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Old 17-01-2008, 23:49   #76
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Originally Posted by blazey View Post

This thread disgusts me so i'm not even going to reply again to it.
i wish someone had give me good odds on that.
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Old 17-01-2008, 23:58   #77
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Originally Posted by Lilly View Post
Yes, I for one know what the bible means. I've been going to church on a weekly basis for 30 years so I've picked a bit of it up.
And your one person. Not only one person has blown this out of proportion, its taken many people.
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Old 18-01-2008, 00:03   #78
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Originally Posted by blazey View Post
And your one person. Not only one person has blown this out of proportion, its taken many people.
Yes, agree probably is out of proportion Blazey, however, still feel M & S will look at this as 'customer service' at the end of the day. Will be interesting to see which way they play this, due to all the publicity.

Goodnight everyone .. good debate ..
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Old 18-01-2008, 08:24   #79
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

The Bible means a lot to me. However, I don't physically treat it the same way a devout Muslim would treat the Koran. Mine is rather tatty with worn crumpled pages. It has colour coded highlights in pencil crayon on numerous pages with hand written notes in the margins. It tends to get plonked down anywhere in the house and sometimes I spend ages wondering where the heck I last put it. It's the written content which matters to me not the actual printed and bound volume itself.

Having said that though, I appreciate when someone else from another faith treats what is my 'holy book' with the same respect and reverence they would treat their own 'holy book' and I can understand where they are coming from in doing this - showing respect for me and my faith. For this girl to have it thrown back at her and be accused of the exact opposite of what she was doing just shows the ignorance of her accusers.

M&S actually apologised to the shopper for any distress caused before they had even investigated the incident. I personally believe it's a case of the newspapers hearing one side of a story, not checking it out fully but printing a sensational headline anyway because. as this thread shows. people just love an excuse to complain about Muslims. I find that very sad.

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Old 18-01-2008, 12:32   #80
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
I personally believe it's a case of the newspapers hearing one side of a story, not checking it out fully but printing a sensational headline anyway because. as this thread shows. people just love an excuse to complain about Muslims. I find that very sad.

Daily Mail!!!!! Enough said!

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 18-01-2008, 12:33   #81
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Originally Posted by Gayle View Post
Daily Mail!!!!! Enough said!
I read it in the Daily Telegraph not the Mail.

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Old 18-01-2008, 12:52   #82
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

It was also in the Express and that was an even worse headline. No matter what the outcome of M&S questioning their staff I doubt very much we'd ever see a headline along the lines of "Muslim shop assistant wronged by false accusation from racist grannie"

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Old 18-01-2008, 12:58   #83
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
It was also in the Express and that was an even worse headline. No matter what the outcome of M&S questioning their staff I doubt very much we'd ever see a headline along the lines of "Muslim shop assistant wronged by false accusation from racist grannie"
Have you got a link to the news item that made you come to your opinion of the story because your interpretation does seem in the minority at the moment.

"At a football club, there's a holy trinity - the players, the manager and the supporters. Directors don't come into it. They're only there to sign cheques." - Bill Shankly
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Old 18-01-2008, 13:00   #84
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
The Bible means a lot to me. However, I don't physically treat it the same way a devout Muslim would treat the Koran. Mine is rather tatty with worn crumpled pages. It has colour coded highlights in pencil crayon on numerous pages with hand written notes in the margins. It tends to get plonked down anywhere in the house and sometimes I spend ages wondering where the heck I last put it. It's the written content which matters to me not the actual printed and bound volume itself.

Having said that though, I appreciate when someone else from another faith treats what is my 'holy book' with the same respect and reverence they would treat their own 'holy book' and I can understand where they are coming from in doing this - showing respect for me and my faith. For this girl to have it thrown back at her and be accused of the exact opposite of what she was doing just shows the ignorance of her accusers.

M&S actually apologised to the shopper for any distress caused before they had even investigated the incident. I personally believe it's a case of the newspapers hearing one side of a story, not checking it out fully but printing a sensational headline anyway because. as this thread shows. people just love an excuse to complain about Muslims. I find that very sad.

IT WASNT A BIBLE FFS...sorry had to shout as you dont seem to be getting this was a book of bible stories !!!! jeeeeeees...
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Old 18-01-2008, 14:27   #85
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

It had the word 'Bible' on the cover. I have to go out but I'll look for the article later which quoted what the shopper said and how she drew her conclusion, which coukld quite easily have been the wrong one.

Unfortunately I have to agree with you that my opinion seems to be the minority one and I find it very sad that the majority assume that it's a Muslim snub of Christianity.

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Old 18-01-2008, 14:38   #86
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

This is the Daily Mail article where the customer says:
She said: "I went to the till and heard the girl say it was unclean and then she got someone else to serve me.

"At first I wasn't sure what was going on and then I realised she was wearing a headdress and I clicked that the title of the book had Bible in it.

"I felt very humiliated and immediately left the store."
She heard her say something was unclean and thought at first she meant a skirt which had a mark on it - then she saw 'the headdress' and 'clicked' that the book had the word 'Bible' in the title - she drew her own conclusions. The shop assistant quite clearly did not point out that the Bible was unclean or the customer wouldn't have had any doubt what she was on about and wouldn't have needed to wonder.

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Old 18-01-2008, 14:44   #87
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Originally Posted by Bagpuss View Post
Have you got a link to the news item that made you come to your opinion of the story because your interpretation does seem in the minority at the moment.
whilst i dont agree with all willow thinks on this subject, i DO think this is much ado about nothing, which the media has as usual embellished, n its brought all the rats out of the woodwork.
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Old 18-01-2008, 14:45   #88
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp View Post
It had the word 'Bible' on the cover.
but it WASNT a bible was it ? so why refuse to touch it

ok so every newspaper that has reported this story has the word " bible " on it, now i dont know if they sell papers at marks' but if they do, would she refuse to sell the papers too !!!!

what a load of bulldung !!!
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Old 18-01-2008, 14:48   #89
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

Willow, I think what some people are getting at is the fact that it was not a bible.

Some are also wondering if you can give us a link to the article which has made you of the opinion that it was the M&S employee who was referring to herself as being “dirty” in some respect.
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Old 18-01-2008, 14:49   #90
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Re: M&S Muslim Refuses To Serve 'Unclean' Bible

As you say Cashy, this is all about 'nowt'...the media (it isn't just the was reported in most of the papers) have yet again whipped up a frenzy about something that could have been quite easily sorted.....but No as usual, there has to be mud slung.
Why don't the media tell us some real news?
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