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Old 28-10-2023, 04:45   #1
Senior Member

Memories of school

Recently I was discussing our school years with a very dear friend of mine and it made me feel a bit poetic (though I use that word loosely). Trying to bring some interest into Accyweb other than football (not that’s there anything wrong with football) I thought I would share my effort and memories with you. Sorry it’s a bit long-winded. I hope that some of you do keep this thread going for a little while at least. It could be interesting.

Inkwells and Pens

Inkwells and pens, blackboards and chalk.
Silence in class, don’t anyone talk.
Put pen to the paper, get ink on the fingers.
Plaits dipped in inkwells, the memory lingers.
The blackboard had dusters with a part of them wood
And most of the teachers had an aim that was good.
Or maybe a tin would fly through the air
And land squarely on target so talkers beware.
We got knowledge from books and from what teachers said
But seeing the cane filled us so much with dread.
Don’t be caught swearing, it wasn’t the thing
Carbolic soap mouthwash sure carried a sting.
Gym-slips and bloomers, girls with long tresses
Boys playing conkers, claiming successes.
Some spent their lunch breaks on sneaking a smoke
Behind old shelter sheds, they thought it a joke.
School dinners were cheap, nutritious they said
Inclined to be boring but at least we were fed.
It cost five pence or six pence (old money) a day
And free meals were given if you couldn’t pay.
These are some memories that come to my mind
Of those years of school that I’ve long left behind.
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Old 28-10-2023, 09:18   #2
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Re: Memories of school

Oh Dorothy, How many memories that brought back.
The board duster thing was especially apt and Taddy will corroborate my memories of Milton Suthers and his dead eye aim.
If he didn't hit you it was because he did not want to take your eye out....but mostly he did hit the target...board dusters for boys...a nub of chalk for the girls, but thrown with enough force to hurt.

They told us that school days were the happiest of our lives.....not sure if, looking back, that was true.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 31-10-2023, 15:55   #3
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Re: Memories of school

I do believe school days where the happiest of our lives especially the ones I got lost on the way too.
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Old 08-11-2023, 17:19   #4
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Re: Memories of school

I'm not sure if this is in the right thread - but it relates to education, both domestic and school - so here goes.

At a very young age it was drummed into me to wash my hands regularly and always before food. Every approach to a meal table (and several other occasions) was always greeted with the question "Have you washed your hands?". Naturally the answer was "yes" (99.999% honest) but what to this day I still do not understand was the follow-up question "and behind your ears?".

I have always assumed the rigorous and regular hand washing regime had been drummed in my parents by the Spanish Flue epidemic when they were young. But what is special about the back of the ears? "Have you washed your ears?" or "Have you washed your face?" I could have understood but "behind the ears" was and is a mystery.
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Old 09-11-2023, 10:35   #5
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Re: Memories of school

Hill Walker, there are probably a few interpretations of how this expression started but I always thought that it originated many years ago, in the days when a wash was in the sink using a flannel cloth, and when boys in particular were notorious for only washing the parts that could be seen. As behind the ears was a place that was hidden from view this was often missed, hence the expression ‘don’t forget to wash behind your ears’. I could be wrong about this of course, but it is a good instruction anyway.
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Old 09-11-2023, 14:48   #6
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Re: Memories of school

How can you have any pudding
If you don't eat your meat?
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Old 09-11-2023, 14:49   #7
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Re: Memories of school

Stand still laddie!
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