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Old 27-05-2017, 10:03   #76
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Re: Manchester Arena

Corbyn had a car crash yesterday with the Andrew Neil interview. You would have to be as thick as mince to vote Labour
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Old 27-05-2017, 11:01   #77
Beacon of light

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Re: Manchester Arena

There are still some very blinkered Labour supporters out there.
Those that would vote for a monkey as long as it was travelling under the Labour banner...those who know no other way to vote...those who vote without thinking about what their vote actually means.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 28-05-2017, 10:32   #78
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Re: Manchester Arena

So who are you voting for? You cannot possibly be voting Tory. UKIP then , they have achieved their aim of getting us out of Europe . Liberal? You've got to be joking!! So it brings us back to who are you voting for? For an old timer like me , with a long memory, I would chop off my arm than vote Tory. With all his faults, mostly lies by the Tory press, I am left with Corbyn. So it's Labour for me like it was at my first election in the 1950s
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Old 28-05-2017, 10:54   #79
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Manchester Arena

All my life i have voted Labour, I want out of Europe more than anything for the sake of my grandkids, I certainly WILL NOT vote Labour this time, The Leader wants to discuss with terrorists @ Barbarians, i certainly think thats the stupidest thing ive ever heard, you vote for him if yeh wish i would vote tory much as i despise them, Soft on Terrorists, soft on Europe, not for me.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 28-05-2017, 10:58   #80
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Re: Manchester Arena

Been reading the Daily Mail again Cashy?Think for yourself!!!
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Old 28-05-2017, 11:00   #81
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Re: Manchester Arena

Originally Posted by Jim Procter View Post
Been reading the Daily Mail again Cashy?Think for yourself!!!
I dont read the daily mail i dont need silly sods to tell me to think for myself either.also i wouldn't vote for a pig if it had red rosette on either.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.

Last edited by cashman; 28-05-2017 at 11:03.
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Old 28-05-2017, 11:15   #82
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Re: Manchester Arena

I totally agree with Cashman.
I'm almost ashamed to say I will vote Conservative for the first time in my life.
Once Corbyn has been ousted I may return to being a faithful labourite.
Anyway it's too late to change my mind in this election period.
My vote for the Tory has been already posted.

And I don't read the Daily Mail.
Gremlin R.T.
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Old 28-05-2017, 11:24   #83
Beacon of light

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Re: Manchester Arena

Well Jim, even a vote for one of those other parties may put Jeremy Corbyn into it cannot be one of those.
I can think for myself and I can also work out that Jeremy Corbyn is playing to those who want Utopia(his version of it) but want others to pay for it.
We would get into that cycle of borrowing by Labour to fund their ideologies(unlimited welfare for everyone regardless of whther you have paid in or not)...then they would lose power and the nasty, tough, tories would impose austerity budgets to try and get us back into some sort of financial shape(and before anyone tells me that we are NOT in sound financial state due to government borrowing...I know this.)

I have never stuck to party ideologies. I have voted for the party whose policies make the best fist of it(at that time)...sometimes I have spoiled my paper because I have not liked any of them....but this time I am going to vote for Theresa May.
She seems less like a tory. She has integrity, and is willing to listen to the electorate.
I think she has guts and I think she will take no crap from those who would shaft us in the EU.
I really believe she would walk away from the table rather than accept a deal which is not beneficial to the UK.
I know Jeremy Corbyn would not.
He is not a leader...he is manipulated by others in the party Like John Mc Donnell.
He is a terrorist sympathiser(despite what he says...he has voted 17 times against anti terror legislation since 1983...this is not from the is from Hansard) and an IRA apologist.
So how on earth you can vote Labour Jim, is beyond me. But we all have one vote and you can cast it in whatever way you choose.
Labour will not be getting mine
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 28-05-2017 at 11:27.
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Old 28-05-2017, 11:29   #84
Beacon of light

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Re: Manchester Arena

I would eat my own eyeballs before I would vote for Labour right now.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 28-05-2017, 11:49   #85
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Re: Manchester Arena

Both parties have said that they will get tough on terrorists.
Neither of them have said how this will be effected.
What we need is a branch of the Border force with special powers.
They should be given the resources to investigate all 23,000 people who are currently designated by MI5 and MI6 as 'of interest'.
They should also go around the country to all the takeaways and businesses that employ foreign labour and check if these worker are legal or not.
They do this in Australia and if people are found who have no right to be in the country they are sent back to where they came from.

We have had terribly lax border security for too many years and the upshot is we do not know who is here and should not be. It is time to sort that out.

If anyone knocks on my door asking for my vote I will be asking them some very pointed question. This one about security will be top of my list.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 28-05-2017, 12:05   #86
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Re: Manchester Arena

I cannot believe what I have just read, did my eyes fail me, so I read it a 2nd time, still the same. I think I am of a similar age to Jim Proctor, and I cannot agree with anything he has written. There has never been a Labour Government in my lifetime, nearly seventy years that has been any good. Every one has left us with financial difficulties. The pipe smoking Harold Wilson actually preferred Cigars, in private of course. Tony Blair the architect of all the immigration problems this Country has to suffer. His war on Iraq was a Lie. Numerous other comments I could make, but the list is to long.

I must have lived a very sheltered life, after the tragedy that happened in Manchester, I was watching Sky News, they went into a Market, it was live viewing, I thought it was somewhere in the Middle was MANCHESTER, my god what happened, how did we walk into this. We are so lucky in Scotland, immigration is low.

My vote will be a CONSERVATIVE VOTE I want to come out of this Corrupt EU, my country given back to us, and at this point in time Theresa May is the only person I would trust.

Like I have said in a previous post, you would have to be as THICK AS MINCE, TO VOTE LABOUR WITH JEREMY CORBYN AS THE LEADER.
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Old 28-05-2017, 13:38   #87
Beacon of light

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Re: Manchester Arena

I wish I could double like that post Bea...I think you must be inside my head.
I will be at my biblical sell by date next month so I am not wet behind the ears.
I am also able to read, research and make my own mind up about things I see in my daily life.
I can also reason that a vote for Labour would not help us in any way shape or form because the current manifesto policies are pie in the sky...and they were meant to be, because you can promise ANYTHING you like if you KNOW you are never going to be asked to deliver.
A Labour government would see those whom Labour consider to be rich, fleeced for taxes(I doubt that the big multinational companies would be targetted because they would just up and would those who were paying for idle burgers to sit about the house and watch Jeremy Kyle).
And before people tell me that not all those on benefits are like that.....enough of them are.
It should NEVER be more lucrative to live on handouts than it is to go out to work.
There are some on benefits right now who are getting more tax free money than a couple who both work and claim only tax credits. That cannot be fair or just.

People cannot expect to be kept by the state.
Rights come with responsibility.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 28-05-2017, 14:18   #88
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Re: Manchester Arena

I am heartened by your comments, I will try a few more. Oh! just a thought I cannot be of a similar age to J Proctor if he voted in 1950, that would make him in his 90's, no where near that.

Tonight at 6.00 pm on the BBC, Andrew Neil is interviewing Her Majesty, Queen of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon, If anyone on the Website is interested, please watch and post your comments on here. I will be posting
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Old 28-05-2017, 14:29   #89
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Re: Manchester Arena

I suspect that most of you are really Labour at heart.Its Corbyn that's the problem isn't it?And from what I have read on this site the Hyndburn M P is not well liked. Well I have a Labour M P who is first class, who is always looking after her constituents, a bit like the late Jo Cox That's why I am voting Labour.
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Old 28-05-2017, 14:41   #90
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Re: Manchester Arena

Not just him, was on Andrew Marr that silly bitch Dianne Abbott and all the terror groups she refused to vote to ban,no-one with a grain of sense should put people like this in power. They are a danger to the public in my view.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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