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Old 13-11-2005, 18:48   #1
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Man beats HIV

Is this true? What will be the outcome? Who will profit? Here is the chance if it is true to find a cure for a disease that they thought incurable. My worry is that even with the gentlemans consent it will be those that can afford it that benifit. All those people in Africa both adults and children could benifit but will they get the cure should they find one? It happens too often that the poorest suffer and as Africa needs it and is unlikely to be able to afford it and it will continue. This will sicken me if it happens and I hope the same can be said for members hear.

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Old 13-11-2005, 18:50   #2
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Re: Man beats HIV

where did you hear this

if its true and hes a blood donor they wont even need his consent coz hes already given the blood away
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Old 13-11-2005, 18:52   #3
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Re: Man beats HIV

Originally Posted by chav1
where did you hear this

if its true and hes a blood donor they wont even need his consent coz hes already given the blood away
It was in some of the papers along with Sky News. My browser home page had a piece on it as well. Wether a blood donar I have to pass on that.

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Old 13-11-2005, 18:57   #4
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Re: Man beats HIV

He won't be a blood donor if he was diagnosed with HIV. I also read this story and his comments on how he would be happy to go through any tests needed if it helped to find a cure. Wow how mind blowing would that be???

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 13-11-2005, 18:58   #5
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Re: Man beats HIV

man who beats HIV dies in fire incident..

how sickening would that be if it happened lol
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Old 13-11-2005, 19:00   #6
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Re: Man beats HIV

Originally Posted by chav1
man who beats HIV dies in fire incident..

how sickening would that be if it happened lol
Yeah so sick that only you would think about it!!!!!!! If it did happen then there would be no limit on tests they could perform then... chav you sicko

I know this may come as a shock but believe it or not all views I may air on here are my own work!!!!!
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Old 13-11-2005, 19:08   #7
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Re: Man beats HIV

Originally Posted by chav1
man who beats HIV dies in fire incident..

how sickening would that be if it happened lol
It would be devestating as there could be 5 million kids that could benifit from this. Hope they rap this guy up in cotten wool and treat him with kid gloves.

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Old 13-11-2005, 19:26   #8
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Re: Man beats HIV

I wouldn't get too excited yet.... This man had a positive test in 2002, followed by 2 negative tests. It may have been a combination of things.

Firstly, a false positive result.....These can happen, which is why blood is retested.

A mistake in the lab, mislabelling of the sample. These things do happen a lot more frequently than we'd like. Tired, overworked staff are more prone to human error.

or he may have genuinely produced some defences to HIV.

Chances are that we will never find out as he has refused further testing, which is his perogative. Under current legislation nobody can force him to have tests or procedures done against his will.......unless the situation is considered so life threatening that his own life would be at risk (which it clearly isn't)...or he was deemed mentally too incompetent to make his own decisions, whereby a judge could overrule his lack of consent and force him to be tested.
Personally, I reckon that he has had a false positive test or a lab or labelling mistake. I do know of one other person that this has happened to.
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Old 13-11-2005, 19:34   #9
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Re: Man beats HIV

Lettie, hope it isnt all I can think of is how the HIV+ children could benifit from this if it is true he is now free of the disease.

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Old 13-11-2005, 19:50   #10
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Re: Man beats HIV

really hope the storys correct,but tend to agree with letties reasoning being more likely.
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Old 13-11-2005, 20:24   #11
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Re: Man beats HIV

Apparently the 'false test' theory occurred to him too and he tried to sue the hospital for compensation. The hospital, however, were adamant that the first test was accurate and that he was positive. This morning the BBC reported him as saying that he would be happy to do whatever he could to help researchers.
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Old 13-11-2005, 20:59   #12
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Re: Man beats HIV

Fingers crossed. Too much at stake for it to be a "wrong result".

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Old 13-11-2005, 21:27   #13
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Re: Man beats HIV

I think this is a case of "media hype". There is no real proof that this man was cured and no evidence to back up the story. It wouldn't be the first time the Press has sensationalized a story that proved to be entirely without substance.
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Old 14-11-2005, 22:33   #14
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Re: Man beats HIV

I heard it on the news.
I hope this is true but I wont hold my breath just yet.
Fingers crossed it will come about one day.
I hope it's one day soon.
A lot of people even in this day and age that are so ignorant that they beilieve it can be caught like a common cold by just being in the same room as the person or even a public loo seat.
It's a sad world we live in at times.
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Old 15-11-2005, 07:44   #15
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Re: Man beats HIV

Is the ignorence through fear or that they dont have or wont accept the facts?

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