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06-12-2008, 20:58
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Re: Maternity Grant
You go Emzy!! Single mothers of the world unite, and all that Jazz
I didnt get a maternity grant as I was working, My maternity leave was 10 days, as I hadnt been working at the company for proper maternity leave, so had to use cummulative holidays. That was after a difficult birth, where little one was born dead and was thankfully resuscitated.
I think its disgraceful the way single parents are blamed and slated for everything. Yobs on the street? Because they come from single parent families. Economy problems? Must be all the handouts single parents get? Conflicts in Iraq and Afghan? Must be those damn single mothers again....
22-12-2008, 15:39
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Re: Maternity Grant
They are bringing out a new one in June.. £190 for nearly all pregnant women
Nursing & Midwifery Council - Health in Pregnancy Grant to be launched April 2009
that will be as well as the £500 maternity grant because that one is for the baby and the £190 is for the mother.
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
22-12-2008, 16:03
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Re: Maternity Grant
Let's not give Jeremy Kyle too much credit just yet, he makes money off poverty! He capitalises on the misery of others.
The reason I can see a flaw in this kit thing that people have suggested is that whilst it may be made up of cheaper things such as baby clothes and bit and bats, someone will have to put it all together which requires employee's, then it would need health and safety checks and so on and so forth and it would end up costing much more.
I prefer the idea of vouchers, but it reminds me of a shop in accrington which would allow people to spend milk tokens on anything you liked rather than just milk.
The idea of creating more regulation creates more law breakers comes to mind.
23-12-2008, 11:11
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Re: Maternity Grant
Its been reported in numerous papers his morning that since the Maternity Grant was increased teenage pregnancies have rocketed, around 45,000 more babies a year are born to unmarried teenage girls than previously, which accounts for one in every fifteen babes born. These figures were revealed in a Government funded survey
23-12-2008, 12:48
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Re: Maternity Grant
Originally Posted by jaysay
Its been reported in numerous papers his morning that since the Maternity Grant was increased teenage pregnancies have rocketed, around 45,000 more babies a year are born to unmarried teenage girls than previously, which accounts for one in every fifteen babes born. These figures were revealed in a Government funded survey
And I'm pretty sure they didn't use a turkey baster. Men don't have to have unprotected sex with girls. Where are these 45,000 so called men that have provided the sperm!?
23-12-2008, 16:30
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Re: Maternity Grant
Originally Posted by blazey
And I'm pretty sure they didn't use a turkey baster. Men don't have to have unprotected sex with girls. Where are these 45,000 so called men that have provided the sperm!?
The thing is though, most of them arn't Men theyr'e Boys!, with a much higher Sperm Count than IQ level. They dont give a damn, and are quite prepared to Father kids and walk away, and i'm afraid there's very little in todays society to discourage them either! Many of these Girls are getting Pregnant deliberatly to milk the Benefit system and avoid work. They seem to put more thought these days into buying a mobile phone than they do to planning parenthood.
I think providing them with the basic equipment (Government Issue) is a much better idea. It would actually cost far less in the long run i feel. It need not be too complicated, and could be operated via an extension of facilities that we already have in place ie Hospital Stores Departments and Occupational Therapy dept who already provide equipment for Elderly and Disabled people.
Child Benefit should also be limited to just the first child only. I know its not a great deal of money, and wouldn't solve the problem, but we need to get away from an idea where the state provides help to the most irresponsible members of society.
People with True hardship, illness and disability should be the main beneficiaries of State Help.
Best Regards - Taggy
Last edited by Taggy; 23-12-2008 at 16:33.
23-12-2008, 16:59
Resting in Peace
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Re: Maternity Grant
Originally Posted by blazey
And I'm pretty sure they didn't use a turkey baster. Men don't have to have unprotected sex with girls. Where are these 45,000 so called men that have provided the sperm!?
I think Taggy is right they're not men but boys, plus the fact is, if a female of any age doesn't want to get pregnant they don't have to this day and age. I'm darn sure if I knew I was being sadled with something I didn't want, I'd take precations to make sure I didn't end up with it
23-12-2008, 17:59
Re: Maternity Grant
Originally Posted by jaysay
I think Taggy is right they're not men but boys, plus the fact is, if a female of any age doesn't want to get pregnant they don't have to this day and age. I'm darn sure if I knew I was being sadled with something I didn't want, I'd take precations to make sure I didn't end up with it
It takes 2 to make babies and should take 2 to make sure you don't make one.
It may sound sexist or whatever but if you are female and don't want a baby then ultimately it is up to you to make sure you don't. Blaming the man afterwards is not good contraception.
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24-12-2008, 01:49
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Re: Maternity Grant
Originally Posted by Neil
It takes 2 to make babies and should take 2 to make sure you don't make one.
It may sound sexist or whatever but if you are female and don't want a baby then ultimately it is up to you to make sure you don't. Blaming the man afterwards is not good contraception.
Why is it ultimately upto the woman? Surely sex is a concensual experience where both people share a meeting of the minds and agree to have sex? Both should think about contraception and think of the consequences of that contraception failing them and if they can't manage that or don't agree then they simply shouldn't have sex!
Equal decision, equal problem, equal blame. None of this ultimately it's either of the partners fault as an individual.
24-12-2008, 01:51
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Re: Maternity Grant
Originally Posted by jaysay
I think Taggy is right they're not men but boys, plus the fact is, if a female of any age doesn't want to get pregnant they don't have to this day and age. I'm darn sure if I knew I was being sadled with something I didn't want, I'd take precations to make sure I didn't end up with it
And I did say 'so-called men' didn't I. In other words boys who think they're all grown up and mature. Though I know of a few older ones who are pretty pathetic in terms of being men as well.
24-12-2008, 03:18
Re: Maternity Grant
Originally Posted by blazey
Why is it ultimately upto the woman?
Because the woman could end up on her own with the child while the man carrys on with his life.
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24-12-2008, 06:33
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Re: Maternity Grant
Hang on, lets get things into prospective here. We are talking about 500 quid, not a major fortune, certainly not enough to feed,cloth, and provide for a child for 6 months, let alone anything else.
Yes we can all say that if we cut the maternity gran, all the teenage girls and bad mothers will immediately stop having children, and will stop being the dross of society. We can pull all these stats up that back up this theory. Thing with stats though, they never quite tell you if they have taken on board the larger picture. The population grew during the baby boom era, so theres a knock on effect. Also society has changed and the whole unmarried mother thing is less frowned upon....
In an ideal world, we would have kids being brought up by both a mother and father, above the age of 20, in a financially and emotionally stable environment, with not a hint of tobacco smoke, alcohol fumes or raised voices. Unfortunately we live in the real world. I have yet to find someone that has had a child purely for 500 pounds maternity and 40 quid a week tax credits
24-12-2008, 06:36
Re: Maternity Grant
Originally Posted by onlyme
I have yet to find someone that has had a child purely for 500 pounds maternity and 40 quid a week tax credits
Is that because you are older and wiser than the youngsters that do think a child is still a way to get a house etc?
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24-12-2008, 06:41
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Re: Maternity Grant
I dont think so. I think it may be a case of 'unplanned' rather than 'planned' in the majority of cases. And the days of getting pregnant and 'bingo theres your house' are long gone.
24-12-2008, 06:59
Re: Maternity Grant
if you listen to the radio in the evening you would think everyone under 20 was either pregnant or has an sti. Have you heard all those advert's?
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