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Old 24-05-2017, 18:00   #46
Beacon of light

Margaret Pilkington's Avatar
Re: Manchester Arena

Originally Posted by DAV007 View Post
Sad news, hopefully the 59 injured can make a full recovery
It is very likely that many of these injured will have life changing injuries and those who have not lost limbs have disfiguring injuries that they will see every day and be reminded that all they wanted to do was have a lovely night out watching a pop singer.

On another note, the father of the bomber says his son was innocent.
How does he work that one out?

I have been to Bury today and it was busier than usual. I spoke to a stall holder and she told me that many of their customers had said that they would not 'risk' shopping in Manchester.

Me? I have lost my unconditional positive regard.
Today I looked at the Asian men with rucksacks and wondered if they were A's or B's...Abusers, or bombers.
That may seem unfair, but I do not apologise for being suspicious, for not trusting anyone who looks (from their clothes or their appearance) to be Muslim.

It is no surprise that mosques are reporting an increase in what they consider to be racial incidents, verbal abuse and criminal damage.( I do not condone any of these things)
There was a spokesperson outside the Manchester Islamic centre who spoke eloquently of not supporting extremist members of the community...they said their centre was for all people...any colour creed or faith.
He said all the right things....all the things that he supposes we want to hear, but until these communities follow up these words with actions, then I am not convinced they mean anything.
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Old 24-05-2017, 18:26   #47
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Re: Manchester Arena

I heard the Father has been arrested also the bombers brother in Libya,so looks like he may have been indoctrinated by daddy.?
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Old 24-05-2017, 20:12   #48
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Manchester Arena

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
There was a spokesperson outside the Manchester Islamic centre who spoke eloquently of not supporting extremist members of the community..
All well & good, but as long as these people subscribe & follow the tenets of Mad Moes big bumper grimoire of fun for Koranderthals the hatred will continue. It's all written down & as good Mohammedans they are bound to follow its doctrine & that includes lying through your teeth (taquiyya) to kafirs & infidels as that's part & parcel of the code.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 24-05-2017, 20:37   #49
Beacon of light

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Re: Manchester Arena

Yes, as I said I distrust weasel words.
It is actions that count.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 24-05-2017, 20:53   #50
Senior Member

Re: Manchester Arena

Terrible what has happened. They cannot even be called human, because they're definitely not. They are just pure monsters. It's heartbreaking. There is a vigil tomorrow evening in the grounds of St James church, Accrington at 7.30. Hope it is well attended, because all the vigils that are happening around the country shows the monsters that we as humans stand together.

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Old 24-05-2017, 21:43   #51
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Manchester Arena

Originally Posted by Sara View Post
There is a vigil tomorrow evening in the grounds of St James church, Accrington at 7.30. Hope it is well attended, because all the vigils that are happening around the country shows the monsters that we as humans stand together.
I understand that it's well intentioned, but how does it actually benefit anyone? The attendees will more than likely be those who espouse liberal, non confrontational attitudes, the mind set that we can all get on together as long as the indigenous allow the "newcomers" to carry on with their ethnic ways & everything will be just peachy!

It's those ways that have destroyed their original homes & lands & turned them into the lawless inhospitable cesspits they now are! Appeasement & tolerance of their backward culture has brought us to the situation we find ourselves living with now. One Country, one set of laws & rules, we were here first, this is our way, you chose to come here, don't like it, don't come knocking on our door, it really is that simple.

The sooner the sjw's, snowflakes & bed wetting , hand wringing liberals eventually "Get it", the sooner we can return to being a united happy little Island of Britishers again!
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I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 24-05-2017, 22:02   #52
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
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Re: Manchester Arena

Originally Posted by Sara View Post
Terrible what has happened. They cannot even be called human, because they're definitely not. They are just pure monsters. It's heartbreaking. There is a vigil tomorrow evening in the grounds of St James church, Accrington at 7.30. Hope it is well attended, because all the vigils that are happening around the country shows the monsters that we as humans stand together.
Well, or should that be all well and good? We suffer innocent people being murdered by fanatics of any colour or creed, innocent people just going about their lives and you and your kind can only come up with a vigil?

We need to get everyone behind us, (and by us I mean mankind working for our future not just the future of one race) to dismiss as abhorrent any such actions anyone that isn't for peaceful co-existence, I hate the killing of any person but there has to be a limit, it is time that if caught, we send these folk to enjoy their 74 virgins as soon as possible.

Why should we put up with children being slaughtered?
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Old 24-05-2017, 23:17   #53
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Re: Manchester Arena

This LOSER spent 3 weeks in Libya?
How many crack intelligence bureaucrats missed that glaring clue?
Perhaps upon his return he should have been fitted with an electronic ankle bracelet complete with bells and required to wear a sign around his neck clearly marked "Unclean Stupid Loser" ...."Possibly Dangerous".
If they want to return to the middle ages let's provide them with some of the accoutrements.
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Old 25-05-2017, 05:35   #54
Beacon of light

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Re: Manchester Arena

Less, when these murderers are dispatched to their version of paradise and they get their 74 virgins...all these virgins are 74!
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 25-05-2017, 06:33   #55
Beacon of light

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Re: Manchester Arena

I know that it has been said that internment of such murderers would not work...and to some degree I think that is true,but it could be a solution of sorts.
Especially if these terrorists were housed on some remote, bleak and cold Scottish island.
Somewhere that is a damn good swim away from the mainland(say 10 miles), somewhere with no phone or Internet signal and only heather to fall out with.
Drop them off with just enough supplies to make a bivouac and then drop beans and rice on a monthly basis.
It would be a cheapest option as no one would be needed to supervise their lives.
So what is wrong with this...well, of course it does not meet with the criteria of the EHCR.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 25-05-2017, 06:47   #56
Beacon of light

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Re: Manchester Arena

List of Islamic Terror Attacks
Have a look at this.
Islam, the Religion of Peace??
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 25-05-2017, 12:25   #57
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Re: Manchester Arena

So many surprised that they targeted children, they must be unaware of the terrible acts Muslims inflict on one another- unaware of such attacks as like the Peshawar School massacre

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Old 25-05-2017, 13:37   #58
Beacon of light

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Re: Manchester Arena

I think we are aware of what Muslims do to one another...barbarity is a mediaeval thing.
This religion and culture has not moved from the Middle Ages.
This creatures parents fled from Libya. They were given sanctuary in a country noted for its ability to take in the waifs and strays...a country that is tolerant of the customs and cultures of others.
We may not want to avail ourselves of these customs and cultures, but we do not mind incomers keeping hold of theirs.
This creature was schooled here, had freedoms here(freedoms which he despised so much)he was given health care,he was housed.
This is how we are paid for our hospitality.
If this person hated these freedoms so much why did he not just go back to live in Libya?
He and his family were obviously in no danger or disadvantaged, since his parents and a younger brother live there...he visited for months at a time.

What a brave jihadi he was(heavy on the sarcasm)...killing girls and women.
If he wanted to fight (and die in Martyrdom) he could have gone to any of the places where conflict is taking place and fought real men...but no, he preferred to murder little girls.

I have found over the last days I have been angered beyond belief, that I distrust those who are or appear to be of this peaceful faith...Muslims.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
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Old 25-05-2017, 16:55   #59

Re: Manchester Arena

I have been devastated and in tears watching the news over the past few days. Very traumatic. Thoughts and prayers. God bless us all.

David Procter
Baja, Mexico
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Old 25-05-2017, 22:15   #60
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Re: Manchester Arena

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
I know that it has been said that internment of such murderers would not work...and to some degree I think that is true,but it could be a solution of sorts.
Especially if these terrorists were housed on some remote, bleak and cold Scottish island.
Somewhere that is a damn good swim away from the mainland(say 10 miles), somewhere with no phone or Internet signal and only heather to fall out with.
Drop them off with just enough supplies to make a bivouac and then drop beans and rice on a monthly basis.
It would be a cheapest option as no one would be needed to supervise their lives.
So what is wrong with this...well, of course it does not meet with the criteria of the EHCR.
A Scottish island is too close!

Can we not send them to somewhere more distant?
Like.... ummmmm... Australia? As our forefathers did not so many generations ago?

Oh, sorry, the aussies are more enlightened than us, they have strict immigration controls nowadays!!
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