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Old 21-11-2021, 21:34   #1
Full Member

Migrants...and their crisis....

I don't understand how we the UK have or will send troops to the Polish border to protect them form the Iraq/ Afgan nationals trying to invade Europe. Why not deploy them to our coastal waters and stop the 100"s of daily crossings. France is a safe haven, no reason to come here. We are a small island, why send them anywhere as mentioned. Just don't let them anywhere near. 150 soldiers would be better on French soil and not Polish.

Loads of links online to the ever deepening migrant crisis.

Should we protect our borders first?
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Old 22-11-2021, 11:36   #2
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Re: Migrants...and their crisis....

Yes, we should protect our borders, but the outgoing head of the Border Control Service did not seem to think so…he said ‘borders are a pain in the Ar$€’… if he thought like that, why was he in the job (ok…Money is the answer).
You cannot expect the Border Control to be up to much when the head of the service expresses those kind of opinions.

The thing about the situation in Poland, is that it was engineered to create chaos and havoc for the EU.
These people have been used as political pawns.
They were flown in by Alexander Lukashenko with the aim of creating disorder.
Most of these migrants want to come to the UK……and Poland is the entry point to the EU.
France is paid by us to keep the migrants from entering the channel, but this has not been effective.
The French have been escorting these boats to UK waters….where border force(who should be turning them back) assist them to dry land…here in the UK.

We are a soft touch and that is why they want to come here.
Refugees should stay in the first safe country where they make footfall….that is not the UK.
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Old 22-11-2021, 12:11   #3
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Migrants...and their crisis....

The old assault boats HMS Bulwark & HMS Hermes would've been ideal about now patrolling the channel. Marines in RR boats rounding up the "Illegal Gimmies", packing them in onboard the mother ship, then steaming down to the South aflantic with supplies & lumber.

Dropped off in the uninhabited parts of the Falklands or some such other godforsaken "British" Island, public happy, gimmies get their wish to be in "British" safekeeping. If they don't like it, they could always try & get a dingy from somewhere & paddle across to the land of the Daygloes, that or back to Africa.

Just a thought mind.
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Old 22-11-2021, 12:37   #4
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Re: Migrants...and their crisis....

ITs no crisis at all when they get here,
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Old 22-11-2021, 20:29   #5
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Re: Migrants...and their crisis....

Is there much difference between what Lukashenko (spelling?) has been doing on the Belarus - Poland border and what Macron has been doing increasingly this year (ooh, is there a French election coming up)?

Allowing thousands of illegal migrants to mass on the border then encourage, or at least do nothing to prevent, them trying to cross to the neighbouring country as a way of trying to extort political/economic advantage from that neighbour.

I think Dave in Deutchland’s idea is brilliant. Process them all on South Georgia. As he wrote, the bleating Lefties and tax-sponging London lawyers couldn’t say they’re not being dealt with on British soil.
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Old 22-11-2021, 22:43   #6
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Re: Migrants...and their crisis....

No, Exile…there is absolutely no difference between Macron and Lukashenko.
They have both calculated that allowing these economic migrants the opportunity to illegally and without respect of due process, to enter countries that do not wish to take them in this manner.

These are not refugees.
These are people who want to come here for what they see as a soft ride…..yet they despise our way of life and in four or five years time will be radicalised and trying to blow us limb from limb.
The Manchester bomber was an asylum seeker, so too the guy who made a nail bomb to detonate at The Liverpool Women’s Hospital.
Pretended to be a Christian to give his cause weight.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 23-11-2021, 00:52   #7
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Re: Migrants...and their crisis....

Yeah Dave I like that idea.

We could always bump them back before they cross into our waters. Personally I would shoot the things as soon as they entered the sea.

We have a huge problem, nobody's suggested the military. No let's send them to Europe., one of the reasons for leaving was to reclaim our borders. Put our bodies on French soil, that would deter the criminals.
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Old 23-11-2021, 04:58   #8
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Migrants...and their crisis....

Originally Posted by odders View Post
We have a huge problem, nobody's suggested the military.

I think some politico broached the subject the other day of having British troops over in Frogland to "Assist" the feeble "Grenouilles". One major problem I see there though, is that the arrogant froglets would be proper bitter about being reminded how ineffectual they are, British troops on their beaches again! Saving the cheese eating surrender monkeys from their own incompetence.
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Old 23-11-2021, 08:34   #9
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Re: Migrants...and their crisis....

The French really do have a problem with us and it goes back centuries….it is an inbred attitude… I cannot see them accepting British soldiers on their soil….showing them how to do a job that THEY should be doing….because we have paid them to do it.
What is more we can’t get our money back because they have spent it.
Put old ships in the Bay of Biscay and transport these boat wallahs to them….maybe after a few days they will be begging to go back where they came from.

I read something yesterday where these incomes have been tattooed with Christian crosses……just so that they can plead that sending them back would be the death sentence to them….converting from Islam is punishable by death.
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Old 23-11-2021, 10:09   #10
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Re: Migrants...and their crisis....

We have billions of £'s in military, and a jet ski can do the 31miles unseen??? I believe 12 miles out is international waters. A few fishermen and a shotgun, soon your staying in France. There's nowt here for you, were full up.
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Old 23-11-2021, 18:17   #11
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Migrants...and their crisis....

Here we go,

Sovereignty issues my arse! More likely showing them up for the lazy, backsliding, conniving, cheese eating surrender monkeys that they are.
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I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 24-11-2021, 10:49   #12
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Re: Migrants...and their crisis....

[QUOTE=DaveinGermany;1259922]Here we go,

Sovereignty issues my arse! More likely showing them up for the lazy, backsliding, conniving, cheese eating surrender monkeys that they are.

Don't hold back Dave just say it as it is, I just love your (verbatism), I think that i've spelt that right.
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Old 24-11-2021, 17:24   #13
a multieloquent Mule

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Re: Migrants...and their crisis....

Originally Posted by taddy View Post
Don't hold back Dave just say it as it is, I just love your (verbatism), I think that i've spelt that right.

I was being diplomatic Tads, as to the word you used not sure about it but I get your drift mate.
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I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
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Old 24-11-2021, 17:47   #14
Beacon of light

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Re: Migrants...and their crisis....

27 migrants including five children drowned today while the French police watched them set off into the rough sea at Calais.
They drowned in French waters, some French politician has said this is a tragedy(only because they did not get here)…..and that the UK is to blame.
No mention of the traffickers…or the fact that these people have travelled through safe countries, but chose to risk their lives for the homes and benefits they might get once they landed here.

Stop giving them benefits, once they land….give them food and shelter for a night, but then onto a plane and back to where they came from.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
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Old 25-11-2021, 10:57   #15
God Member

Re: Migrants...and their crisis....

[QUOTE=Margaret Pilkington;1260038]27 migrants including five children drowned today while the French police watched them set off into the rough sea at Calais.
They drowned in French waters, some French politician has said this is a tragedy(only because they did not get here)…..and that the UK is to blame.
No mention of the traffickers…or the fact that these people have travelled through safe countries, but chose to risk their lives for the homes and benefits they might get once they landed here.

The first point is that it seems a coincidence that women and children seem to have drowned but are rarely seen arriving here. Mentioning the traffickers, just wonder what race these people are. Makes you wonder if they are Dave,s french mates as it seems hard to find them thats if they are actually trying that hard. Then these people have like you said managed to get through all these safe countries which would have taken a long time but still manage to have 3,000 plus quid on them. Does make you wonder how much these poor assylum seakers still have on them after paying there travel costs. know for a start if i sold up everything i own i would not have much left if i did it the other way round. Bet the lefties will be having a whip round for the funerals of their friends.
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