51   #17
Filthy / Gorgeous

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Bejeweled Blitz Champion!
Re: Lovely stormy weather!

I had just finished a night shift and believe me it has not rained all night until I had to walk half a mile this morning to the learning centre at work, where I was giving a leacture before going home.

I got absolutely drenched and had to stand up in front of a room full of people looking like a drowned rat. The thunder was spectacular though and by the time I finished my session the rush hour traffic had all gone from the roads. It was a fantastic morning to curl up in bed and listen to the rain hammering against the window.......bliss.
Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.

The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
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Old 11-10-2006, 18:55   #18
Tricia's Avatar

Re: Lovely stormy weather!

Originally Posted by Tealeaf
We only get soft southern puffter rain down here, no good to anyone.
If you had been here today, you couldn't have said that. The street in front of our house was a river! It absolutely chucked it down - a real cloudburst, with thunder and lightning coming thick and fast.

The main difference is that today's rain wasn't all that cold. That's the Indian summer for you. More like monsoon!

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Old 11-10-2006, 19:07   #19
Resting in Peace

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Re: Lovely stormy weather!

[QUOTE=Tricia main difference is that today's rain wasn't all that cold. That's the Indian summer for you. More like monsoon!


Yeh, Tricia, was warm .. love it when you are abroad and they have a rainstorm and the streets dry within half and hour; but then you usually on holiday and doesn't matter if you get drenched, walking through the streets steaming.... poor Lettie, been there, done that.

Had appointment with important buyer once and took the Tube, heaven's opened, only 400 yards to walk, dripped all-over board room floor, mascara running, lacquered hair stuck to face, etc., still, in sales, not always a minus, they never forget you
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Old 11-10-2006, 21:12   #20
God Member
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Re: Lovely stormy weather!

I was listening to Radio Lancashire this morning before work and they were saying how bad it was. It was only raining here. I took my waterproof jacket to work for a change and my fleece. Absolutely chucked it down and thunder and lightening in the afternoon the lightening was over the houses next to the sports centre. Comes 3.30 when i was coming home - fine and its warm - just typical!!!
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Old 11-10-2006, 23:33   #21
Accy Goddess

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Re: Lovely stormy weather!

Storms are lovely when they are warm and if your not out in them.
I had just started walking home from work when the heavens opened. The rain hurt, It was freezing and I couldn't see a dam thing. By the time I got in I was wet through to my underwear.
Drowned rat wasn't in it.
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