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Old 12-05-2011, 21:24   #1
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Madelaine McCann

The Prime Minister has ordered a FULL inquiry into the diasappearance of Madelaine McCann, because her parents are blaming the Portugese Police, authorities, press and Uncle Tom Cobbley for her diasappearance

It hasnt been confirmed whether the investigation will include an examination of the behaviour of parents leaving a little girl alone in bed while they went on the p*ss (sorry, while they dined with friends), but presumably that will be included in any FULL inquiry..
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Old 12-05-2011, 21:30   #2
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Re: Madelaine McCann

why they were never charged wi neglect beats me, if had been n ordinary oik i'm sure they would.
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Old 12-05-2011, 22:49   #3
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Re: Madelaine McCann

At the very least they should be charged with neglect.
Every time i see them on tv it makes me squirm. They should write a book. How to get away with murder, the Mcann way.
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Old 12-05-2011, 22:58   #4
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Re: Madelaine McCann

I know them leaving the kids alone was wrong and yes, I agree they should have been charged with neglect, holiday or no holiday, however I still dont think the Portuguese authorities acted promptly enough at the time. They spent too long pussy footing around instead of looking for Maddie.
I think a full enquiry could be very interesting, and yes maybe they wont like what they read if they're negligence has been included in it, and if it has'nt then why not?
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Old 12-05-2011, 23:40   #5
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Re: Madelaine McCann

Originally Posted by Alan Varrechia View Post
At the very least they should be charged with neglect.
Every time i see them on tv it makes me squirm. They should write a book. How to get away with murder, the Mcann way.
It maybe that the parents of this child were negligent... but to accuse them of murdering their own child with not a scratch of evidence to support this is plain ingnorant.
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Old 13-05-2011, 06:31   #6

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Re: Madelaine McCann

How can he order a full enquiry into an event in another country?
They might just say no. I thought this had been looked into already.
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Old 13-05-2011, 09:11   #7
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Re: Madelaine McCann

I think the McCanns were probably guilty of something that lots of people have do at some stage in their lives, with no consequence, there's no doubt about it they should have been charged with neglect, but there was something went awry over there, there were mistakes made, but I can't for the life in me think they had anything to do with the child's disappearance, and for a senior police officer to virtually say they were responsible was at best crass or at worst stupid
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Old 13-05-2011, 09:47   #8
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Re: Madelaine McCann

I think alot of people find the way this was investigated on a bit dodgy.

I agree with most of you, the parents should have been charged with-out a doubt. I did catch something on the news yesterday morning that the Mum (Kate?) has now said that she thinks that her twns were drugged in some way as they were very sleepy and didnt wake up properly for a while after the discovery were made that Madalaine were missing. My question is why after years has she now decided to bring this up???

Very strange if you ask me.
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Old 13-05-2011, 09:58   #9
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Re: Madelaine McCann

Originally Posted by heth View Post
the Mum (Kate?) has now said that she thinks that her twns were drugged in some way as they were very sleepy and didnt wake up properly for a while after the discovery were made that Madalaine were missing. My question is why after years has she now decided to bring this up???

Very strange if you ask me.
So someone crept into the apartment, woke up the twins in order to drug them, and then abducted Madelaine leaving the twins sleeping soundly.

It just doesn't add up.
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Old 13-05-2011, 10:04   #10
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Re: Madelaine McCann

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
So someone crept into the apartment, woke up the twins in order to drug them, and then abducted Madelaine leaving the twins sleeping soundly.

It just doesn't add up.
Exactly, she said that she thinks they were drugged so they didnt wake if any noise were made taking Maddie.

I then switched off the TV, couldnt listen to any more.
I really do hope this little girl is safe and being looked after if she is still alive but I just dont get any of the "story" it doesnt rest easy with me.
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Old 13-05-2011, 10:41   #11
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Re: Madelaine McCann

there was so much furore and misinformation at the time this happened that maybe she did say something and the media just didn't report it.......or it got lost in the media reporting.
The press seemed to be more interested in vilifying the parents for their mistake.

Parents are human beings and as such can make errors of judgement. I feel sorry for the family....Yes, they did something which they now bitterly regret.......and they will be paying for it for the rest of their lives.
To those parents who feel smug and think they would never get themselves into this position I would say.......look at your you see nail holes? No? then you aren't perfect.

All parents do things, which on reflection, could have had serious consequences, the difference is...for this family the consequences happened, we heard about it and they were vilified.
Have some compassion do!
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Old 13-05-2011, 10:56   #12
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Re: Madelaine McCann

There is already a very long thread on this topic -

I have read a free ebook translation of -
"Maddie - The Truth of the Lie"
It was written by the Portugese detective who conducted the investigation.
Its publication was banned in the UK.

There are facts about this case which are being concealed from mainstream media which could influence your opinion.
I hope that a resurrection of the investigation will reveal the truth, but consider that the chances of that happening are slim.

Last edited by MargaretR; 13-05-2011 at 10:59.
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Old 13-05-2011, 11:28   #13
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Re: Madelaine McCann

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
There is already a very long thread on this topic -

I have read a free ebook translation of -
"Maddie - The Truth of the Lie"
It was written by the Portugese detective who conducted the investigation.
Its publication was banned in the UK.

There are facts about this case which are being concealed from mainstream media which could influence your opinion.
I hope that a resurrection of the investigation will reveal the truth, but consider that the chances of that happening are slim.
Gonçalo Amaral: The Truth of the Lie

Margaret, I might just read that...but I would have to read the one by Madelines mother as well.
I believe no detective is going to write a book which shows the investigation in anything but good light. It would be against his interests.....and so though I haven't yet read this, I would be dubious about its veracity.

I think re-hashing the details of this case does nobody any good.

It doesn't help that all over the fact all over the world, there are still people happy to condemn these parents.

If all the parents out there can think of losing a child for 4 is a horrible terrifying experience, and it feels like 4 try and imagine what it feels like to have lost a child for 4 years....and, in that time to be cast under the suspicion of murdering your own child.

I am not a particularly maternal person, I never have been......but for me this is beyond imagining.
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Old 13-05-2011, 11:33   #14
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Re: Madelaine McCann

The evidence of the sniffer dogs clinched it for me.
The whole rigmarole was a lie to cover an accidental death.

Why? - that is where the plot thickens - there are hints of paedolphilia within the McCann group.

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Old 13-05-2011, 12:05   #15
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Re: Madelaine McCann

Hints, do not constitute evidence though.
Had there been evidence then I am sure it would have been acted upon.
The Portugese Authorities would have loved to see the case with a satisfactory resolution.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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