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Thanks for all your good wishes
although I am still feeling rough at least I am home
as you know if you have read my blog I was diagnosed with emphysema and pulmonary fibrosis last month.
Then I get a chest infection on top of all that I was coughing could not get my breath feeling very cold although they said my temp was very high
it got that bad the other night Anne had to call NHS Direct who in turn called out an ambulance.
got to the hospital at about 10pm was checked over ecg x-ray and bloods all done.
the doc said at first looking at the x-ray I could have pneumonia but later on decided it was just a very bad chest infection.
so was put on iv antibiotics and a nebuliser for 6 hours
then moved to the assessment ward
they finished poking and prodding by 3-40am when the doc said try and get some sleep.
7am "do you want a brew" not posting what I thought

anyway as I say home still rough and on antibiotics not allowed out for 7 days got to keep warm etc no larger sorry less