07-07-2024, 20:55
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Re: Math of the Labour Landslide
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Labour and the tories had very poor campaigns
I think all the contestants had very poor campaigns. I had no callers requesting my vote or asking my views on anything, neither did I get any leaflets through the door. I presume all/most of the activity took place on social media which I do not use. There was some activity on the box which I was aware of but did not bother with. I used the map on the BBC's web site to find out which constitancy I was now in as I was affected by the boundary changes, and also who was standing. Obviously none of the candidates really wanted my vote or they would have made themselves more obvious.
I am not surprised there was a low turn out, nor that the winners claim a 'landslide' and a mandate to do as they wish.