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05-06-2017, 07:07
Beacon of light
Re: Manchester Arena
Yesterday he said he did not agree with a 'shoot to kill' policy for terrorists.
There was an uproar, so today he said he didn't mean it.
He is the man who would encourage more of these people to come here, he would give them places to live, he would give them money to live off...and they would reward his'kindness' by murdering us.
Now, the government are finally saying that it is time to get tough on terrorists...but their 'tough' is still too soft and will do little other than making Muslims feel like they are being targeted.
There has to be an answer, however unpalatable that might be...the only other option is to have these murderers regularly slaughtering innocent people.
Tourists will stop coming to our cities and it will all be because no one has the cojones to step up and get these Muslim murderers out of our communities.
As to the Muslim communities...lots of platitudes but little in the way of action. Doesn't cut it for me.
I am not racist, I am not a xenophobic. I can live peaceably alongside my neighbours. I can tolerate people who come here for mutual benefits for both them and the country.
What I cannot stomach is people who have malicious intent towards the people of the country they (or their parents)chose to come to.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
05-06-2017, 07:40
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Manchester Arena
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Yesterday he said he did not agree with a 'shoot to kill' policy for terrorists.
There was an uproar, so today he said he didn't mean it.
He is the man who would encourage more of these people to come here, he would give them places to live, he would give them money to live off...and they would reward his'kindness' by murdering us.
Now, the government are finally saying that it is time to get tough on terrorists...but their 'tough' is still too soft and will do little other than making Muslims feel like they are being targeted.
There has to be an answer, however unpalatable that might be...the only other option is to have these murderers regularly slaughtering innocent people.
Tourists will stop coming to our cities and it will all be because no one has the cojones to step up and get these Muslim murderers out of our communities.
As to the Muslim communities...lots of platitudes but little in the way of action. Doesn't cut it for me.
I am not racist, I am not a xenophobic. I can live peaceably alongside my neighbours. I can tolerate people who come here for mutual benefits for both them and the country.
What I cannot stomach is people who have malicious intent towards the people of the country they (or their parents)chose to come to.
Most people are not, but it suits the do-gooding pillocks to call people that,before they will ponder whats actually going on. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
05-06-2017, 10:45
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Manchester Arena
Originally Posted by monkey hanger
or is it japan doesn,t shove its nose into other countries problems like the yanks and us constantly do.
"Sticking noses in" may have some bearing on the situation, but the escalation of terrorist actions is in the main due to the backward degenerate mentality of some of its followers interpretation of their ideology (or so we keep getting told by the appeasers & "moderate" Mohammedans).
That & an ineffectual political class who disregard genuine concerns & complaints of the general populace. All this, aided & abetted by their apparatus in the form of law enforcement & judiciary encouraged by the howling baying creatures of antifa/soros' hope no soap etc & our so called lefty wankerati intelligentsia! These pigs should be equally accountable for these atrocities due their continued support, assistance & defence of those responsible for the acts of terrorist murder at present happening across western europe.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
05-06-2017, 11:31
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Re: Manchester Arena
I listened to the pop concert at the Old Trafford cricket ground last night in aid of the victims of the terrorist attack and I was mightily impressed. I am not normally one who listens to modern pop but the audience were obviously enjoying themselves and joining in with the songs. Most of the artists I had never heard of and the music was totally foreign to my ears but after a while I found myself humming along to the tunes and beginning to enjoy myself. As an old fart of 86 who usually loves classical music I began to wonder if music of any kind was the answer to the terrorists.Whilst we will never stop these people , with their warped values,we can at least show them that with music we can all counter their meaningless acts of depravity.The young folks showed the way last night and I for one was with them all the way. Well done to them all for standing up for British values.
05-06-2017, 17:37
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Manchester Arena
Originally Posted by Jim Procter
we can at least show them that with music we can all counter their meaningless acts of depravity.
Only if applied Lt Col Bill Kilgore style, I mean its only fair, seems to be the only thing the savages respect is brutality & we can only defeat them using their own logic.
in case you aren't sure who Lt Col B Kilgore is, see below (and although he's a fictional character in reality through the ages there have been military commanders of equally hard brutality willing to do what's necessary)
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
05-06-2017, 22:20
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Re: Manchester Arena
D in G, please don't take part of my remarks out of context, to try to prove some theory you have that terrorism will only be defeated by force alone.Music can be the rallying force as the youngsters showed at the concert, to beat these depraved people and starve them of the oxygen of cheap publicity , that their murderous actions tried to achieve.There is another way , a democratic way, to prove that millions of people like us can't be wrong, and that terrorism will never succeed.
06-06-2017, 05:11
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Manchester Arena
Originally Posted by Jim Procter
D in G, please don't take part of my remarks out of context, to try to prove some theory you have that terrorism will only be defeated by force alone.
Not out of context Jim, your idea of music being of any use to defeat terrorist scum murdering innocents is about as effective as the wet liberal lefties ideas of hugging everyone, holding hands, laying candles, teddie bears & other tat while singing Kumbya at a sight of a massacre ........ yeah really! So how many mad mohammedans has that stopped?
The muslim bumper book of fun defines their attitudes & that attitude is that everything should succumb to their ways or be destroyed because mad mo said so! It's there plain to see if you care to browse through their book of fairy tales.
Look at any land where mohammedans are in the majority & governing & you wil see a brutal regime where there is no such thing as free will & as for diversity & equality your having a laugh! I'll give you 2 prime examples to ponder on about how brutality defines their nations Iraq (of which I have personal experience) & Libya.
The 1st was governed by Saddam, his family & cronies a brutal regime killing "their own" so if that's the contempt they have for their own kinsmen an outsider has absolutely no chance. The 2nd Libya, that nice chappie Gadaffi, brutalising all & sundry that weren't of his tribe, he was toppled & butchered for his sins to be replaced by what? A smooth running western style democracy .... my arse, the land is a seething mass of like minded tribes & despots all vying with various levels of murder & brutality to clamber to the top of the shyte heap & you think a bit of a karaoke sing-song is going to put things to rights do you Jim?
Well if that makes you feel happy & superior to knuckle dragging realists like me you crack on mate, but when ali abdul arsole is after slaughtering your family & friends you'd wish a knuckle dragger like me & my ilk would have been about to be "Nasty" to these people.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
06-06-2017, 06:24
Beacon of light
Re: Manchester Arena
The big mistake made, was thinking that you can introduce democracy to tribal minds.
Minds that are stuck in 7th century ideologies, but with 21st century technology.
The Muslims consider pop music to be the work of Satan...they don't much care for other music either.
Much of the western freedoms are considered to be evil too...so why do they come here.
What they would really like is to convert us all to their religion of peace(my eye).
Converting from Islam is punishable by death. Theft is treated by lopping off the 'food' hand...so you are marked out as someone who eats with the hand that cleans your behind...unfit for social company.
Adulterers are stoned to death...and the woman is always blamed.
There are so many barbarities they practise on their own clans...and to them it is how they live their lives.
Their religion is not an 'add on'...it is the reason for being.
The Koran teaches them not to make friends with non believers unless the non believer can be of benefit(financially, socially or in some other way).
I look at ALL Muslims with distrust. I wonder what malice they have in their hearts for me and my country.
This is an enemy which will be hard to defeat because they are here in our midst.
In a war, you usually know who,your enemy is...they wear a uniform, there is a 'theatre of war' a battleground.
In this case we cannot recognise our enemies by these means.
We can only look and see their colour, the way they dress(although that is no guarantee because for their killing sprees they dress like many western young men).
Is it any wonder that the police are noting a rise in hate crimes?
What about the hate crime of butchering innocent young girls and people on a night out?
It is like all racial issues...a one way street that favours the ethnic people rather than the indigent population.
There are northern towns where young Muslim males intimidate people who 'trespass' into their enclaves.
Do you think the police call this a hate crime? I can tell you that they don't.
It is time that radical action was taken, because if it isn't I can see people taking things into their own hands.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
06-06-2017, 08:52
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Re: Manchester Arena
Is it any wonder that the police are noting a rise in hate crimes?
What about the hate crime of butchering innocent young girls and people on a night out?
It is like all racial issues...a one way street that favours the ethnic people rather than the indigent population.
There are northern towns where young Muslim males intimidate people who 'trespass' into their enclaves.
Do you think the police call this a hate crime? I can tell you that they don't.
It is time that radical action was taken, because if it isn't I can see people taking things into their own hands.[/QUOTE]
careful you might be on someone,s watch list coming out with statements like you have. however what you state is the truth as i see it too. living over the other side of the hill things are just the same. these no go areas seem to get bigger as the years go on and its about time the police police em like everywhere else. funny how they managed to crush the miners years ago but the do gooders weren,t too bothered about it. i wonder why.
06-06-2017, 09:31
Always EVIL within us
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Re: Manchester Arena
I see in today's papers that over 130 Imams are refusing to recite prayers at the funerals of the three terrorists. If true, this is the first encouraging sign that I have seen that the general Muslim population are physically doing some good.
If future terrorists are being denied their virgins, maybe - just maybe, some would reconsider their actions.
Pray that there is intelligent life somewhere up in space, 'Cause there's Bu""er all down here on Earth - (Eric Idle)
06-06-2017, 09:35
Beacon of light
Re: Manchester Arena
I say it as I see it Monkey Hanger.
I stand by every word I have posted.
I know people who trained with me who have patches in areas of Burnley and Nelson...these lasses are there to promote child health and well being, they go out to see pregnant women and visit new mums, yet they are intimidated by young Muslim males as they go about their work.
Their work is to ensure that the women in their community are looked after.
That cannot be right.
The police do nothing, (other than have a word with the imam)because they do not want to appear racist.
I have never felt so despairing of the way this country is heading.
I do not like the words I have posted. I am not racially prejudiced, I have worked alongside all races and creeds during my career.
I have spent almost 30 years of my life looking after women from these communities and rarely felt in danger.
Now I hate to go to Blackburn and other local towns because there are so many of these people about and I do not trust them anymore.
My feelings have been fostered by their attitudes to our way of life.
No one forces them to come here...no one forces them to stay.
I assume that they came for the freedoms this country affords, the tolerance.
Tolerance is a two way street...so far I can only see it going one way.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
06-06-2017, 09:40
Beacon of light
Re: Manchester Arena
Originally Posted by Busman747
I see in today's papers that over 130 Imams are refusing to recite prayers at the funerals of the three terrorists. If true, this is the first encouraging sign that I have seen that the general Muslim population are physically doing some good.
If future terrorists are being denied their virgins, maybe - just maybe, some would reconsider their actions.
Yes, that has been reported...and the body of the Manchester murderer is in a mortuary somewhere because no one wishes to deal with his remains.
130 is a start, but it won't be effective unless ALL imams do the same...and more.
The communities need to be handing these extremists in...and yes it has been reported that the community of the current attackers did this, nothing was done because no laws had been broken...perhaps it is time to have a different body to look after such reports, rather than the police.
The seed change needs to take place in their own communities...and not just in the Mosques.
The young men do not listen to the words of the imams, they do not speak the language of the young men.
This comes from Nazir Afzal(himself a Muslim) who was the Crown Prosecutor for the North West of England.
He was the man who looked again at the testimonies of the Abused girls in Rochdale, he was responsible for the convictions achieved in those cases.
It is not before time.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
Last edited by Margaret Pilkington; 06-06-2017 at 09:46.
06-06-2017, 11:02
Beacon of light
Re: Manchester Arena
[QUOTE=monkey hanger;1195473
careful you might be on someone,s watch list coming out with statements like you have. however what you state is the truth as i see it too. living over the other side of the hill things are just the same. these no go areas seem to get bigger as the years go on and its about time the police police em like everywhere else. funny how they managed to crush the miners years ago but the do gooders weren,t too bothered about it. i wonder why.[/QUOTE]
If I am on someone's watch list, then so be it.
I am not inciting racial hatred....I am not telling people what to think. I am just expressing my views and opinions.
If it is alright for the likes of Anjem Choudary to avail himself of the 'freedom of speech' then I can also claim that right too...or perhaps I am the wrong colour.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
06-06-2017, 11:13
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Re: Manchester Arena
Well, I think you must be my twin sister, only you stayed in Accrington and I went to the North East of England. All your comments on the last two posts I would agree with.
This is still a free Country, well just, people should be able to comment on any issue, in the way they feel is right. As the old Bob Dylan song goes THE TIMES THEY ARE A CHANGING.... HOPEFULLY
06-06-2017, 12:26
Beacon of light
Re: Manchester Arena
I think there are a lot more who hold these views.
I was in town today and hade a conversation in a shop about my fears and worries...and the fact that I have not always held these views.
Two ladies(one a similar age to me and one much much younger expressed their views and they were very much in line with what I have posted....the younger one said that her little boy does not want to go on holiday (to Turkey) as he is afraid of being blown up. He says he won't go but will stay with his Grandma.
No 8 year old should be afraid like that
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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