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03-09-2008, 08:54
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McCain's Running Mate.... no surprises
Here's a link to the full article: Palin's Church May Have Shaped Controversial Worldview
Three months before she was thrust into the national political spotlight, Gov. Sarah Palin was asked to handle a much smaller task: addressing the graduating class of commission students at her one-time church, Wasilla Assembly of God.
Her speech in June provides as much insight into her policy leanings as anything uncovered since she was asked to be John McCain's running mate.
Speaking before the Pentecostal church, Palin painted the current war in Iraq as a messianic affair in which the United States could act out the will of the Lord.
"Pray for our military men and women who are striving to do what is right. Also, for this country, that our leaders, our national leaders, are sending [U.S. soldiers] out on a task that is from God," she exhorted the congregants. "That's what we have to make sure that we're praying for, that there is a plan and that that plan is God's plan."
Religion, however, was not strictly a thread in Palin's foreign policy. It was part of her energy proposals as well. Just prior to discussing Iraq, Alaska's governor asked the audience to pray for another matter -- a $30 billion national gas pipeline project that she wanted built in the state. "I think God's will has to be done in unifying people and companies to get that gas line built, so pray for that," she said.
For the sanity and safety of the world, not just the States'; I urge every American reading this to vote Obama. God, Thor, Zeus, the Flying Spaghetti Monster, or any other make believe being you wish to believe in has no place in state issues. Especially in ordering the President to send soldiers to their deaths in a farcical war. Let's get it straight - Bush, McCain and now Palin have all decorated the war in Iraq as a Christian version of Jihad. Cue jambutty...
03-09-2008, 11:45
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Re: McCain's Running Mate.... no surprises
Totally disgusted/turned off with both parties choice of candidate, If I do vote and its looking like a big if , my choice will be a write in for Rep. Ron Paul . I know he doesn't stand a snowballs chance in Hell , but at least I will have made my feelings known .......not that the winner will give a damn .
Seems everyone I speak to in all parts of the country are of the same opinion ...." Surely we have someone better somewhere than either of these two".
03-09-2008, 11:55
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Re: McCain's Running Mate.... no surprises
Ditto for UK, not one party that 'deserves' my vote
03-09-2008, 13:26
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Re: McCain's Running Mate.... no surprises
On the surface, John McCain's choice of running mate is playing a blinder - get the women's votes!!!
But scratch below that surface and she does seem a bit too far out there! From what I've read she's advocating that Creationism is taught in all schools - for anyone who doesn't know what that is, it's the basic belief that every word in the bible, including the Old Testiment - i.e. Adam and Eve, is absolutely true. Scientific fact doesn't come into it!
The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.
03-09-2008, 15:32
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Re: McCain's Running Mate.... no surprises
Originally Posted by Gayle
On the surface, John McCain's choice of running mate is playing a blinder - get the women's votes!!!
But scratch below that surface and she does seem a bit too far out there! From what I've read she's advocating that Creationism is taught in all schools - for anyone who doesn't know what that is, it's the basic belief that every word in the bible, including the Old Testiment - i.e. Adam and Eve, is absolutely true. Scientific fact doesn't come into it!
Problem is, in certain parts of the US she would not be considered "too far out there". Her views are shared by a large constituency.  And it is this vote that I think McCain is looking at, not the women's vote. If you want American women to vote for you in large numbers, you don't threaten Roe vs Wade.
03-09-2008, 18:04
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Re: McCain's Running Mate.... no surprises
Originally Posted by Gayle
On the surface, John McCain's choice of running mate is playing a blinder - get the women's votes!!!
But scratch below that surface and she does seem a bit too far out there! From what I've read she's advocating that Creationism is taught in all schools - for anyone who doesn't know what that is, it's the basic belief that every word in the bible, including the Old Testiment - i.e. Adam and Eve, is absolutely true. Scientific fact doesn't come into it!
...and the belief that the world is less than ten thousand years old.
There's not even a smiley to show the idiocy of these people.
03-09-2008, 20:27
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Re: McCain's Running Mate.... no surprises
Originally Posted by shakermaker
...and the belief that the world is less than ten thousand years old.
There's not even a smiley to show the idiocy of these people.
I agree. But, as the great English philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russel pointed out there is no way that one can prove logically that the world was not created 5 minutes ago. Still that doesn't make people like Palin any less ridiculous or dangerous. Looks like the Democrats are the party of the relatively sane, and the Republicans rely on the vote of the certifiably loony. 
03-09-2008, 21:18
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Re: McCain's Running Mate.... no surprises
Didn't take long for comedy stuff to start
The Ballad of Sarah Palin from warpedcorp
03-09-2008, 21:27
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Re: McCain's Running Mate.... no surprises
Originally Posted by steeljack
Very funny  - but then- potentially tragic if McCain wins then snuffs it 
03-09-2008, 21:56
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Re: McCain's Running Mate.... no surprises
Originally Posted by Eric
I agree. But, as the great English philosopher and mathematician Bertrand Russel pointed out there is no way that one can prove logically that the world was not created 5 minutes ago.
Only if one reasons like a petulant child. Berty is senile. He didn't prove a thing.
04-09-2008, 00:21
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Re: McCain's Running Mate.... no surprises
Here in Canada and living next door to the Mercans you learn to differentiate between the image/presention and reality.
So far she has
1) A Knocked up 17 year old unmarried daughter (So much for her religious family values)
2) Accusations that she influenced the firing of her brother-in-law who divorced her sister.
3) Reports that she made a presentation at a political party who wanted to separate Alaska from the USA.
She's not exactly squeeky clean bit let's see if the Mercans buy it.
04-09-2008, 03:59
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Re: McCain's Running Mate.... no surprises
Originally Posted by flashman
Here in Canada and living next door to the Mercans you learn to differentiate between the image/presention and reality.
So far she has
1) A Knocked up 17 year old unmarried daughter (So much for her religious family values)
2) Accusations that she influenced the firing of her brother-in-law who divorced her sister.
3) Reports that she made a presentation at a political party who wanted to separate Alaska from the USA.
She's not exactly squeeky clean bit let's see if the Mercans buy it.
That's all the regular dirt you can dig up on any political figure, but I am disgusted at what the article in my first post revealed. I'm not shocked, but I do not understand why Americans put up with such idiots.
04-09-2008, 04:57
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Re: McCain's Running Mate.... no surprises
Shaker , what you have to realize about the US is that for all the supposed 'modernity' the place still has a strong Puritan ethic .......a prime example , and this is no joke and you will roll on the floor laughing , but.....I've found lots of Americans still have a belief that you are some sort of a 'sexual de-generate if your underwear is any colour but white  .
I see loads of folks in my area going to church on Sundays , but the problem is they are not the 'mainstream' Churchs , but the Blood and Brimstone evilgelical type , (not so much different than the radical islamic mosques ) Everything can be described by using the old cowboy movie analogy/metaphor , White Hat = Good , Black Hat = Bad with no compromise in the middle.
Think what we are seeing in present day Republican party are the last gasps of white political power , population projections show that whites will be a minority by 2040 (still the largest group, but less than 50% of the total ) thus the Republicans distaste for abortion , (more whites have abortions than any other group).
04-09-2008, 06:50
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Re: McCain's Running Mate.... no surprises
Originally Posted by steeljack
Shaker , what you have to realize about the US is that for all the supposed 'modernity' the place still has a strong Puritan ethic .......a prime example , and this is no joke and you will roll on the floor laughing , but.....I've found lots of Americans still have a belief that you are some sort of a 'sexual de-generate if your underwear is any colour but white  .
I see loads of folks in my area going to church on Sundays , but the problem is they are not the 'mainstream' Churchs , but the Blood and Brimstone evilgelical type , (not so much different than the radical islamic mosques ) Everything can be described by using the old cowboy movie analogy/metaphor , White Hat = Good , Black Hat = Bad with no compromise in the middle.
Think what we are seeing in present day Republican party are the last gasps of white political power , population projections show that whites will be a minority by 2040 (still the largest group, but less than 50% of the total ) thus the Republicans distaste for abortion , (more whites have abortions than any other group).
Pfft, and who thought independence would be a good idea. You wouldn't be in this mess if we still owned you. 
It's a terrible state of affairs across the pond - far worse than our situation - and I for one hope for the people of America that democratic change can occur. The amount of people without health care is sickening and the notion of transparency's comatose state in Washington is doing no favours.
From my limited knowledge on the candidates for the upcoming election, Obama seems to be the only viable option for kick-starting some sort of change for good.
Huckabee was on the Colbert Report the other night... what planet is that guy on!?
04-09-2008, 11:17
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Re: McCain's Running Mate.... no surprises
Originally Posted by flashman
Here in Canada and living next door to the Mercans you learn to differentiate between the image/presention and reality.
So far she has
1) A Knocked up 17 year old unmarried daughter (So much for her religious family values)
2) Accusations that she influenced the firing of her brother-in-law who divorced her sister.
3) Reports that she made a presentation at a political party who wanted to separate Alaska from the USA.
She's not exactly squeeky clean bit let's see if the Mercans buy it.
I'm curious about point 1. She has personal views of family values as I do but she can only hope to influence her daughter as I hope to influence mine. She cannot control everything the girl does. The daughter has her own mind. And as most parents know if you push too hard all you get is rebellion. I notice that she hasn't thrown her daughter out on the streets with the old fashioned "Never darken my door again!" ringing in her ears. I would say her reaction, although probably upset by the situation, has been one of Christian values caring for her daughter. After all Jesus said we should despise the sin but love the sinner.
Don't know enough about the firing of her brother-in-law or the circumstances surrounding it so I won't say anything more on that. (lol, I sound like Forrest Gump!)
This Alaska thing - is that a bit like Scotland wanting to break away from the rest of the UK? Did she address them for or against?
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