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16-08-2008, 21:16
Resting in Peace
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Originally Posted by cashman
i would have thought that was obvious flashy, as i live nearer gatty. 
Ah yes, Cashy, but did notice, through one of your posts, that you had taken your dog for a walk in Milnshaw just after I had been there, must have just missed you. 
16-08-2008, 21:18
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Milnshaw Park
Originally Posted by flashytart
lol shut it you
when i lived NEAR MILNSHAW park back in the 80's it was nothing like it is now, its just like a dump around that area now, its a disgrace
you are correct, as me late mum-in law lived across from ya, so i know fer fact it was much better kept then. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
16-08-2008, 21:21
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Originally Posted by cashman
you are correct, as me late mum-in law lived across from ya, so i know fer fact it was much better kept then. 
she lived on Kingsley close next door to mi gran lol i used to live in the first house on Regent rd next door to yours in 1980, then moved down to near Milnshaw later on
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
16-08-2008, 21:24
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Milnshaw Park
Originally Posted by flashytart
she lived on Kingsley close next door to mi gran lol i used to live in the first house on Regent rd next door to yours in 1980, then moved down to near Milnshaw later on
forgot about that....knew there was a reason we moved.  
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
16-08-2008, 21:25
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Originally Posted by cashman
forgot about that....knew there was a reason we moved.  
 you didnt remember me anyway, but i remember your daughter
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
17-08-2008, 17:52
Resting in Peace
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Just to show you what it used to be like, look at the lovely flowers ... can't remember why me mum had her Sunday hat on though, maybe the Queen was visiting ...
18-08-2008, 09:29
Resting in Peace
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Originally Posted by katex
Just to show you what it used to be like, look at the lovely flowers ... can't remember why me mum had her Sunday hat on though, maybe the Queen was visiting ...
Attachment 12423
Or maybe it was Sunday kate 
19-08-2008, 11:55
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Just been told by a Member of Hyndburn BC staff about this thread so I thought I would give you all an update. Milnshaw Park isn't actually in Milnshaw Ward, its in Central (mental I know !!!) but about two years ago I and some other Milnshaw Ward residents formed a Friends of Milnshaw Park Group. We work really closely with the bowlers and I was personally really disappointed by the story in the Observer because I've always worked hard to help the bowlers. As I'm sure you know there isn't an awful lot of money flying around for parks in our area under the current administration (that's not a political point, its just factual). We have tidied up the tennis courts believe it or not and we have had the undergrowth and bushes extensively cut back to improve visability and safety. We have just put a Lottery bid in to improve the paths around the park and we are keeping our fingers crossed for that. We are DESPERATLY in need of volunteers to help us, so if you can spare us some time, PLEASE, PLEASE contact me. I also remember the park in its prime as my Nana and Grandad lived on Lancaster Avenue when I was young and I spent many happy hours in there. I'm working really hard to regenerate this park, which I would be the first to admit has been neglected. BUT I can't do it on my own
19-08-2008, 18:38
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Re: Milnshaw Park
I no clare has done alot of work in milnshaw all so her dad malcolm has i no malcolm will talk to about this just call him
19-08-2008, 21:35
Resting in Peace
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Thanks Clare for your post, much appreciated. Yes, did think the park was in the Milnshaw Ward, particularly as you have been making an effort in the past.
It's sad really that we should have to rely on voters to put in some work on this, but if the money 'aint there, it 'aint there, is it !
Would love to put my money where me mouth is ... not into gardening at all ...ugh ! all those worms and things, and can't see me digging borders or being a bricklayer's labourer. Could maybe do some light jobs though in memory of my mum and dad.
Can't the Council be persuaded at least to open up a gate at the top of the steps, would make life easier for them.
Know the park is not just about the bowlers,and would be lovely to see some colour in the other parts .. and do something with that defunct paddling pool.
Keeping my fingers crossed for the Lottery bid ... well, worth it !
20-08-2008, 08:24
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Re: Milnshaw Park
thats nice Clare, i hope you get the money from the lottery
but it still doesnt explain why Gatty is obviously getting lots of money spent on it when Milnshaw is withering away?
When people walk away from you, let them go... It doesn't mean they are bad people, it just means their part in your story is over
20-08-2008, 09:10
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Re: Milnshaw Park
I appreciate the frustration of the bowlers, believe me I have had MANY site visits with both them and council officers but the councils insurers just won't under any circumstances allow the steps to be reopened, they went as far as saying that they would withdraw the insurance for the whole park if that happened. We have offered every help to the bowlers regarding the slope, graduating the slope (making it wiggly !!!), putting handrails up the wiggly slope, benches up the slope to sit on half way up. This is what is so frustrating about the Observer story because it has blatently twisted facts and blown the whole issue out of all proportion when lots of people have worked SO hard to find a mutually acceptable solution. I've always been 100% honest on things that I have posted on this site and am always willing to come on here to explain what is happening on a subject. Katex, I really appreciate your offer of help, if you can please will you PM me with your contact details and I'll contact you to help on projects that don't involve wriggleing critters !!! I have spent many happy (?????) hours on Saturday mornings litter picking in the park and on one occasion not too long ago picked a beer can out of a bush only to come face to face with a bloody rat the size of a small cat, believe me the speed I reached the top gate surprised not only me but the rest of the volunteers too !!!!!!!!!!!!!
21-08-2008, 22:22
Resting in Peace
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Well, got meself in a corner with that one ... 
Don't mind litter collecting or weeding pathways ... ignoring the rat story ...  Need a bit of fresh air anyway.
Have p.m'd .. well, in a minute.
Anyone else up for it ?.. Cashy, next time you walk that dog through Milnshaw, can pick up a few cans (plus the dog pooh I hope.. LOL).
Flashy: Perhaps the reason Gatty has been prioritized is due to the fact it is on the main route into the centre and would encourage new businesses to set up on this route ?
22-08-2008, 09:20
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Milnshaw Park was for Lord Snooty and his pals.
Gatty Park was for the Bash Street kids.
22-08-2008, 09:55
Resting in Peace
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Re: Milnshaw Park
Originally Posted by katex
How will I know which is Oscars ?? 
It will be shaped like an hollywood statuette, kate  
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