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Old 31-01-2006, 23:25   #1
Resident Waffler

WillowTheWhisp's Avatar

Maundy Grange - Ebay charity auction

Many of you are probably aware of Dorothy McGregor and the invaluable work she does at Maundy Grange. If not, then check out her website HERE. It's a registered charity (No. 1075370) and relies on voluntary donations and the takings from the charity shop on Abbey Street.

Those of you who use eBay may also be aware that once a month, on the last Sunday of the month a bunch of "Round Tablers" list what are known as the MDCC auctions (monthly daft charity coalition). It doesn't mean the charities are daft. It means that often the items we sell are daft but because we are raising money for charity it doesn't really matter.

My MDCC auctions are to raise money for our very own Accy charity Maundy Grange and I'd like to invite you to pop on over and have a look at them. HERE you'll find all five listed. I would be happy to show you a copy of the letter I receive from Dorothy in thanks for the money raised in November, (we don't do one in December.) and will of course obtain a receipt so no-one needs to doubt where the funds are going for this auction.

Please come on over and place a bid or three. So far I'm only raking in the meesly sum of £3.24 and I'm sure we can do better than this.

P.S.I'm known as "rosiebumbleroot" over there .............. it's a long story!

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Accrington Web
Old 01-02-2006, 02:00   #2


Re: Maundy Grange - Ebay charity auction

Thank you for that Willow, I found that to be quite interesting. I’m not overly religious being a spiritualist with a pagan bent. However, I am disposed to those who provide guidance and unconditional support and care rather than those that imposed systems of belief. I love to seen genuine commitment and above all else I love to seen passion and conviction in those that choose to do something rather than nothing. I won’t have a bid because I would have no use for the items on offer other than donating them back. When I do things like that people tend to look at me funny. But I will bob up Abbey Street and pop in.

On - Stanley – On
- Who’s Laughing Now -
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Old 01-02-2006, 07:28   #3
Resident Waffler

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Re: Maundy Grange - Ebay charity auction

Thanks Doug. I'm sure it will be appreciated.

One thing I can say for Dorothy and her team is that nothing she does has a denominational distinction. She is like Accy's version of Mother Theresa.

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Old 01-02-2006, 09:32   #4

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Re: Maundy Grange - Ebay charity auction

Originally Posted by WillowTheWhisp
P.S.I'm known as "rosiebumbleroot" over there .............. it's a long story!
We can wait while you type the story willow
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Old 01-02-2006, 09:50   #5
Resident Waffler

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Re: Maundy Grange - Ebay charity auction

Heehee - bid on my eBay auctions and I'll tell ya!

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Old 01-02-2006, 09:52   #6

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Re: Maundy Grange - Ebay charity auction

I am more interested to know if the British Army corned beef hash was ok
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Old 01-02-2006, 10:46   #7
Resident Waffler

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Re: Maundy Grange - Ebay charity auction

We didn't have corned beef hash. We had Lancashire hot pot and bacon'n'beans and yes they were both very nice thank you. Trouble is that being Mormons we don't drink tea or coffee, Busman, the only non-Mormon in the family, only drinks tea that has barely glanced at the merest drop of milk so the beverages don't interest any of us. Thought maybe somebody might like them and make a bit of money for Maundy Grange while I'm at it. I'll be giving it away on AccyWeb next!

OK, if I can't persuade you to bid for them I'll cut a long story short and introduce you to THIS WEBSITE. A couple of friends and I got our names years ago and we used them on a message board at that time. Then I went and forgot what mine was. I asked my friend if she could remember and she said she thought mine was Rosie Bumbleroot so I used that as my eBay ID, only to discover that we'd got it wrong! SHE should have been Rosie Bumbleroot and I was Autumn Burrows! Since I got remarried I'm now the far posher sounding Autumn Gamgee-Took of Bywater.

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Old 01-02-2006, 13:52   #8
Senior Member+

Re: Maundy Grange - Ebay charity auction

What fun!, it says my name is Myrtle Chubb!!

daddiboo is Berilac Tighfield of took bank,

My children are lila tighfiels of took bank and sancho tighfield of took bank!!

what fun just looking at the funny names you get.
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Old 01-02-2006, 15:07   #9
Resident Waffler

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Re: Maundy Grange - Ebay charity auction

pmsl I seem to have started my own thread wander now!

Anybody bidding for an army surplus teabag yet?

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Old 02-02-2006, 11:39   #10
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Re: Maundy Grange - Ebay charity auction

Hi willow

Believe it or not i am one of the original founders of MDCC on Ebay. We first started approx 3 years ago when one of the Round Tablers suggested we all put something daft on ebay to auction to see who could get the most money. The things we auctioned was called tat and had not to be worth more than 10 quid. The original auctions was called Yorkies Daft Competition (YDC). After Yorkie left ebay we went through various other names untill we finally settled on MDCC. It originally started with about 20 of us. It has grown from strength to strengh. If you do a search on ebay and just put in MDCC in the search bar it will fetch up all the other auctions raising money this month. Now we do these auctions every month and raise substantial amounts for charity.
Ive non on this month as im having probs with my pc which is in bits at the moment. Im using Alecs pc at the moment.
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Old 03-02-2006, 15:56   #11
Junior Member+

Re: Maundy Grange - Ebay charity auction

my wife works for a charity in accy who provide sheltered housing for the elderly and when they had a committee leaving party in november they sent the food that was left down to maundy grangr , the food was excellent.
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Old 03-02-2006, 19:43   #12
Resident Waffler

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Re: Maundy Grange - Ebay charity auction

I've seen you on RT Jimmi and wondered if I should say hello but then thought somebody might accuse us of being a secret society! (You can probably guess who.) Either that or we'd be the same person using secret ID's. lol

One of them already thinks I'm married to one of the men on there. Hee hee, don't tell Busman! Ooops! He'll read this now and be wondering who it is!!!


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Old 07-02-2006, 18:46   #13
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Re: Maundy Grange - Ebay charity auction

Cor blimey !
Small world, lol.
You will have to let everybody on here know about your new guest ...Dillan
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