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Old 17-01-2008, 11:17   #31
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

what a load of b*ll**ks!!

what next they wont touch bacon at the checkout at asda?.......or as that one already been done
"Dont make someone a priority if your only an option!!"
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Old 17-01-2008, 12:57   #32
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Originally Posted by blazey View Post

The media is just loads of scandal and lies most of the time. I dont think it matters if she refused to touch the book or not, the main point is is that if she refused to because of her religious beliefs, she did it out of respect for a religion native to our own country, not her own, and I think its nice that she could show that kind of respect even if it caused a problem.

I've also found that it seems they cant touch the quran or read it whilst they are menstruating, perhaps this is what she meant...

You seem to be the only person who has got hold of the right end of this particular stick Blazey.

In her eyes it wouldn't be the book that was unclean. She was showing respect to the holy book by not wishing to defile it.Not because her hands were mucky dirty but because for some reason she deemed herself to be unclean. Perhaps she had just previously packed that bikini Garinda referred to, or perhaps she was menstruating.

Whatever the reason, it was herself she regarded as not worthy of handling the religious book.

The customer herself admitted that the woman didn't actually say to her that the book was unclean. She heard the word being said (a word which normally is only used to refer to symbolic cleanliness) and then she saw the hijab and drew her own conclusions that a Muslim was calling the Bible unclean. I don't believe that the Bible is seen by Muslims as anything unclean but rather as something to be revered and respected which is exactly what she was doing.

We demand that Muslims show respect to other religions and then when one does she is hauled over the coals for it and accused of being racist and offensive.

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Old 17-01-2008, 13:32   #33
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
You seem to be the only person who has got hold of the right end of this particular stick Blazey.

In her eyes it wouldn't be the book that was unclean. She was showing respect to the holy book by not wishing to defile it.Not because her hands were mucky dirty but because for some reason she deemed herself to be unclean. Perhaps she had just previously packed that bikini Garinda referred to, or perhaps she was menstruating.

Whatever the reason, it was herself she regarded as not worthy of handling the religious book.

The customer herself admitted that the woman didn't actually say to her that the book was unclean. She heard the word being said (a word which normally is only used to refer to symbolic cleanliness) and then she saw the hijab and drew her own conclusions that a Muslim was calling the Bible unclean. I don't believe that the Bible is seen by Muslims as anything unclean but rather as something to be revered and respected which is exactly what she was doing.

We demand that Muslims show respect to other religions and then when one does she is hauled over the coals for it and accused of being racist and offensive.

it wasn't a holy book ie: a was a book of bible stories !!!

BIG differance !!
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Old 17-01-2008, 13:50   #34
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Disgusting behaviour. Absolutely disgusting. Despite the friendly embracement of multi-cultural society Britain has given people, there are stiil idiots like this about. No wonder racial tension is so much of a problem.

Can you imagine if a Christian had said the same think to someone purchasing a book of a different faith?

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Old 17-01-2008, 13:53   #35
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Mrs Friday, 69, said: “The young lady was absolutely fine with the other stuff I was buying but when it came to the Bible she refused to touch it and asked me to put it in the shopping bag myself.

"She turned to another worker and said something about being unclean and at first I thought she was referring to a skirt I was buying and that there was a mark on it. Then she asked me to put the Bible in my shopping bag myself.

Muslim M&S worker 'refused to touch Bible' - Telegraph
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Old 17-01-2008, 14:58   #36
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Originally Posted by cashman View Post
its very difficult to take a press story as gospel, if it does turn out to be i will be slavering, until then i reserve opinion.
like i said,seems to be another load of cobblers from the press, n the gullible thrive on it.
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Old 17-01-2008, 15:05   #37
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Idiotic Britain!! They don't allow gambling but do the lottery? They are against alcohol but sell it in their corner shops? And their women are treated as second class citizens!! Equality is the answer.
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Old 17-01-2008, 15:43   #38


Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Originally Posted by panther View Post
what a load of b*ll**ks!!

what next they wont touch bacon at the checkout at asda?.......or as that one already been done

Karma sent..............

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Old 17-01-2008, 15:45   #39


Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Mrs Friday, 69, said: “The young lady was absolutely fine with the other stuff I was buying but when it came to the Bible she refused to touch it and asked me to put it in the shopping bag myself.

"She turned to another worker and said something about being unclean and at first I thought she was referring to a skirt I was buying and that there was a mark on it. Then she asked me to put the Bible in my shopping bag myself.

Muslim M&S worker 'refused to touch Bible' - Telegraph

Did you write that yourself darling..................

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Old 17-01-2008, 18:59   #40
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

She turned to another worker and said something about being unclean
She didn't say the book was unclean. She was showing respect to what she saw as a holy book. It had the word 'Bible' on the cover. There was a picture of it in the daily paper.

This poor girl is being slagged off because she treated a Christian book with the same respect she would show to the Koran. IMO she is owed an apology.

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Old 17-01-2008, 19:05   #41
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Originally Posted by panther View Post
what a load of b*ll**ks!!

what next they wont touch bacon at the checkout at asda?.......or as that one already been done
LOL, to be honest, YES.......quite recently!!!!
religion=the root of many a conflct
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Old 17-01-2008, 19:16   #42
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

aye these gods have a lot to answer for
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Old 17-01-2008, 19:21   #43
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

This is a link to a "story" from the Daily Mail... how could anyone possibly take seriously anything this "newspaper" reports????
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Old 17-01-2008, 20:07   #44
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Originally Posted by Mancie View Post
This is a link to a "story" from the Daily Mail... how could anyone possibly take seriously anything this "newspaper" reports????
Whatever the deep meaning of this incident Mancie, the customer could only take it on 'face value' at the time, and the assistant was out of order in allowing 'any' type of feeling/verbal diarrhoea to this article going through her till, and could have been done in a more professional way, not in front of the customer; religious drama queen's do not fit into our everyday shopping !

This lady was obviously distressed due the fact that the scene was played out in front of her, and she had not the courage to challenge the assistant at the time.. me, I would have gone bananas !!

When accepting this job with M & S she should have been honest with her employees that there were specific items of their products (at certain times of the month ) when she would have difficulty serving a customer, therefore, she was dishonest accepting the job, and should be offered her P45 on the spot !
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Old 17-01-2008, 20:15   #45
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

would she be aware they sold bibles katex? i sure as hell wasn,t whilst i see the sense in what ya say, its hard to think they would list every product on an interview.
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