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08-11-2012, 21:33
Beacon of light
Re: Missing Accrington man - David Guilfoyle
Not the same at all........Jimmy Savile was a Paedophile...he didn't murder anyone, deny it and spend 7 years keeping quiet about the remains......and we only have your say so that the victim was a 'horrible' man.
The only thing that Jimmy Savile has in common with this is that both he and David Guilfoyle are dead..........it seems that on the balance of evidence Jimmy Savile was a bad man who did good things(some of the time...and for his own selfish reasons)....David Guilfoyle.....well, we don't know if he did bad things or not...unless we would like to believe you...but you are defending a convicted murderer...so NO...I think I will pass on that .
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
08-11-2012, 21:35
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Missing Accrington man - David Guilfoyle
Originally Posted by Paz1976
Less I'm really guna tell a load off strangers arnt I Derrr!!!
You want a load of strangers to stop thinking of your friend as a criminal and turn him into a grand lad, someone we would all think to be one of the kindest people we could ever meet, so expand on your poor defense of him.
Prove to us that he is worthy to be called your friend.
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Winnie the Pooh
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08-11-2012, 21:50
a multieloquent Mule
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Re: Missing Accrington man - David Guilfoyle
Originally Posted by Paz1976
you seriously need to know Shane and all the story behind why he did it and it makes perfect sense, there are reasons for everything!!
All the "story", were you there when it happened ? Did you witness the act ? (incidentally making you an accessory to the crime)
If your answer is "no" then your opinions are as biased as those, who, in your opinion gained their information from the press. Your "facts" come from a man accused & sentenced for murder.
There is as they say two sides to every story, sadly in this case the counter argument can't be sought as the individual concerned isn't here to speak for himself.
As to perfect sense for committing murder, I really can't agree myself. Perhaps if the complete facts were available an understanding as to the why & wherefore could be ascertained & perceived, but "perfect sense" I think not.
I don't know half of you as well as I should like, and I like half of you, half as well as you deserve. (Bilbo Baggins)
08-11-2012, 21:53
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Re: Missing Accrington man - David Guilfoyle
Originally Posted by Paz1976
Less I'm really guna tell a load off strangers arnt I Derrr!!!
What you should do Paz1976 is put yourself down as a character witness for your mate. and when you stand up in court to defend him. The judge will give him another 20 years for your impudence. When I read your ranting about how good and kind you so called murdering friend is. (I can call him a murderer because he has admitted it.) It makes me wonder what the hell is going through you mind and do you know the difference between right and wrong. There were millions of Germans who said that their leader was a good and kind man as well. Its called being brainwashed. This is what I think you are. Brainwashed and you have no idea what you are saying or how offensive some of your remarks are, especially to the poor dead mans family. If I was you I would shut up and sign off from this webb site.
08-11-2012, 22:16
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Re: Missing Accrington man - David Guilfoyle
Originally Posted by Paz1976
Less I'm really guna tell a load off strangers arnt I Derrr!!!
If you are not going to prove your statements then why mention anything in the first place, your coming across as juvenile minded attention seeker. Your so called friend is a self confessed muderer, end of story.
Accy Web seems to be attracting a lot of attention seekers lately
08-11-2012, 22:32
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Re: Missing Accrington man - David Guilfoyle
I knew Shane. He came in the shop where I worked all the time. The day before he was arrested he was in there laughing and joking with the staff. Feel sick when I think about it. The creep. Never thought of him as a nice guy.
08-11-2012, 22:58
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Re: Missing Accrington man - David Guilfoyle
hey we all need to shut up because the murderers buddy thinks its unfair to judge someone because they merely killed someone .
ok so anyone fancy sticking up for garry glitter next ?
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
09-11-2012, 05:13
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Re: Missing Accrington man - David Guilfoyle
i have to agree in part to what PAZ 1976 says,no one knows the true circumstances that lead to this tragic event,maybe it was the fact that david guilfoyles was shack up with this mans ex partner,maybe it could be classed as a crime of passion,who knows,what we dont need are people opening old wounds and slagging each other off on here,i still get that but thats what free speech is all about in this country,so please accept the moderators rules on here and let this subject lie,it wont bring david guilfoyle back or change anything just let it rest and give his family the respect and space they need to come to terms with this tragic event.
Last edited by alan7554; 09-11-2012 at 05:14.
Reason: speeling mistaKE
09-11-2012, 07:00
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Re: Missing Accrington man - David Guilfoyle
Originally Posted by alan7554
i have to agree in part to what PAZ 1976 says,no one knows the true circumstances that lead to this tragic event,maybe it was the fact that david guilfoyles was shack up with this mans ex partner,maybe it could be classed as a crime of passion,who knows,what we dont need are people opening old wounds and slagging each other off on here,i still get that but thats what free speech is all about in this country,so please accept the moderators rules on here and let this subject lie,it wont bring david guilfoyle back or change anything just let it rest and give his family the respect and space they need to come to terms with this tragic event.
Alan I think you are quite right that we should let it rest for the sake of David’s family and after this I shall. This is not an attempt to slag off anybody; it was an attempt to assist a young gent with his thinking. Maybe he has not been taught that there is a right and a wrong in this life so how would he know the difference. Also you normally find that when some one commits a crime of passion they normally do it out of jealousy and rage. Its is mostly on the spur of the moment and it is rarely planned. To plan and execute a person is premeditated then hide the body miles away and then deny that they ever had anything to do with the crime, is not thinking about David’s family or anybody else. He is only thinking about himself. If he now confesses after 7 years, there is only one thing that he is doing it for and that’s for himself again. Instead of doing the 20 years you know that he will be released in the not too distant future. How the hell do you think David’s family are going to feel about that? I cannot agree with any of Paz 1976 statements. We do not no the full circumstances regarding the build up to this poor mans demise. Whatever he did though did not require anybody murdering him. If it was ok to kill somebody for having an affair with someone’s wife, Half of Accrington’s women would now be widows.
09-11-2012, 07:36
Beacon of light
Re: Missing Accrington man - David Guilfoyle
There is no such thing as a 'crime of passion'...it is a term(a bit like 'honour killing') that those who commit the crime of murder use, to try and 'sanitise' their crime of murder.
I understand that this discussion could be painful to the family of the victim, but should we just have stood by and let this new member defend the murderer?
To try and tell us he is a good man, and to justify his crime by telling us that he had his reasons, but that we are not allowed to know them. In that way to defile the name of David Guilfoyle with his innuendo...but nothing to substantiate it.
My posts to this thread are now done. I hope they find David Guilfoyle and return him to his family, for him to be given a proper resting place.
I also hope we hear no more from this new member....we do not need people to be our moral compass.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
09-11-2012, 09:39
Grand Wizard Of The Inner Clique
Re: Missing Accrington man - David Guilfoyle
Originally Posted by accyman
ok so anyone fancy sticking up for garry glitter next ?
You did ask, this is the nearest you're going to get:-
Originally Posted by alan7554
i have to agree in part to what PAZ 1976 says,no one knows the true circumstances that lead to this tragic event,maybe it was the fact that david guilfoyles was shack up with this mans ex partner,maybe it could be classed as a crime of passion,who knows,what we dont need are people opening old wounds and slagging each other off on here,i still get that but thats what free speech is all about in this country,so please accept the moderators rules on here and let this subject lie,it wont bring david guilfoyle back or change anything just let it rest and give his family the respect and space they need to come to terms with this tragic event.
“I am a Bear of Very Little Brain, and long words bother me.”
Winnie the Pooh
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Last edited by Less; 09-11-2012 at 09:43.
09-11-2012, 09:47
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Re: Missing Accrington man - David Guilfoyle
Originally Posted by Less
You did ask, this is the nearest your going to get:-
i too find it strange that the only member (so far) to defend Paz and his thinking, is someone else who believes we should turn a blind eye to "a bad mistake"
i often wonder that if the roles were reversed would these people have the same forgiving attitudes, or is it more a case of "leave me alone, ive served my time" well im sorry
the murderer should have swung, and the other should of had his testicles removed with a cold chisel and 12lb lump hammer without anaesthetic and been left to bleed to death on the town hall steps
09-11-2012, 11:02
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Re: Missing Accrington man - David Guilfoyle
A cynical confession in my eyes, most people I know were expecting a confession and remorse so Shane can secure his parole when the time comes. I knew Shane (not well) and David who was a freind.
7 years Davids family and friends still havent had a funeral.
Shane was not such a nice guy before the murder, he had a reputation as a nutcase and Dave was warned to be careful when he was seeing Shanes ex.
Shane has attempted to escape from Prison not that long into his sentence and it was reported as one of nearest miss escapes from a high security prison.
In the trial it was reported on the night of the disappearance Shane and his Son were dressed in black leaving the house at night, maybe now his son can answer to what his part was in the matter and maybe be prosecuted for perjury as part of Shanes albi.
Dave was popular and well known on the pub scene especially with his talent for snooker and pool, he was a nice, generous, funny guy. yes he had faults but never deserved to be murdered by the cold and calculated jealous Fitzpatrick.
09-11-2012, 11:39
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Re: Missing Accrington man - David Guilfoyle
There is an attitude on this forum that 'you should not speak ill of the dead', which I do not adhere to.
I do not know the victim or his murderer but the press has described both as rogues.
I seriously doubt anything that the press reports, but having seen the victim described as 'wheeler dealer', 'womaniser', who gained financially from illegal activity, I can relate this to my own experience, having married a con man with the same traits. (they are usually 'charmers' too)
Neither of the two, victim and murderer, deserve any words of support.
Last edited by MargaretR; 09-11-2012 at 11:43.
09-11-2012, 11:49
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Missing Accrington man - David Guilfoyle
There also seems to be n attitude on this forum, that murder is wrong under any circumstance, I aint noticed yeh adhere to that neither margaret?
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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