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Old 04-12-2008, 19:13   #16
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Re: Maternity Grant

There was and always will be abuse of any grant system.
The people who abuse it are in a minority and the costs of administering a system of supplying goods instead of cash would involve very costly administration which would by far outweigh any savings made in abolishing abuse

Last edited by MargaretR; 04-12-2008 at 19:21.
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Old 04-12-2008, 19:23   #17
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Re: Maternity Grant

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
There was and always will be abuse of any grant system.
The people who abuse it are in a minority and the costs of administering a system of supplying goods instead of cash would involve very costly administation which would by far outweigh any savings made in abolishing abuse
Exactly Margaret .. would be very difficult to monitor. Just like our threads on Child Benefit and our Heating Allowance. Just has to go in the pot .. and if it provides a few extra luxuries (which they may have had to forego without it) for folks over and above what they may possibly have bought for their baby already, then so be it.
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Old 05-12-2008, 07:43   #18
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Re: Maternity Grant

Most people I know, even though they are struggling for money, put their children first and themselves a long way behind.

Their children always have nice clothes, new toys or just little gifts, everything they need, whilst the mother will forego some of the necessaries just to afford stuff for them. I think Mothers that 'milk' the system are the minority. You have some mothers that have little choice, especially when their children are young, but to stay at home and claim benefits. They didnt realise before the child was conceived that this would be the case, but they have to make do with the hand life has dealt them. I think its unfair to keep putting these women, who struggle enough anyway, in the same boat
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Old 05-12-2008, 09:03   #19
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Re: Maternity Grant

We all know the kind of people I am referring to : Of course there are single women who but their children first… and in many cases it is not their fault they have to rely on the state: They do a first class job of bringing up their children…

But there are many that totally abuse the system time after time: and why should we pay for them to do it:
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Old 05-12-2008, 11:00   #20
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Re: Maternity Grant

Well as bloke on here listening to what a lot of our younger female member say, I think by and large you do a great job of bringing up your kids, its just a pity that there are those in our society that let the side down, which puts those who make a genuine fist of life in these difficult times, in a bad light. I think we saw yesterday an example of what I'm say in the Matthews case, this woman is a disgrace to motherhood
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Old 05-12-2008, 17:44   #21
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Re: Maternity Grant

when i was pregnant with Reece i got £100 maternity grant, now its £500, just been talking to my bro-in-laws sister in town and she's having twins, she'll be getting £1000, £500 per child, she told me she will be getting everything second hand and that the money will be going on her other kids christmas presents, i couldnt believe it
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Old 05-12-2008, 19:05   #22
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Re: Maternity Grant

I got £1000 (£500 per child) and every penny plus a lot more went on the boys, they had everything new, it cost a fortune but I have always been the same with the boys and they get the best I can afford and every spare penny goes on them, wouldnt dream on spending their money on me
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Old 05-12-2008, 20:13   #23
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Re: Maternity Grant

since when have the boys drunk vodka and smoked fags then?
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Old 05-12-2008, 20:38   #24
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Re: Maternity Grant

Originally Posted by onlyme View Post
since when have the boys drunk vodka and smoked fags then?

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Old 06-12-2008, 18:42   #25
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Re: Maternity Grant

Originally Posted by emzy View Post
I got £1000 (£500 per child) and every penny plus a lot more went on the boys, they had everything new, it cost a fortune but I have always been the same with the boys and they get the best I can afford and every spare penny goes on them, wouldnt dream on spending their money on me
When my daughter was born I think we got tokens for milk powder of some sorts.Decided then one was enough,coffee tasted awful.Never got any grants of money though.
But then again you had somewhere to work.Seems like pregnancy is the new cottage industry.

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
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Old 06-12-2008, 18:50   #26
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Re: Maternity Grant

Originally Posted by Benipete View Post
But then again you had somewhere to work.Seems like pregnancy is the new cottage industry.
I for one didnt have kids just to get out of working. I worked at least 10 hrs a day until I was 7 1/2 months pregnant (would have finished a lot sooner than this if the doctors had had anything to do with it and the reason I finished work was because that I could no longer climb the 2 flights of stairs at a decent pace between my office and the loo's and I was no longer able to reach my computer when sat down!), and did not plan on having children, never mind having twins.

I had ever intention of returning to work after my maternity leave but due to circumstances beyond my control I have been unable to return to work as life has not turned out as planned for me
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Old 06-12-2008, 19:04   #27
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Re: Maternity Grant

Originally Posted by emzy View Post
I for one didnt have kids just to get out of working. I worked at least 10 hrs a day until I was 7 1/2 months pregnant (would have finished a lot sooner than this if the doctors had had anything to do with it and the reason I finished work was because that I could no longer climb the 2 flights of stairs at a decent pace between my office and the loo's and I was no longer able to reach my computer when sat down!), and did not plan on having children, never mind having twins.

I had ever intention of returning to work after my maternity leave but due to circumstances beyond my control I have been unable to return to work as life has not turned out as planned for me
Emzy, you don't have to justify yourself.

People shouldn't see things like this in such black and white terms.

The majority of single parents are in the predicament due to circumstances beyond their control. issues can be totally different.

It is a minority, even though it may not seem so, that give the genuine ones a bad name and bring on comments like that.

Must say though, even I was amazed at the size of maternity grant.

Think it was £75 , 19 years ago when I had my twins, and seem to recall having to wait until after the birth to claim for the second one

£500 is a nearly a 6 fold increase
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
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Old 06-12-2008, 19:08   #28
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Re: Maternity Grant

Originally Posted by Caz View Post
Emzy, you don't have to justify yourself.

People shouldn't see things like this in such black and white terms.

The majority of single parents are in the predicament due to circumstances beyond their control. issues can be totally different.

It is a minority, even though it may not seem so, that give the genuine ones a bad name and bring on comments like that.

Must say though, even I was amazed at the size of maternity grant.

Think it was £75 , 19 years ago when I had my twins, and seem to recall having to wait until after the birth to claim for the second one

£500 is a nearly a 6 fold increase
I know I dont have to justify myself but do feel a need to sometimes because we all seem to get tarred with the same brush before people know the facts.
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Old 06-12-2008, 19:12   #29
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Re: Maternity Grant

Been there, got the tee shirt Emzy. Been looked down on by so called reputable citizens.

Just makes us good uns want to show em.
Got 2 good lads all grown up now and at uni, while some of the "reputable" family set ups have spawned prison fodder
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little.
- Edmund Burke

I am not young enough to know everything.
- Oscar Wilde
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Old 06-12-2008, 19:15   #30
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Re: Maternity Grant

Originally Posted by Caz View Post
Been there, got the tee shirt Emzy. Been looked down on by so called reputable citizens.

Just makes us good uns want to show em.
Got 2 good lads all grown up now and at uni, while some of the "reputable" family set ups have spawned prison fodder

Your a few years ahead of me but hopefully I will successfully raise these 2 in the way that I want to and they will make me proud (not that im not already)
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