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Old 25-07-2015, 19:15   #1

Migrant Crisis in Calais

I think I need somebody to talk me through all these migrants assembling at Calais.

By all accounts, they entered Europe originally in Italy.....a thousand miles away from Calais.

So when they entered Italy, they were either legal or illegal.

If they were legal, then it became Italy's responsibility to deal with their resettlement.
If they were illegal, why did Italy let them travel the country and cross to France?

...and once they were in France....

If they were legal, then it became France's responsibility to deal with their resettlement.
If they were illegal, why did France let them travel the country and settle in Calais?

The Mayor of Calais is moaning that the UK aren't doing enough to deal with them.

Am I missing something here?
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Old 25-07-2015, 19:29   #2
Beacon of light

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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

No you are not missing anything.
Much as I feel for these people(it must be very difficult to pick up sticks and travel in appalling conditions to a country whose language you have no grasp of).....BUT, you are right legal or illegal, they are the responsibility of the country where they first make landfall.
This situation will not be cured by European countries accepting them and assimilating will only be cured by stopping those who are exploiting these migrants and stopping the migrants from taking to the boats.

These migrants do not want to stay in either France or Italy because they do not have the same approach to doling out welfare that the UK does.......these migrants are attracted to the idea that they will be housed and given money and health care in the UK.
Maybe that is what the Mayor of Calais is alluding to.
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Old 25-07-2015, 19:49   #3
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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

As I remember if you're an illegal economic migrant you can and should be deported to your country of origin if the country you are in doesn't want you.
If you're an asylum seeker you have to claim asylum in the first safe country you arrive in.
So legally you can't land in Italy, travel to the UK and claim asylum(or benefits!).
But the Italians, Greeks, French, Spanish don't want them, so they've all got a blind eye to the rules(we're the only ones who, being totally blind, seem to follow them).
It's all our fault, you obviously don't get a free house and benefits in Calais!
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Old 25-07-2015, 22:40   #4
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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

We are the mugs of Europe simple as, it aint just migrants its the other members dont really give a stuff, they provide em wi next to nowt,and are quite happy to avoid responsibilities and let muggins britain sort em out, the other E.U. members ignore other stuff as well in general, just look at many smoking places in certain countries and think about whats enforced here, when i lived in Spain the smoking ban was completely ignored, i used to go in my bank n i always went to the counter to see a certain guy, who was the only one that could speak english, he always got out his fags n gave me one oer the counter a fag that is. its changed now, but there are still certain establishments that dont give a stuff yet here yeh would get lynched.
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Old 26-07-2015, 10:45   #5

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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

Why don't we take them back to France where they came from?
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Old 26-07-2015, 12:26   #6
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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

to me one thing is simple our Government should stop ALL benefits to these so called immigrants. If the main attraction was no longer there they would not be so eager to get here. The EU and UN should lean on the other countries that they come through and make them more responsible. I also think the channel tunnel was the worst thing we ever built it was always going to cause problems at some point.
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Old 26-07-2015, 14:48   #7
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

UK will continue to be flooded with chancers & opportunist so long as the British public allow the political elite, bleating liberal lefties & putrescent anti British apologists to get away with their spineless ineptitude & hand wringing. There was a perfect opportunity in May to at least start making inroads into dealing with the problem but the populace failed themselves by re-electing the usual she-ite into power again.

Until sufficient people are directly affected & their personal pleasures, freedoms & liberties are curtailed, the current malaise will continue. When the reality truly hits home it will then, be sadly, to late to reverse the situation. UK will have become a subservient satellite of the corrupt, self serving EUSSR, or worse still, some kind of third world ghetto caliphate to the ever encroaching "Religion of peace".

Go on! Fill yer boots, cry racist all you like, I personally don't give a monkeys about your precious insensate faux outrage. I see things as they are & speak as I find, unfortunately there's to few of us nowadays who'll speak up about what many are also thinking but are obliged to keep shut because of the true bigots & racists holding sway.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)

Last edited by DaveinGermany; 26-07-2015 at 14:50.
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Old 26-07-2015, 15:30   #8
Beacon of light

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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

And you really think that any other party would have the nuts to do anything about the situation?
The last time I looked it was Blairs gang who thought that uncontrolled immigration was good, that giving welfare benefits to all and sundry was a neat trick....because it meant that there would always be a permanent voting base grateful for these things.

What swung it for the current government was the promise that there would be a referendum on the EU....oh yes, and the fear that the SNP would hijack any policies that Labour would be promoting......I have said it many many times, they are all the same!
Not in the politics game to make things better for us, more improve our lot.
They are in it to make sure they stay on the gravy train....make as much money as they can, contacts for when they lose their seats.
And on the issues of the referendum. I believe that the government are not legally obliged to follow the voters wishes when the results are known.....they may do what has happened in other countries....Like Ireland....who were sent back to vote again until they came up with the right answer.
Europe doesn't like us, because we didn't enter the single currency(thank God).....but as was seen with Greece.....we won't be allowed to leave.

If the Labour Party had been elected in May, do you really think that they would do anything different?
Or any other party for that matter.

The essence of this issue is to attack it in three ways.
Stop those who exploit those wanting to leave their country of origin in rickety boats.
Use current regulations and rules to deal with the migrants...That is. They become the responsibility of the country where landfall is made.
Make the UK less attractive to the migrants....deport, no health or welfare benefits.

This may all sound very hard, but unless these actions are implemented then they will continue to arrive.
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Old 26-07-2015, 15:44   #9
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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

It's got to the point where the smugglers don't even try to land them.
Just enough fuel to get outside Libyan territorial waters, a good phone with the Italian coastguards emergency number on it, point them in the right direction and leave them to it. No risk for the smugglers.
The Australians got it right, top the fuel up, point them back to Libya and send them on their way.
It's cruel but word would soon get out in Libya(and Greece if they did the same) that those thousands of dollars they're paying would just be wasted money, better to use them to get back home.
That would also save all those wasted lives.
Every one of them who gets into Europe is spreading the message by phone 'I did it.You can do it'. The torrent will turn into a flood and floods can drown you.
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Old 26-07-2015, 15:47   #10
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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

Blaming Imigrants for Britains problems again instead of past/present governments


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Old 26-07-2015, 15:51   #11
Beacon of light

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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

Jason you cannot influence what went on in the is history.
You can only change the future, but you have to have the cojones to make brave and maybe unpopular decisions. Too much notice has been taken of the bleeding heart liberals.
And laughing out loud really says that you do not understand the problem/situation.....that you think it doesn't affect you.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 26-07-2015, 15:54   #12
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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

Originally Posted by Accyexplorer View Post
Blaming Imigrants for Britains problems again instead of past/present governments
You must be reading a different thread than this one!
No one on here has blamed immigrants for Britain's problems.
There's just a strength of opinion that uncontrolled immigration is a bad thing and Europe cannot take in all the worlds poor and displaced.
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Old 26-07-2015, 16:02   #13
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

I assume your query was pointed in my direction Ma?

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
And you really think that any other party would have the nuts to do anything about the situation?
I believe the Nige & his crew(love 'em or hate 'em) made some telling suggestions.

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
If the Labour Party had been elected in May, do you really think that they would do anything different?
O deary me, Liebour ..... those paragons of our society (as it suits them), hardly!

Now your Kippers, the political marmite, smeared between the mouldy & stale bread of tory & labour may not be the most appealing mouthful to Joe & Josephina public, but, they at least offered some form of sustenance to a hungry populace until hopefully a more substantial meal appears.

The "fruitcake" is at present only half baked, but eventually it will come out of the oven brimming with tasty, fulfilling goodness (hopefully, that or be burnt to a crisp) then there'll be a slices for all. If it wasn't for the Chef mixing up the ingredients there wouldn't even have been the option of pudding eventually.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 26-07-2015, 16:29   #14
Beacon of light

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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

Yes Son it was.....and the problem with Nige and his crew was that they had only one real policy....It was getting out of the EU......and you all know my feelings on that subject....I really don't have to labour the point(no pun intended).
They had no believable policies on the welfare system or finance or for that matter any of the other important issues of the day...and a realist could see that they had a snowflakes chance in hell of getting into power.
And getting into power is what it is all about....a close run thing doesn't come up with the goods.
They all hiss into the same pot, none of them are to be trusted.....but we have to be governed.
It might not be what we want, they may be a shower of doo-doo.....but that is all we have got to work with......and to be fair it is all we have had to work with for a number of decades.
Someone come up with a better solution and I will vote for it.
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The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 26-07-2015, 16:59   #15
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Re: Migrant Crisis in Calais

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Jason you cannot influence what went on in the is history.
You can only change the future, but you have to have the cojones to make brave and maybe unpopular decisions. Too much notice has been taken of the bleeding heart liberals.
And laughing out loud really says that you do not understand the problem/situation.....that you think it doesn't affect you.
I bet your glad you don't have to live with my brain eh M

Surely,they can't be coming for our benefits system if that was the case there would be more heading for the likes of Germany etc where benefits are better

Perhaps the French could put a exclusion zone up with trespassers being jailed? you've probably gathered,I don't have the answers
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