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Old 04-01-2011, 21:52   #1
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glasgow guy's Avatar

Man caught warning motorists of speed camera is fined

BBC News - Grimsby driver defends warning others of speed gun

So a man who has succeeded in getting motorists to slow down is persecuted in an attempt to get motorists to slow down?
do you warn other motorists? I do..

Last edited by Neil; 08-01-2011 at 19:58. Reason: Deleted copyright text from BBC News website
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Old 04-01-2011, 22:12   #2
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Re: Man caught warning motorists of speed camera is fined

Yes, I would(and did when I was driving) serves the purpose.
Too often, the motorist is seen as a cash cow....speed cameras are rarely placed where they will do the most good(accident blackspots)......but they are placed where they will catch most motorists.

There is no evidence that speed cameras make the roads fact they may make them more dangerous. It is a well documented fact that motorists will slow down on the approach to a speed camera, then speed up again once they have passed the point where they can be 'flashed'.
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Old 04-01-2011, 22:13   #3
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Re: Man caught warning motorists of speed camera is fined

Lorry Drivers Warn other Lorry Drivers of Speed cameras Daily . I do it myself . I will carry on doinging it . Brakes on vehicles has become alot better in recent years , Both cars and lorrys . If i go round a corner like a roundabout too fast , my trailer brakes will come on and there is nothing i can do to stop it till the lorry is round the roundabout .
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Old 04-01-2011, 22:16   #4
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Re: Man caught warning motorists of speed camera is fined

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Yes, I would(and did when I was driving) serves the purpose.
Too often, the motorist is seen as a cash cow....speed cameras are rarely placed where they will do the most good(accident blackspots)......but they are placed where they will catch most motorists.

There is no evidence that speed cameras make the roads fact they may make them more dangerous. It is a well documented fact that motorists will slow down on the approach to a speed camera, then speed up again once they have passed the point where they can be 'flashed'.
Be wary of these vans , they can and do catch you speeding both ways .
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Old 04-01-2011, 22:20   #5
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Re: Man caught warning motorists of speed camera is fined

I don't drive anymore....and himself has a perfectly legal device which warns if you are exceeding the speed on the stretch of road you are travelling on.......a nagging woman tells him to slow down until within the legal range(no it isn't's a machine)....and the best of it is she doesn't stop telling him until he complies.......she is the only woman that he listens to!
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Old 04-01-2011, 22:35   #6
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Re: Man caught warning motorists of speed camera is fined

seems we have a conservative police force now, anything to squeeze money out of people, stupid planks (i've given up swearing for the new year)
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Old 04-01-2011, 23:02   #7
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Re: Man caught warning motorists of speed camera is fined

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
seems we have a conservative police force now, anything to squeeze money out of people, stupid planks (i've given up swearing for the new year)
Bet that resolution doesn't last long.

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Old 04-01-2011, 23:03   #8
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Re: Man caught warning motorists of speed camera is fined

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Old 05-01-2011, 00:20   #9

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Re: Man caught warning motorists of speed camera is fined

Originally Posted by flashy View Post
i've given up swearing for the new year

I just checked my text messages

I went through a speed trap coming home from Scotland just north of the border, think they were after English motorists
I was doing about 90mph in terrible weather and must have been lucky, maybe too much spray for the camera to pick out my reg plate. It was that bad I had my eyes closed and was driving using the force. The night before going up was even worse. It always rains or snows when I go up there, even in summer.

That was a friday, on the Monday I went through a 30mph speed trap in Croxteth, Liverpool (don't ask I like to live dangerously) I was above the limit again as I thought it was 40, good sized 2 lanes each side dual carraigeway. This one was probably in a sensible place but the motorway one was just a money making exercise.

This was in November so I must have got away with both. I hope that front number plate passing the MOT again, I would hate to have to change it for one you can read

Yes I do warn people, always have and I will carry on doing. I always thought it was illegal to park on a motorway bridge so how come they can park a van illegally on one to point a laser at you?
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Old 05-01-2011, 00:51   #10
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Re: Man caught warning motorists of speed camera is fined

Now I've heard everything!

If I know that motorists coming towards me are going to encounter a hazard which will make them brake sharply, I see it as my duty to warn them about it. It could be a fallen telegraph pole, a cow in the road or a jobsworth with a speed camera. I don't see an iota of difference between them.

I have always done it, and will continue to do so. The CPS should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves, and should concentrate their increasingly scarce resources on prosecuting criminals.

Last edited by gynn; 05-01-2011 at 00:58.
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Old 05-01-2011, 01:12   #11

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Re: Man caught warning motorists of speed camera is fined

By flashing oncoming cars you could cause them to brake sharply as well though
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Old 05-01-2011, 01:25   #12
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Re: Man caught warning motorists of speed camera is fined

Why is sticking to the speed limit deemed to be a bind? Surely as sensible drivers you would all agree that using a mobile phone is against the law, so why do you find it necessary to flout the speed restrictions? As a non driver I'm sure my opinions will count for very little on here but can assure you that as a pedestrian speeding was a major issue for me at my former address. Luckily now I live in a cul-de-sac where speeding isn't an issue but am sure that many of you would be up in arms if your childrens/grandchildrens lives were put in danger by speeding drivers. Why not follow the law with regards to speeding as in any other area of your daily lives???
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Old 05-01-2011, 01:49   #13

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Re: Man caught warning motorists of speed camera is fined

Originally Posted by BERNADETTE View Post
Why is sticking to the speed limit deemed to be a bind? Surely as sensible drivers you would all agree that using a mobile phone is against the law, so why do you find it necessary to flout the speed restrictions?

Many laws are created by idiots reacting to current events like the gun and knife laws.

Mobile phones and cars. I use mine all the time with a full bluetooth car kit. I think it is safer to talk on a bluetooth kit than it is to a passenger. You are never tempted to look at the person you are talking to when on the phone.

I agree about speed limits in most areas but some are just silly.

40mph on a big A road then turn off onto a country lane and its 60mph.

70mph on an empty motorway is also wrong in my opinion.

Illegally parked camera vans on footpaths, in bus stops and grass verges is also wrong but they still do it.
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Old 05-01-2011, 07:40   #14
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Re: Man caught warning motorists of speed camera is fined

I flash me lights and will carry on, they may have done this guy to make and "example" to other people but to be honest many people who flash will keep on flashing......................................thie r lights I mean!! ahem!!
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Old 05-01-2011, 07:56   #15
I am Banned

Re: Man caught warning motorists of speed camera is fined

no sympathy what so ever,these measures are here to enforce the legal speed limits in this country,which should be addeared to,even if the motorway is empty and its 3 a.m in the morning its still 70mph,so i will just go as bit faster,oh dear i have just been done by a police car on a bridge,tough if you cant stick to the legal limit,weather it be 30 mph or 70 mph you are a menace on the roads,these laws are there to be observed and to make the roads safer,and yes he was guilty of obstructing a police officer in the execution of his duty, ARCHBOLDS CRIMINAL LAW MANUAL, ROAD TRAFFIC ACT 1967 SUB SECTION 47 PARAGRAPH vii
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