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Old 20-03-2014, 20:28   #31
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Re: LSD? Could be good for you!

Ive taken LSD. I have no clue why anyone, especially those who have taken it can think it "good for you" perhaps its not bad for you in relation to mental health but an aid to health....what a laugh
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Old 20-03-2014, 23:27   #32
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Re: LSD? Could be good for you!

one bad trip and your life will never be the same.
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Old 21-03-2014, 08:08   #33
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Re: LSD? Could be good for you!

I knew a man who had experimented with drugs in the sixties. Since then his life had become a mess and he had many many years of psychiatric treatment and help to beat the demons which only came into his life after his drug taking days. Now, you may say that had he not taken the drugs he may still have had these mental health issues. That may be true,but he himself, put the problems down to his drug taking.

He not only ruined his own life, but that of his wife and his two sons.
In the end he committed suicide.
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Old 21-03-2014, 15:26   #34
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Re: LSD? Could be good for you!

That is sad indeed Margaret. However those that use LSD often used other drugs and mixed drugs. Unless this guy you knew only did LSD then it is somewhat irrelevant to this irritating subject
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Old 21-03-2014, 15:37   #35
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Re: LSD? Could be good for you!

No, Rob he did a mixed bag. He thought he was having 'fun' and that it was harmless.
It all started with weed...but progressed to other things.
The LSD caused him the most problems though(in terms of recurent hallucinations both visual and auditory)...he led his family a merry dance as they tried to support him.
All to no avail. Very sad, he was a lovely man.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 21-03-2014, 15:48   #36
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Re: LSD? Could be good for you!

Amphetamines is one of those drugs that cause serious mental problems and that was legally available not that long ago. My friends brother was an addict of that and he slit his wrists in front of his baby that was a few months old
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Old 21-03-2014, 16:10   #37
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Re: Re: LSD? Could be good for you!

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Some girl ended up in hospital few weeks back overdosing on high energy sugar drinks - not to mention all the others who end up obese from sugar they lace most ready meals with.
Dude stop comparing sugar to illegal drugs. No wonder people on this forum think you're crazy
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Old 21-03-2014, 17:01   #38
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Re: LSD? Could be good for you!

Originally Posted by Restless View Post
Amphetamines is one of those drugs that cause serious mental problems and that was legally available not that long ago. My friends brother was an addict of that and he slit his wrists in front of his baby that was a few months old
Amphetamines were one of the things he used too.
It is really very sad to think that not just the person who is using is afected, but that families lose the person they loved....because their personalities do change...and not for the better.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 22-03-2014, 09:11   #39
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Re: LSD? Could be good for you!


I have witnessed 2 people go off the rails mentally due to weed.
Why the Labour party ever thought it was a good idea to make it a class C drug beggers belief?
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Old 22-03-2014, 09:13   #40
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Re: Re: LSD? Could be good for you!

Originally Posted by DAV007 View Post

I have witnessed 2 people go off the rails mentally due to weed.
Why the Labour party ever thought it was a good idea to make it a class C drug beggers belief?
Did they smoke lots of the solid 'soapbar' stuff?
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Old 22-03-2014, 10:34   #41

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Re: LSD? Could be good for you!

Originally Posted by kestrelx View Post
Yes and it won't be made illegal because too much vested interest in this billion pound industry which was originally only possible because of the Slave trade - sugar was grown in the Caribean by slaves and shipped over to the UK.

Why do they put several table spoons of sugar in a shepards pie? Popcorn in the cinema though it tastes salty has about 15 teaspoons of sugar in one big carton - Heinz tomato soup has about 8 spoons in it.

Lsd may temporarily change someones thinking process but sugar also does; it makes people depressed and can cause mood swings.
Here you are again trying to convince us all that taking drugs is a good thing. Are you trying to make yourself feel better about your drug taking activities?

Talk about broken record, have you not learnt yet that most people on here think that when it comes to drugs you are wrong?
I think some of them only answer you because they are bored and like to play with you.
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Old 22-03-2014, 13:29   #42
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Re: LSD? Could be good for you!

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Here you are again trying to convince us all that taking drugs is a good thing. Are you trying to make yourself feel better about your drug taking activities?

Talk about broken record, have you not learnt yet that most people on here think that when it comes to drugs you are wrong?
I think some of them only answer you because they are bored and like to play with you.
Now that's a sweet pill! You ever heard of new research? or is the earth always flat for you - or any other theory or belief that may be out dated by new evidence? For example one of the main concepts that LSD makes people jump out of windows comes from a CIA experiement in which I doctor was spiiked in a hotel room and jumped out of the window.

Last edited by kestrelx; 22-03-2014 at 13:34.
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Old 23-03-2014, 13:43   #43

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Re: LSD? Could be good for you!

Are you just trying to justify to yourself that what you have taken is actually good for you or do you actually believe all that rubbish you post about drugs being good?
The best thing for everyone would be to never put any drug at all into your body but unfortunately Adam and Eve stuffed it up for us all and we get sick and take things to try and get better, some of which has side effects - some worse than others.
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Old 23-03-2014, 23:40   #44
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Re: Re: LSD? Could be good for you!

Originally Posted by Neil View Post
Are you just trying to justify to yourself that what you have taken is actually good for you
I think you will find that kestrelx stated on numerous occasions how he is against the recreational use of the substance 'Sugar' . Of which he partakes in minute quantities on a daily basis. ;-)
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Old 24-03-2014, 00:07   #45

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Re: LSD? Could be good for you!

I'm an addict, my daily caffeine intake is ridiculous at the moment. I expect to have had the equivalent of 14 cups of coffee today before I get home in the morning. Only about 7 3/4 teaspoons of sugar though
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