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Old 27-07-2015, 18:10   #46
a multieloquent Mule

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Xeno Tactic Champion!
Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
,in my eyes these folk are no less worthy of respect than anyone else.
A worthy sentiment indeed

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
which is more than I can say for the child bearing,pyjama/tracksuit wearing dole dossers I see on a daily basis...just saying.
Totally negated by your later comment.

It appears your moral high horse may have a wonky leg.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 27-07-2015, 18:24   #47
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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
A worthy sentiment indeed

Totally negated by your later comment.

It appears your moral high horse may have a wonky leg.
A wonky leg or three,As "Ma" would say "I say it how I see it"
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.

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Old 27-07-2015, 18:31   #48
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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

£12 billion!
We are one of the smaller countries in the world by size and population but we are the second biggest giver of aid in the world.
Half that money goes to major organisations such as the EU and the World Bank. They can't find what to spend it on so it sits in their banks earning interest-at our cost. Often for over two years! That's bureaucracy for you, even as homeless people starve.
10%, £1.2 billion, goes to consultants with some staff in the field getting £1000 a day.
Do we need consultants to help us buy tents, food, medicines, school books and ship them to where they're needed? A village needs a well? Do we need a £1000 a day consultant to tell us? Can't we employ our own experts for a bit less a day than that?
Yet still the bleeding hearts tell us we should open our borders, welcome in the millions of people who (quite rightly) would like a better life.
Short of housing, short of hospital beds, doctors, welfare money, school places, short of money, massively in debt.
Isn't it time we took a cool, hard look at what we can best offer those less well off than us?
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Old 27-07-2015, 18:50   #49
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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

It isn't just a long hard look at what can be is having the cojones to take unpopular actions.
There is too much talking and precious little action.
And if our borders were close to the country's where these people were coming from, then perhaps, just perhaps we should be taking responsibility for them.....but we aren't we are thousands of miles from the places these people are fleeing from.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 27-07-2015, 19:50   #50
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
"I say it how I see it"
And that, is exactly what other folk are doing!

To sort out Calais the French should deploy their foreign legion, firstly to control & round up the Migrants causing trouble, then using their logistics assets they should take them back to Africa.

Then they should come back & deal with their own French malcontents causing problems for the rest of the people trying to go about their lawful business in & around Calais

As to those crossing the med, they shouldn't be brought to Europe, their boats should be towed back to the exit ports along the African/Syrian coast, run aground & holed to make them unusable. The message needs to be reinforced that if they want asylum they should use the proper channels, apply from their home/safe Country on their own continent.

Illegal methods shouldn't be accepted or tolerated.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 27-07-2015, 22:56   #51
God Member

Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

the channel tunnel is Europe's colon and we aint at the food in end of it
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.

ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right

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Old 28-07-2015, 16:56   #52
I am Banned

Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
When you see the videos of Calais you don't see women, children, fleeing from persecution and starvation.
You see hundreds of fit young men, chasing lorries, shouting about their 'Human Rights', threatening drivers.
could go a long way to giving a 'better life' to an awful lot of people.
The fact you don't see videos of women and kids doesn't mean they are not there Gordon.
Extract from front page of todays Guardian:
The pitiful desperation of those in Camp Calais.
In the far corner of a cemetery on the outskirts of Calais a couple of gravediggers chat quietly as they wait beside a small freshly dug hole.
For Samir Khedija an unborn baby boy died at 22 weeks after his mother an Eritrean woman miscarried after falling from the back of a lorry as she tried to get into the UK.
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Old 28-07-2015, 17:33   #53
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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

Perhaps the residents of Calais could relocate to the UK and leave Calais to the migrants
Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.

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Old 28-07-2015, 17:38   #54
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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

That's very sad but you have to ask why she didn't ask for asylum in the first European country she arrived in.
When you see the videos of migrants in Calais you don't see women and children, I suspect she was an unfortunate one of few. I can't believe the BBC would avoid showing them.
Can't find the article on the internet.
2000 tried to storm Eurotunnel last night! Climbing those high fences isn't easy, you've got to be fit.
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Old 28-07-2015, 18:11   #55
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

Originally Posted by DtheP47 View Post
Extract from front page of todays Guardian:
The Grauniad, labour endorsing, leftist leaning, British hating rag! I'm sorry, but this unfortunate incident doesn't change my stance or opinions as to how the situation should be handled.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 28-07-2015, 18:31   #56
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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

Taking pics of some of the places you see is DANGEROUS . I do not condone or encourage breaking the law or unsafe behavior.

My photobucket account
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Old 28-07-2015, 18:37   #57
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

And just what has America to do with Calais?
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 28-07-2015, 18:58   #58
Beacon of light

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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

Originally Posted by DtheP47 View Post
The fact you don't see videos of women and kids doesn't mean they are not there Gordon.
Extract from front page of todays Guardian:
The pitiful desperation of those in Camp Calais.
In the far corner of a cemetery on the outskirts of Calais a couple of gravediggers chat quietly as they wait beside a small freshly dug hole.
For Samir Khedija an unborn baby boy died at 22 weeks after his mother an Eritrean woman miscarried after falling from the back of a lorry as she tried to get into the UK.
While that is a sad story, she should never have been able to get to Calais.
She should have sought migrant/asylum seekers status at the first land fall.
If she had got into this country she would not have been able to work, to contribute...She would have been seeking a home, health care, benefits....this is the reason she was trying to get to the UK....not to get a job.

Yes the camp at Calais is pitiful, it is pitiful because nothing has been done to address the reasons why these people are there, either on this side of the channel or in France.

This needs to be sorted....and not by giving these people UK citizenship.....this would just encourage more to arrive.
They need to be repatriated to their countries of origin.
Britain gives much in the form of Foreign aid...some of it should be directed at this problem rather than places like India who neither needs nor wants foreign aid from us.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 28-07-2015, 20:07   #59
I am Banned

Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
Can't find the article on the internet.
You need to know where to look, as it is with most things Gordon.
Fleeting fixtures and precarious lives in the migrant camp of Fortress Calais | World news | The Guardian
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Old 28-07-2015, 20:11   #60
I am Banned

Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

Originally Posted by DaveinGermany View Post
The Grauniad, labour endorsing, leftist leaning, British hating rag! I'm sorry, but this unfortunate incident doesn't change my stance or opinions as to how the situation should be handled.
Not much labour endorsing, leftist leaning British hating in this article DinG
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