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17-01-2008, 00:53
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
The shop assistant's version of the story is that she didn't want to touch the book as her hands were not clean.
Not actually having been there I can't say who is telling the truth but if that was indeed what she did say then maybe the woman just got the wrong end of the stick.
I don't know of any reason why a Muslim would call Bible stories 'unclean'. They supposedly respect all holy books.
I imagine she is telling the truth and it has all got twisted by the media for a good story. Sounds more realistic.
17-01-2008, 01:49
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible
Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
The shop assistant's version of the story is that she didn't want to touch the book as her hands were not clean.
but she would have been touching FOOD with un-clean hands whilst serving others presumably,  
Last edited by BLACKBURN RAVER; 17-01-2008 at 01:50.
Reason: typo
17-01-2008, 01:53
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible
Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER
but she would have been touching FOOD with un-clean hands whilst serving others presumably,  
When do staff in mars and spencers touch food with their hands? its normally in a wrapper of some sort.
I'm sure my friend once mentioned something similar to this, i'm sure she said in her family the women werent allowed to touch their holy books, only the men. It might be different in different muslim families but im pretty sure there is something about women touching holy books that they believe.
17-01-2008, 01:55
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible
Originally Posted by blazey
When do staff in mars and spencers touch food with their hands? its normally in a wrapper of some sort. .
and a book has got a protective plastic/celophane coating!!!
wheres the diff  
17-01-2008, 01:57
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible
Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER
and a book has got a protective plastic/celophane coating!!!
wheres the diff  
Its a religious item. I take it you aren't religious at all?
Like how you cant touch the host with anything but your tongue if your catholic i guess. Just one of the rules. She doesn't mean literally unclean I imagine, just metaphorically speaking.
17-01-2008, 02:02
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible
Originally Posted by blazey
Its a religious item. I take it you aren't religious at all?
Like how you cant touch the host with anything but your tongue if your catholic i guess. Just one of the rules. She doesn't mean literally unclean I imagine, just metaphorically speaking.
c of e but i dont necessarily follow it,
17-01-2008, 02:08
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible
Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER
c of e but i dont necessarily follow it,
well are there not things in the C of E that you cant touch or say or do? things that may seem a bit odd to someone from a different religion or no reason at all?
I mean, catholics eating what they feel is the body and blood of christ must be odd to someone, and maybe its because catholics have odd ideas that i'm willing to understand someone elses odd ideas too. I dont know.
17-01-2008, 02:14
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible
Originally Posted by blazey
well are there not things in the C of E that you cant touch or say or do? things that may seem a bit odd to someone from a different religion or no reason at all? .
wouldnt know, as i said i dont follow religion, but if i did and i worked in a shop, i would do what i was paid to do and serve them the products they wanted regardless of my faith and beleifs or theirs for that matter !!
17-01-2008, 02:23
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible
Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER
wouldnt know, as i said i dont follow religion, but if i did and i worked in a shop, i would do what i was paid to do and serve them the products they wanted regardless of my faith and beleifs or theirs for that matter !!
I dont know what i'd do to be honest. The problem wouldn't have caused that much of an issue really. It'd be much worse if for example a jehovas witness doctor refused to give anyone a blood transfusion ust because of their own beliefs! Same problems occur when catholic nurses/doctors refuse abortions and stuff like that. This is very trivial and its hardly going to become a widescale problem. I think its only being made such a big deal of because it was a muslim girl to be truthful.
So many white people are racist and have problems with foreigners to the point of it being close to xenophobia yet its never in the media, only when we feel the person is playing the race card and then it looks bad on the victim still. Infact the only thing i can ever recall us caring about in regards to race hate from whites and that was when prince harry wore the nazi costume, and that was more likely due to the fact he was a royal, not the costume.
The media is just loads of scandal and lies most of the time. I dont think it matters if she refused to touch the book or not, the main point is is that if she refused to because of her religious beliefs, she did it out of respect for a religion native to our own country, not her own, and I think its nice that she could show that kind of respect even if it caused a problem.
I've also found that it seems they cant touch the quran or read it whilst they are menstruating, perhaps this is what she meant...
17-01-2008, 02:33
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible
well your going on about religion blah di blah, iv'e allways read/heard/ been told, that muslim woman were not allowed to work, and that it was their place to be at home whilst the man went out to work !!
if so and she was that religious....WHY is she working ??
just a thought...cant pick and choose as to what you beleive in its all or nothing surely !!!
17-01-2008, 02:39
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible
Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER
well your going on about religion blah di blah, iv'e allways read/heard/ been told, that muslim woman were not allowed to work, and that it was their place to be at home whilst the man went out to work !!
if so and she was that religious....WHY is she working ??
just a thought...cant pick and choose as to what you beleive in its all or nothing surely !!!
Well as with the english who were also against women working things change but as far as 'english' religions go, mainly denominations of christianity, the teachings dont just change completely over time, and not all aspects change in the same equal manner. Some traditions are kept and some arent.
For example, catholics are considering homosexual priests now, but abortion is still not acceptable. I think its an equality thing mainly. Men allow and accept women to work, particularly as their are fundamental rights that are protected, but some beliefs are just kept and not touching a holy book is one of them, its hardly hurt anyone!
17-01-2008, 02:39
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible
i stand corrected !!!
god i must be bored and an insomniac
The work of women
17-01-2008, 02:40
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible
Originally Posted by BLACKBURN RAVER
well your going on about religion blah di blah, iv'e allways read/heard/ been told, that muslim woman were not allowed to work, and that it was their place to be at home whilst the man went out to work !!
if so and she was that religious....WHY is she working ??
just a thought...cant pick and choose as to what you beleive in its all or nothing surely !!!
Also why do you bother saying your a C of E if you dont know about the religion? Fair enough to not follow it word for word but to not know restrictions entailed in the religion seems a bit strange! Though I'm saying that from a catholic perspective who doesnt necessarily follow word for word but still likes to have the faith and knows what the religions all about.
17-01-2008, 02:43
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible
Anyway I am going to go now, i have a lecture at 9am 
17-01-2008, 02:44
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible
Originally Posted by blazey
Also why do you bother saying your a C of E if you dont know about the religion? Fair enough to not follow it word for word but to not know restrictions entailed in the religion seems a bit strange! Though I'm saying that from a catholic perspective who doesnt necessarily follow word for word but still likes to have the faith and knows what the religions all about.
because that it what i have been brought up as, i used to go to church untill i started growing up and it kinda left me !!! im not saying i dont know anything just not fully so im not going to start harping on about it....
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