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Old 23-12-2007, 14:20   #31
Apprentice Geriatric
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Angry Re: May She live long and prosper

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
I second that. How many other world leaders bring to their jobs the dedication, aherence to duty, and profound love of country that Queen Elizabeth does? Sure she's old fashioned and has a horrible taste in hats, but she stands for, and lives her life by, the values that so many on this forum decry the loss of.
She’s not my queen and if you are relying on some mythical deity to save her then your case and cause is lost.

I’m old fashioned, I don’t wear hats and I would like to adopt the values that you claim that she lives by but I live in the real world where you have to bend with the wind or go under.


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Old 23-12-2007, 23:14   #32
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Re: May She live long and prosper

well my son has just come back from iraq and he was out there for queen and country the monarchy i'm afraid is the only thing this country has that is respected by other nations lose that and we'll have no respect at all i take it jam butty didn't watch the monarchy the working royals lol i just hope my son's not doing iraq and stan in vain but i think he might be!!!! (bers partner heather)
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Old 23-12-2007, 23:56   #33
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Re: May She live long and prosper

She'll hang on until Camilla's popped her clogs, mark my words.

Not a monarchist.

Nice enough old woman, one of thousands in the country, many of whom have really worked their arses off, and all with the help of some liveried flunkey to squeeze their toothpaste onto the brush for them.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 24-12-2007, 00:04   #34
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Re: May She live long and prosper

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post


Which people though? The Celts? The Angles? The Saxons? The direct descendents of the acorn gathering druids?

Will we all get a little plot, like in Zimbabwe?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 24-12-2007, 00:25   #35
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Re: May She live long and prosper

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
Which people though? The Celts? The Angles? The Saxons? The direct descendents of the acorn gathering druids?

Will we all get a little plot, like in Zimbabwe?
No Garinda, will probably be used to build housing for our immigrant friends.

If you look at the income these lands generate i.e. Duchy of Cornwall, then sure will be better left as it is in my opinion. Give back to the people ? As stated Garinda, that's a laugh innnit ?

Can't be assed to argue the point with Jambutty about the Queen, she has done the duty she was obliged to carry out in a professional and 'hardworking' way.

Jambutty appears to be envious of anyone that is not brought down to a downtrodden poverty existence, (which we do not lead in our country).

In my opinion, celebrities such as footballers, pop stars and actors who are paid ridiculous amounts of money and worshipped as the new Gods of Society are the new pseudo royalty, and have no idea now of what Jambutty describes as a 'real' job. How can they be paid more than a Head of State .. blooming madness.
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Old 24-12-2007, 15:54   #36
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Re: May She live long and prosper

Can anyone tell me why we have these scroungers?

Apart from money from tourism what do they actually do for us?
Used to be known as Aleks, Tadah and Silvermain.
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Old 24-12-2007, 18:03   #37
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Unhappy Re: May She live long and prosper

Originally Posted by Ber999T View Post
well my son has just come back from iraq and he was out there for queen and country the monarchy i'm afraid is the only thing this country has that is respected by other nations lose that and we'll have no respect at all i take it jam butty didn't watch the monarchy the working royals lol i just hope my son's not doing iraq and stan in vain but i think he might be!!!! (bers partner heather)
Your son was out in the middle east Ber999T not for queen and country but because some despot dictator under the guise of democracy was pretending to be a world leader whilst hanging onto the Bush’s coat tails.

However I am extremely please that your son came home presumably safe and sound. Sadly hundreds have not. Nearly 200 killed and who knows how many with varying degrees of injuries only to be shabbily treated by the government. Which now has the effrontery to demand a 10% pay rise.

The UK is the laughing stock of Europe and many parts of the world where our European neighbours take advantage of us to their benefit.

You are darned right – I didn’t watch that monarchistic propaganda. But it just goes to show that the royalists are getting desperate to push the ‘how hard she works’ message to the nation.
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Old 24-12-2007, 18:08   #38
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Question Re: May She live long and prosper

Originally Posted by garinda View Post
She'll hang on until Camilla's popped her clogs, mark my words.

Not a monarchist.

Nice enough old woman, one of thousands in the country, many of whom have really worked their arses off, and all with the help of some liveried flunkey to squeeze their toothpaste onto the brush for them.
Please engage brain before putting fingers to keyboard.

You might get your message across.
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Old 24-12-2007, 18:31   #39
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Re: May She live long and prosper

Originally Posted by katex View Post
No Garinda, will probably be used to build housing for our immigrant friends.

If you look at the income these lands generate i.e. Duchy of Cornwall, then sure will be better left as it is in my opinion. Give back to the people ? As stated Garinda, that's a laugh innnit ?

Can't be assed to argue the point with Jambutty about the Queen, she has done the duty she was obliged to carry out in a professional and 'hardworking' way.

Jambutty appears to be envious of anyone that is not brought down to a downtrodden poverty existence, (which we do not lead in our country).

In my opinion, celebrities such as footballers, pop stars and actors who are paid ridiculous amounts of money and worshipped as the new Gods of Society are the new pseudo royalty, and have no idea now of what Jambutty describes as a 'real' job. How can they be paid more than a Head of State .. blooming madness.
Once upon a time the Duchy of Cornwall belonged to the Cornish people but their land was raped and pillaged and given to some duke or other for services rendered to the crown.

A whole country, Wales, was given to the prince of the day as his domain and the people had no say in the matter.

I have never stated that the queen hasn’t done her job dutifully, but hard work – NEVER in a million years. You can’t equate what she does with a nurse in A & E, or a fireman or a member of the RNLI or even a mother who stays at home to look after the kids.

It’s not envy katex but injustice that gets up my nose. So I agree with you about footballers, pop and film stars. At least it was the public who put them where they are by paying the exorbitant fees to attend a match or buying the records and watching the films and at least the public were entertained by the ‘stars’. The public did not put the monarchy in place, it was imposed on them by force.

Some fifty years ago the top footballers, like Stanley Matthews, were capped at £20 per week with a small win bonus if they won the match but no bonus if the match was lost. All footballers had regular full time jobs – plumbers, painters, carpenters, builders, electricians and so on so that when their football career came to an end they would have a trade to fall back on.
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Old 24-12-2007, 19:10   #40
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Re: May She live long and prosper

Thanks for the good wishes about the lad and yes he is home safe and sound (but did have a few scarry moments while out there) and we heard some of the bombs exploding when he had chance to ring home.

The Royal family have not been enforced on to us as they used to have total power before the civil war.
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Old 24-12-2007, 22:16   #41
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Re: May She live long and prosper

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post

Hard work is getting up each and every morning (except holidays) at some ungodly hour, battling your way to work to spend some four hours at the desk, shop, factory or behind the wheel of a lorry etc, taking a break for a quick snack and then another four our stint working for a wage only marginally above the legal minimum, then battling your way home to do some housework before tumbling into bed exhausted.

I doubt if the queen has ever had a duster in her hand let alone loaded a washing machine and then ironed the contents.
There are plenty of working people don't spend 8 hours a day working and who do have proper lunch breaks. There are also working people who employ cleaners to do their housework and have never pushed a vacuum cleaner or held a duster. Because they pay someone else to do that- and that gives someone else a job. The Royal Family have many employees. Would you want them to be out of work?

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Old 25-12-2007, 00:29   #42
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Re: May She live long and prosper

Originally Posted by Aleks View Post
Apart from money from tourism what do they actually do for us?
Would that be different from money that's brought in from tourism in a country like France, which hasn't had a monarchy for over two hundred years, and where you get to look round all the rooms in their former royal palaces, not just a few shabby ones for fifteen quid?
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 25-12-2007, 00:30   #43
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Re: May She live long and prosper

Not a full brick
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Old 25-12-2007, 00:53   #44
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Re: May She live long and prosper

Bloomin' 'eck, Granny. and there's me thinking you were a Labour-supporting socialist!
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Old 25-12-2007, 00:58   #45
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Re: May She live long and prosper

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Please engage brain before putting fingers to keyboard.

You might get your message across.

Message came across loud and clear, to anyone with their brain engaged.

I'm a republican, but bear no personal malice to the old girl. However I would have more respect for an eighty odd year old woman who had been elected head of state.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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