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  • 1 Post By davebtelford
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Old 01-05-2014, 23:36   #1
Registered User

May 2014 Election for MEPs

Although I share the sentiments of UKIP I wouldn't vote for that party to represent me in the European Parliament because they have such a bad record for turning up to register an official yeah or nay on policies which dictate European Legislation. For instance they didn't turn up to register a vote on the debate to increase the European Budget and they also kept well away from discussing and voting on the future Fisheries Policy.

I have a good idea which way I'll vote and for a bit of fun decided to take this Election Quiz to see which MEP and political party share my views. I've never been so shocked as when I saw the result

VoteWatch Europe: European Parliament, Council of the EU
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Old 02-05-2014, 18:41   #2
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Re: May 2014 Election for MEPs

I think it's completely understandable why UKIP MEPs don't involve themselves much in the machinations of the EU Parliament when they are against the whole thing in principle & their only reason for being there is to work towards getting the UK out!

I started to take the Votewatch quiz but I'm afraid it is heavily biased towards the assumption that we want to remain part of the EU so I found it quite irrelevant.

I will vote for UKIP on the 22nd. because their share of the vote will indicate their level of support (amongst the few who will bother to vote at all - but that applies to all parties I suppose) and maybe show the current political elite that their grip on power is not assured if they continue to ignore the views of a significant proportion of the electorate.
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Old 03-05-2014, 08:31   #3
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Re: May 2014 Election for MEPs

UKIP are the only people there that ask the important questions and when they do the rest of them boo them like pathetic little school children
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 03-05-2014, 13:36   #4
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Re: May 2014 Election for MEPs

A couple of flyers were on my doormat this morning when I brought in the milk; one from UKIP and the other was from the BNP. I barely glanced at them but my son picked up one of them and looked accusingly at me and said; "This BNP one is addressed to you". I had a hard job persuading him that I wasn't a member and that the group must have got my address from the telephone book.
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Old 03-05-2014, 16:36   #5
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Re: May 2014 Election for MEPs

How many Hyndburn Independent Councillors or ex-Independent Councillors have ceased to be independent and have become dependent on UKIP in an attempt to get elected as UKIP Councillors for Hyndburn ?

Some may say they have no principles as was said of the Liberal Democrats when they ditched their policies to join ranks with the Conservatives .

Mr Farage has said it is party policy for hand guns to be legalised and licensed in the UK despite being banned in the UK for the last 18 years following the shooting in Dunblane . Mr Farage said the current ban on the guns, which were made illegal following the school shooting at Dunblane in 1996, was “ludicrous.”

I wonder how many Hyndburn UKIP candidates agree with that ?

Mr Farage was against Parliament's decision to legalise gay marriage .

Now he doesn't seem to know what he thinks .

I wonder how many Hyndburn UKIP candidates agree with that ?
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Old 03-05-2014, 17:38   #6
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Re: May 2014 Election for MEPs

Originally Posted by JCB View Post

Mr Farage has said it is party policy for hand guns to be legalised
Just a question: In what way does he wish to legalize handguns? What are the restrictions on their sale and possession? Oops, that's two questions Over here in the colonies, handguns are legal. I own one. And the process of getting a licence is long and complex. I'm a member of a gun club, and I can shoot it there. I can also transport it from my home to the club, unloaded in a locked container with the cylinder removed and stored in a separate locked container. And my ammo is stored at the club, and any use has to be strictly accounted for. Anyway, it is far from the free-for-all access one gets in the States. And, you won't be surprised to learn, most guns used in crimes in Canada are illegal, many of them purchased in the land of the Second Amendment. So, while I don't see limited and controlled access to handguns as a major problem, I would question any political party that lists handgun ownership as part of its platform. Too much of an ultra right wing thing for me.
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Old 03-05-2014, 18:04   #7
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Re: May 2014 Election for MEPs

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Just a question: In what way does he wish to legalize handguns? What are the restrictions on their sale and possession? Oops, that's two questions Over here in the colonies, handguns are legal. I own one. And the process of getting a licence is long and complex. I'm a member of a gun club, and I can shoot it there. I can also transport it from my home to the club, unloaded in a locked container with the cylinder removed and stored in a separate locked container. And my ammo is stored at the club, and any use has to be strictly accounted for. Anyway, it is far from the free-for-all access one gets in the States. And, you won't be surprised to learn, most guns used in crimes in Canada are illegal, many of them purchased in the land of the Second Amendment. So, while I don't see limited and controlled access to handguns as a major problem, I would question any political party that lists handgun ownership as part of its platform. Too much of an ultra right wing thing for me.
" Speaking on LBC Radio Mr Farage said that it was Ukip policy to create a “proper licensing policy” and that people who kept hand guns responsibly locked up and were willing to get an official license should “absolutely” be allowed them." ( From The Telegraph webite ) .
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Old 03-05-2014, 18:27   #8
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Re: May 2014 Election for MEPs

Originally Posted by JCB View Post
" Speaking on LBC Radio Mr Farage said that it was Ukip policy to create a “proper licensing policy” and that people who kept hand guns responsibly locked up and were willing to get an official license should “absolutely” be allowed them." ( From The Telegraph webite ) .
Well ... I tend to agree with him. On the other hand it's a damn stupid move for any politician over there, or here, for that matter ... except for Alberta ... to even bring it up. No doubt he claims to be "tough on crime." To be tough on crime and lax on guns makes sense only in the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Glock 19. But from what I read about him these days, I wouldn't trust him as far as I could throw Rob Ford.
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