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09-09-2009, 11:04
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I posted this in the 'doorstep deliveries' thread, but then realised that it was in the 'Oswaldtwistle' section, so might not be noticed - so I have made a thread for it here.
I have cancelled milk deliveries.
The delivery service was impeccable, and the whole raw milk was delicious.
The reason? - I found this lecture
Since consuming 5 pints of this delicous milk per week, I have had a recurrance of my chronic diarrhoea.
This lecture is rather long - 1hr 20 mins
If you dont have the time to watch all of it, just start to look at 40mins in where there is a list of all the common medical problems caused or aggravated by consumption of dairy products.
The part of the lecture before 40mins is very a technical explanation of the digestion of dairy products.
I hope that by eliminating dairy products I will alleviate my
breathing difficulties
Other medical problems mentioned
rheumatoid arthritis
..............to name just a few.
So if you have health problems it might be worth watching all this video lecture, and maybe having a test period of eliminating dairy products might be worthwhile, in order to decide what is best for you.
I will need to eat more green veg, grains, beans and legumes, to get enough calcium. Calcium is the only good thing that milk provides.
There is a section which discusses soy milk, and says that it is better than cows milk.
I disagree- because it disrupts your hormones, so I consider it the lesser of 2 evils.
To make an informed decision you need to be informed.
That is why I have posted this - you need to decide for yourself - take responsibily for your own health.
09-09-2009, 11:08
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Re: Milk
maybe you should swap to breast milk? much better for you 
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
09-09-2009, 11:11
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Re: Milk
Originally Posted by emamum
maybe you should swap to breast milk? much better for you 
 not so - after weaning, adults can't digest any milk efficiently
..and I don't really fancy that even if I could
09-09-2009, 11:14
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Re: Milk
Thanks for that Margaret I will have a look...  and pass on to my fellow students too...
Also I agree totally with you on your thoughts about soya Milk 
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Winston Churchill
09-09-2009, 11:23
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Re: Milk
Originally Posted by MargaretR
I posted this in the 'doorstep deliveries' thread, but then realised that it was in the 'Oswaldtwistle' section, so might not be noticed - so I have made a thread for it here.
I have cancelled milk deliveries.
The delivery service was impeccable, and the whole raw milk was delicious.
The reason? - I found this lecture
Since consuming 5 pints of this delicious milk per week, I have had a recurrence of my chronic diarrhoea.
This lecture is rather long - 1hr 20 mins
If you dont have the time to watch all of it, just start to look at 40 mins in where there is a list of all the common medical problems caused or aggravated by consumption of dairy products.
The part of the lecture before 40 mins is very a technical explanation of the digestion of dairy products.
I hope that by eliminating dairy products I will alleviate my
breathing difficulties
Other medical problems mentioned
rheumatoid arthritis
..............to name just a few.
So if you have health problems it might be worth watching all this video lecture, and maybe having a test period of eliminating dairy products might be worthwhile, in order to decide what is best for you.
I will need to eat more green veg, grains, beans and legumes, to get enough calcium. Calcium is the only good thing that milk provides.
There is a section which discusses soy milk, and says that it is better than cows milk.
I disagree- because it disrupts your hormones, so I consider it the lesser of 2 evils.
To make an informed decision you need to be informed.
That is why I have posted this - you need to decide for yourself - take responsibily for your own health.
I agree about soy milk Margaret, but for different reasons, its bloody awful stuff I wouldn't wash my feet in it  tastes terrible
09-09-2009, 11:27
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Re: Milk
Originally Posted by MargaretR
 not so - after weaning, adults can't digest any milk efficiently
..and I don't really fancy that even if I could
lol still better than a cows breast milk
no jokes please 
Like the old woman who lived in a shoe, i have so many children i can't fit the tickers in my signature.....
I finally found someone daft enough to marry me, my wonderboy is 11, my monkeygirl is 3 and my bananaman is 2, my beautiful little flower was born in feb 2012
09-09-2009, 11:37
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Re: Milk
I am going to give rice milk a try - anyone else here use it?
09-09-2009, 12:21
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Re: Milk
Fliipin heck, if you look hard enough you could find something about pretty much everything we eat.
sod that, I'm off to enjoy a nice meal with none of the worry or stress induced illnesses that I'd have if I took head of every single 'warning'
09-09-2009, 12:25
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Re: Milk
If you watch the whole lecture you might think otherwise.
Everyman to his own poison 
09-09-2009, 12:48
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Re: Milk
problem is Margaret is that you can equally find 'lectures' that would advocate the opposite, its a bit like statistics, you can make them say what suits you if you try hard enough.
If you considered pesticides, animal supplements, 'purified water' etc to the extent of anything we put in our gobs you would die of stress or hunger.
09-09-2009, 12:52
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Re: Milk
Originally Posted by entwisi
problem is Margaret is that you can equally find 'lectures' that would advocate the opposite, its a bit like statistics, you can make them say what suits you if you try hard enough.
If you considered pesticides, animal supplements, 'purified water' etc to the extent of anything we put in our gobs you would die of stress or hunger.
If you can find me a technical report that advocates the health benefits of dairy produce ( and is not financed by any commercially interested party)
I will glady read it - I do miss milk - a cuppa isn't quite the same without it, but if I find that my health improves without milk I am willing to make that small sacrifice.
09-09-2009, 12:56
Beacon of light
Re: Milk
Cows milk is designed for calves, not for humans.
I do not follow a lacto-free diet, but I do not like milk much and consume very little of it.
I do not eat yoghourt and my intake of cheese is minimal.
The chinese people don't take milk in their diet and they reckon they can smell milk on Westerners.......though of course they would be far too polite to tell you so.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
09-09-2009, 12:58
Beacon of light
Re: Milk
Margaret, I find that milk makes me produce an excess of mucus........and that when I reduce or eliminate it from my diet, my nasal catarrh improves greatly.
I know there is supposed to be no scientific evidence to support the fact that milk increases mucus production, but my body tells me different.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
09-09-2009, 13:48
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Re: Milk
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington
Margaret, I find that milk makes me produce an excess of mucus........and that when I reduce or eliminate it from my diet, my nasal catarrh improves greatly.
I know there is supposed to be no scientific evidence to support the fact that milk increases mucus production, but my body tells me different.
i agree with you on that Marg, i have asthma and i know if i drink full fat milk then my chests gonna be bad the next day, so i only buy UHT skimmed, might taste like water but its definately better for me
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09-09-2009, 14:02
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Re: Milk
I have been looking at rice milk on the mysupermarket website.
Asda Tesco and Sainsbury all sell it - good - cuppas will be ok 
I did find a newspaper health warning that some rice milk has tested positive for high arsenic due to pesticide use on the crops, so organic is the way to go.
I have been looking at what I could use as a substitute for butter.
The 'butter substitutes' I have looked at all contain hydrogenised or partly hydrogenised fat.
Now that is bad news!
So I am looking at good old fashioned dripping and lard.
I don't often eat sandwiches so the butter I use is put in the brioche bread I make.
- 2oz in every loaf. I will be trying out lard in that.
I have a slice of brioche with my breakfast.
It is lovely dipped in beaten egg and fried in olive oil - no butter there.
I doubt whether I will be able to completely eliminate butter from my diet.
I might get away with lard in bread, but I don't think biscuit recipes will be tasty.
Some saturated fats are essential for good brain maintenance.
I am hoping that I will get dairy consumption down drastically.
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