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02-01-2007, 08:56
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Which is all very well, I am very much in favour of offenders being required to assume a debt to society which must be repaid in some way and a period of unpaid work seems, on the face of it, a productive way of doing this. But I think that we need to look at just how much the administration of such schemes actually cost and whether the returns of such investment justify the outlay. It strikes me that this is merely a cosmetic exercise which in no way reflects the true cost of bringing an offender to court and administrating and supervising any sentence. Would it not be more appropriate to say to an offender "Your offence has cost the community X number of pounds, thus you will work at Y occupation for sufficient hours until this is repaid in full." over and above any sentence which may be imposed for breaking the law in the first place.
Enough is ENOUGH Get Britain out of Europe
Last edited by Acrylic-bob; 02-01-2007 at 09:00.
02-01-2007, 10:04
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Re: Milnshaw Park
I too think its a good idea. As for cost to administer, there is already a cost to administer these people be it running prisons/probabtion service etc. I can't see it being much different but as you say, the payback should include this cost above and beyond whtever teh original 'cost' was plus a chunk to make it a deterrent.
11-03-2007, 14:36
Resting in Peace
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Report in the Observer this week that Councillor Clare Pritchard has launched a Friends group to look after the park.
They have been awarded a starter of £500 from the community chest fund to help clean up the area and to organise events.
Anyone interested in joining the Friends of Milnshaw Park should contact her on [email protected]
Well, it's a start in the right direction. 
11-03-2007, 14:42
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Re: Milnshaw Park
i read that too kate, i'll believe it when i see it
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16-08-2008, 17:25
Resting in Peace
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Re: Milnshaw Park
There is an article in the Observer (sorry, can't find a link) re. the bowlers distress at the Council closing off access to the steps in order for them to get to the buildings at the top, and due to the railings built around the bowling green, have to go around the outside. They say it is not too steep ...
I visited three weeks ago on a sunny afternoon, and spoke to some of the bowlers there, they stated that they would not put a gate at the top due to health and safety reasons. Ok.. have great respect for H & S, but seems something to do with the railings on the steps not being at the correct height .. seems easy to replace to me ...
I was horrified to see the state of this once lovely park, and does not seem to have been any improvement since A-B's last visit.
The bowlers have applied for lottery funding for a decent shelter, etc., but never a cert. is it ? They had put a few flowers around the bowling green to brighten it up, and also some just outside the railings, costing £ 75, which were extracted from their pots and scattered about after a few days.
The park is an absolute disgrace still, and wondering if any progress has been made towards any progress ? Know three of our parks have received a Green status, so maybe Milnshaw may next in their programme ?
A letter from a reader is also in this week's addition; they say greens in a good state, and never seen it (one green is uncared for)in such good condition. To me, I have never seen it looking so rough !!
milnshaw 003.jpgmilnshaw 004.jpg
Note the bankings overgrown with weeds .. too dangerous to tend to seemingly !
Oh, yes, the tennis courts :-
milnshaw 002.jpgmilnshaw 001.jpg
What I find amazing is that HBC are still using an old photograph to promote the park.. trade description ?
Milnshaw Park - Information about Milnshaw Park
16-08-2008, 19:57
Resting in Peace
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Oh, and another thing ... came back to Mercer Park same day (looking OK  ). Bowling Green not fenced in, but two young mothers, with babies, sat right on the crown having a bloody picnic !!!
16-08-2008, 20:05
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Re: Milnshaw Park
I regularly walk across the field in between Gatty and Milnshaw Park (I think it’s called Owd Bobs) to get to Asda. The last time I had to walk past two lads who were weighing up the possibility of getting a car through the gap in the fencing if the cops were chasing them. A few months earlier there was a burnt out car at the bottom of the field

16-08-2008, 20:17
Resting in Peace
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Yes, Tomber, lots of people coming across the field and last part through bottom of park to Asda when I was there, even though a Sunday. Would be good though if a few flowers were around to make their chore a little more pleasant.
Cannot describe this piece of wasteland a park anymore .. complete wilderness overgrown with weeds and bereft of any structure it once had.
16-08-2008, 20:20
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Kate all this health and safety stuff at the park is a loada crap if you ask me, i used to live right next to Milnshaw park as a kid and i never ever heard of anyone ever falling down that banking, i used to love going down there when i was ickle, i just think its a total mess now and a waste of a great park
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16-08-2008, 20:28
Resting in Peace
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Originally Posted by flashytart
Kate all this health and safety stuff at the park is a loada crap if you ask me, i used to live right next to Milnshaw park as a kid and i never ever heard of anyone ever falling down that banking, i used to love going down there when i was ickle, i just think its a total mess now and a waste of a great park
Don't think the council workers will mow it anymore Flashy due to the steepness ... never was a problem before. Used to be lovely with the forms on the top and the shelters and the club room. Had to fence it in because of bikers, golf enthusiasts etc ... looks 'orrible ! Even a 'certain' football team a couple of years ago thought they could practice on the greens, but were given short shift by the bowlers !
16-08-2008, 20:49
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Re: Milnshaw Park
it is such a shame, my bro's works cut the grass between the two parks(LCC) but i dont think that they actually do inside the parks i think thats down to HBC, i took Reece and two of my nieces through both parks last year to show them where i grew up and i was gobsmacked at the state of Milnshaw park, why doesnt it look as good as Gatty? they always seem to favour that park when doing them up and it really pee's me off
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16-08-2008, 20:58
Resting in Peace
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Perhaps Cllrs. Pritchard and Pritchard may come on and give us an update ?
16-08-2008, 21:03
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Re: Milnshaw Park
hope so, i want to know why Gatty is so damn different than Milnshaw, is it because there is a different 'class' of people living near Gatty? GRRRRRRRRRRR
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
16-08-2008, 21:13
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Milnshaw Park
Originally Posted by flashytart
hope so, i want to know why Gatty is so damn different than Milnshaw, is it because there is a different 'class' of people living near Gatty? GRRRRRRRRRRR
i would have thought that was obvious flashy, as i live nearer gatty. 
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16-08-2008, 21:14
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Originally Posted by cashman
i would have thought that was obvious flashy, as i live nearer gatty. 
lol shut it you
when i lived NEAR MILNSHAW park back in the 80's it was nothing like it is now, its just like a dump around that area now, its a disgrace
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