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14-08-2012, 18:56
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Re: Mitt Romney
Originally Posted by gynn
Universal health care is something we concluded was central to any civilised society over 60 years ago. It's unbelievable that anyone is still having the discussion. Cameron and Osborne aren't arguing against universal health care. They just have strange ways of seeing how it can be provided.
This is exactly what amazes me. Only the most right-wing laissez faire Tory would want to do away with the NHS altogether. Over in the States, a large part of the Republican electorate seems to regard the very existence of a universal healthcare system as a fiendish commie plot. 
14-08-2012, 20:14
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Re: Mitt Romney
Originally Posted by jaysay
So long as they don't take the road of those Mancie kowtows too and toss money into PFI 
I remember PFIs being trailed 20/25 years ago. They were seen as a means of getting public buildings built at a time when there was a squeeze on spending during the Thatcher/Major era. They appealed to the Conservatives because they were a collaboration with the private sector, and to Labour because they had a minimum effect on the public purse in the short term, thereby allowing a lot of big projects to be carried out.
I also recall the warnings being given loud and clear that the only benefits were short term, and that 20 years down the line we'd suffer. I think this put off most Conservative thinkers, but it fitted in well with Labours 'live now, pay later' philosophy.
Well here we are 20 years later, and the chickens have come home to roost. They can't say they weren't warned!
14-08-2012, 21:57
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Re: Mitt Romney
Lets get things clear...the PFI was introduced during the John Major government and then carried on by Blair..any money owed to those private investors could be paid off now, today, at this moment.
The £20 billion in cuts to the NHS demanded by this government makes it impossible to even pay the existing debt and so we end up with increasing interest payments to the private sector.. and that suits this government just fine..whatever this lot may say they are tories and that means they must provide cash to the private sector ..always has been.
15-08-2012, 08:36
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Re: Mitt Romney
Originally Posted by gynn
I remember PFIs being trailed 20/25 years ago. They were seen as a means of getting public buildings built at a time when there was a squeeze on spending during the Thatcher/Major era. They appealed to the Conservatives because they were a collaboration with the private sector, and to Labour because they had a minimum effect on the public purse in the short term, thereby allowing a lot of big projects to be carried out.
I also recall the warnings being given loud and clear that the only benefits were short term, and that 20 years down the line we'd suffer. I think this put off most Conservative thinkers, but it fitted in well with Labours 'live now, pay later' philosophy.
Well here we are 20 years later, and the chickens have come home to roost. They can't say they weren't warned!
Major did toy with it but as you say wasn't over keen to delve deep into it, PFI is now taking up around 14% off health trust finances, taking into account all the other hairbrained financial schemes embarked on my both Blair and Brown, finances were totally out of control, who can forget the note Liam Byrne left on his desk when Labour were kicked out, "there's no money left we've spent it all"
22-08-2012, 13:03
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: Mitt Romney
Originally Posted by gynn
Watching Sky News over here, we tend to see a bit of Fox News coverage of American politics (same owner, the 'humble' Rupert Murdoch). That gives us the impression that Obama has made a complete mess of the Presidency, and the only possible solution is for him to be ousted in November. The Tea Party have been presented as the solution to America's ills.
So it's somewhat surprising to see the Tea Party completely overlooked by the Republicans when they came to select a candidate, and it is surprising too (although refreshing also) to see them make such a complete and total mess of their selection of candidate and his running mate.
Once again, God Help America!
(Trying to read through before responding but had to jump in): Oh dear, now I remember why I took a break from Accyweb. Back then it was so many of you guy's love affair with Obama (who in Most Americans minds has been a Complete disaster in every walk of our lives). I see my old Mate Eric is still active in promoting the far left Liberal mind set. I remain very Conservative.
Romney would not have been my first choice to mend the damage but his experience, character, vision, etc., far exceeds Obama. Okay, reading on . . .
22-08-2012, 13:31
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: Mitt Romney
. . . WOW, views are pretty skewed over there. Obama and his cronies have increased our deficit more then ALL the other Presidents combined. In fact, name me anything positive they've done. This obamacare sounds all fine and dandy but there are so many loopholes, misconceptions, and outright errors, that 30 million Americans will not have coverage due to being dropped by their employers who merely have to pay a penalty which is cheaper then picking up the insurance tab. Poor folks who can't afford the insurance will have to pay a fine for not having coverage but they are TOO poor to pay. UGH!
And Eric, please don't play the race card. Those millions of Americans who have always disliked obama, and the millions who have become disinfranchised by his repeated failures and blunders, do so because of his failled policies NOT because he's half black! Of course you have 10s of thousands of ignorant haters who dislike his color but that is not the majority of Americans.
Finally, (and I REALLY don't want to come back to Accyweb and get hated for my views. I really miss seeing whats going on with the many people who I see as friends and family over there. I'm just trying to give a view from the other side okay?  ) based on my economic status (or lack-there-of  ), obama's reelection would benefit me much more then a Romney victory. However, I truly believe that a Republican win will be better for not just our country but for the rest of the world. Remember this all happens right in my back yard!
Peace my Friends,
P.S. - I'm not a member of the Tea Party nor the National Rifle Association, I don't watch Fox News, I'm not affiliated with any Religious organization, and have never watch Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Glen Beck, etc.,
Last edited by LancYorkYankee; 22-08-2012 at 13:35.
Reason: additions made
22-08-2012, 13:53
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Re: Mitt Romney
Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee
. . . WOW, views are pretty skewed over there. Obama and his cronies have increased our deficit more then ALL the other Presidents combined. In fact, name me anything positive they've done. This obamacare sounds all fine and dandy but there are so many loopholes, misconceptions, and outright errors, that 30 million Americans will not have coverage due to being dropped by their employers who merely have to pay a penalty which is cheaper then picking up the insurance tab. Poor folks who can't afford the insurance will have to pay a fine for not having coverage but they are TOO poor to pay. UGH!
And Eric, please don't play the race card. Those millions of Americans who have always disliked obama, and the millions who have become disinfranchised by his repeated failures and blunders, do so because of his failled policies NOT because he's half black! Of course you have 10s of thousands of ignorant haters who dislike his color but that is not the majority of Americans.
Finally, (and I REALLY don't want to come back to Accyweb and get hated for my views. I really miss seeing whats going on with the many people who I see as friends and family over there. I'm just trying to give a view from the other side okay?  ) based on my economic status (or lack-there-of  ), obama's reelection would benefit me much more then a Romney victory. However, I truly believe that a Republican win will be better for not just our country but for the rest of the world. Remember this all happens right in my back yard!
Peace my Friends,
P.S. - I'm not a member of the Tea Party nor the National Rifle Association, I don't watch Fox News, I'm not affiliated with any Religious organization, and have never watch Rush Limbaugh, Hannity, Glen Beck, etc.,
Hey ... good to hear from you again   ... And you really should watch Limbaugh; he's a hoot 
22-08-2012, 14:14
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: Mitt Romney
My father-in-law used to listen to all those guys when he visited. Raised his blood pressure something awful! Glad to see you still here Eric. My quest will be to bring you over from the dark left side! lol How's the fishin' been up there?
Oh, should have also noted in my P.S. that I attend a Black church up the road. Even half of them have turned against the failed "hope and change" policies from their one time hero!
Last edited by LancYorkYankee; 22-08-2012 at 14:17.
22-08-2012, 23:06
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Re: Mitt Romney
Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee
I truly believe that a Republican win will be better for not just our country but for the rest of the world. Remember this all happens right in my back yard!
Great to get the view from the Lions Den, LYY. Its your choice and whoever you choose we will all have to live with.
Obama gets a better press over here than apparently he does in the US. As a world statesman, he has been a great success. His health reforms are seen as an attempt to move the US forward into the 1950s.
What did you make of Romney's overseas visit recently where he managed to upset virtually everyone he met, and frankly came across to most decent minded people as a complete wombat?
We are dreading him being elected.
22-08-2012, 23:30
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Mitt Romney
Well apart from the stuff we see n hear on the Media, i can honestly say that the few yanks i have personally encountered, oer the last 2/3 yrs, have all been pretty anti- obama, which has surprised me, taking account of what is heard on the media,etc,I'm only talking half a dozen or so, but what i regard as a fair cross section.I am very unlikely to encounter these folk again, but i wonder what they would make of Romney. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
22-08-2012, 23:44
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Re: Mitt Romney
Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee
My father-in-law used to listen to all those guys when he visited. Raised his blood pressure something awful! Glad to see you still here Eric. My quest will be to bring you over from the dark left side! lol How's the fishin' been up there?
Oh, should have also noted in my P.S. that I attend a Black church up the road. Even half of them have turned against the failed "hope and change" policies from their one time hero!
So, who's this Todd Akin guy, eh 
23-08-2012, 06:37
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Re: Mitt Romney
I wish Hicks was still alive. I know I have said this lots of times. I would love to hear what Hicks would have to say about today's politics
Originally Posted by Bill Hicks
the reason I didn't vote for George Bush is because George Bush (along with Ronald Reagan) presided over an administration whose policies towards South America included genocide."
People like Romney make me sick. I guess we have reached our evolutionary peak and have started going backwards for abortions like this guy to exist.
23-08-2012, 22:38
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: Mitt Romney
Michael Berry and Ken Bickers of the University of Colorado System Predict Romney to Win 320 Electoral Votes in November | TheBlaze.com
This is a recent independant survey regarding the coming election. I hope the map of the USA comes up. It shows that obama only has solid support from the "Left" coast States and in the Northeast. Most of these very liberal states are also the ones who are in the worse fiscal shape. Further proof that obama and the liberal lead Senate's policy just don't work and haven't worked since the liberal democrats took over Congress in 2007!
- GRRR sorry, you have to click the thing to see the Map. Also noticed that the bankrupt State of Illinois and Michigan and Iowa currently leaning towards obama. Hope this shows you guys that he is not a popular president. Even held lower then the cellar dweller Jimmy Carter!
Last edited by LancYorkYankee; 23-08-2012 at 22:43.
Reason: addition made
23-08-2012, 22:44
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Mitt Romney
Well thats frightening if they are correct n past form says they may well be. Obama aint no Mr wonderful, but if Romneys the best the opposition got, then the gold ole U.S.A. are as useless as us. 
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
23-08-2012, 23:03
Yank in King Art's Court!
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Re: Mitt Romney
Why do you say that Mate? Although I was hoping Herman Cain would have been the Republicans choice, Mitt Romney has the experience, character, and plan to fix the horrible mess the liberals have made of things. Sounds like you guys are being fed a boatload of ideas that are not totally factual. Plus our mainstream media continues to attack Romney but has hidden obama's many, many flaws.
Even some leading democrats have said that obama has been running the most negative campaign in recent memory. So many of his commercials have been pulled cause they have been quickly proven to be misstatements and out right lies.
As always, I welcome discussions and others views. I know most of you disagree with my political leanings which is fine. Friendships always come first. Just trying to open (not change) you guys up to "the other side of things!"
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