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Old 17-07-2006, 09:16   #1
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Middle East Crisis

I do take alot of notice of media affairs but with the nice weather I've been neglecting the news for the last few days. What's all this about? Why's Lebonon and Israel going at one another? I can't get the gist of what's going on with the news. Can anyone put it into lay-mans terms for me please?
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Old 17-07-2006, 09:47   #2
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Re: Middle East Crisis

Originally Posted by Tinkerbelle
Why's Lebonon and Israel going at one another?
my guess would be because they enjoy it

lets face it every time you switch the news on and theres a "crisis " or "war" its one of those dirtback countries rowing over a piece if land or some religeous cause

the only way we will ever get world peace is if one day they actualy nuke each other

i gave up caring about them many years ago and i can even remember counties in the east been at war when i was a child

oh and what a perfect excuse to bump petrol prices up yet again making us as usual the innocent victims in all this
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Old 17-07-2006, 09:53   #3
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Re: Middle East Crisis

Our countrys hardly innocent.. Bush supports Israel and we support Bush

(When I say We, I am of course refering to Blair)
formerly cyfr
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Old 17-07-2006, 09:56   #4
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Re: Middle East Crisis

Originally Posted by Cyfr
Our countrys hardly innocent.. Bush supports Israel and we support Bush

(When I say We, I am of course refering to Blair)
i thik blair and bush should be supported....

on a bloody rope
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Old 17-07-2006, 12:10   #5
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Re: Middle East Crisis

Originally Posted by Cyfr
Our countrys hardly innocent.. Bush supports Israel and we support Bush

(When I say We, I am of course refering to Blair)
Wow when did the U S and UK get run by one person each, thought it was 2 democratic countries, must have missed something, maybe you could explain how Bush/Blair support the Isreal in this conflict against Hezbulla?

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Old 17-07-2006, 13:13   #6
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Re: Middle East Crisis

without taking sides, from what i can gather isreal is zapping lebanon cos hezbolla snaffled a couple of their soldiers, what really brasses me off is the isralis have snaffled hundreds of the other side pre this, so its ok for them to do it but not for the palestinians, no big deal in the press about this neither, and cyfr refering to us as (blair) your as two faced as the isralies, your lot has been the biggest supporter of the u.s. in my lifetime. is that laymans enough for you tinks?
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Old 17-07-2006, 14:40   #7
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Re: Middle East Crisis

chav1 wrote........." oh and what a perfect excuse to bump petrol prices up yet again making us as usual the innocent victims in all this"

in my mind the innocent victims in all this are the Lebanese and Palestinian kids being bombed and shelled by the Isrealies
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Old 17-07-2006, 16:17   #8
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Re: Middle East Crisis

I don't particularly care...but I do know that there are some very good last minute bargains going for 1-week holidays in Tel Aviv...lovely beach, evening firework display
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Old 17-07-2006, 20:52   #9
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Re: Middle East Crisis

Ya know Tinks, I was looking forward to a straightforward explanation on this, as don't understand it all myself, but what do our wisemen of Accyweb choose to do? just personal clever comments on the situation and their feelings towards it and not exactly what it is all about in the first place.

Am I understanding your question correctly ??
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Old 17-07-2006, 21:20   #10
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Talking Re: Middle East Crisis

The Palestinians kidnapped an Israeli soldier and then later on the Lebanese pinched two.

This upset the Jews so they said, “Give us back our soldiers or else.”

The Palestinians and the Lebanese said, “Get knotted we are keeping them until you release our people.”

So without any further ado the Israelis showed that they do not bluff and started to knock ten bells out of Palestine and Lebanon. The Palestinians and Lebanese retaliated and we now have a mini war in the Middle East. Drat! This could severely and adversely influence the value of my Iraqi Dinar.

The Americans will not say boo to the Israelis because there is a powerful Jewish lobby in the states and in any case the Jews own most of American businesses.

Will that do you Tinkerbelle and anyone else who is puzzled by the events?
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Old 17-07-2006, 21:40   #11
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Re: Middle East Crisis

Unfortunately most conflicts are bassed on religious intolerance. I am an RC of Irish desent, but I never agreed with the IRA or the other side either for that matter. how any one can kill or maim another human being in the name of any god is quite beyond me and I suposed most right minded people, but alas this is the way of the world today.
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Old 17-07-2006, 21:41   #12
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Re: Middle East Crisis

Well, Jambutty, that was certainly lay-'woman's' terms ... thank you for passing on your expert knowledge as usual x
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Old 17-07-2006, 21:45   #13
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Re: Middle East Crisis

Jambutty wrote ...."The Americans will not say boo to the Israelis because there is a powerful Jewish lobby in the states"

and Lord Levy (Tony Blairs financal fundraiser) is a graduate of Stonyhurst College ............. I think not
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Old 17-07-2006, 23:19   #14
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Re: Middle East Crisis

Originally Posted by jambutty
Will that do you Tinkerbelle and anyone else who is puzzled by the events?
Yes thankyou jambutty
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Old 17-07-2006, 23:24   #15
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Re: Middle East Crisis

I don't really understand it either Tinks.

Israel has two soldiers captured in Lebanon, so they are firing misiles at Hazbellah soldiers but which are killing civilians?

Good to know that the two most important leaders in the western world today greeted each other, thinking they were off record, with
'Yo, Blair,'
and then talked about knitting!

Very reassuring.
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