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Old 23-08-2012, 23:11   #76
Coffin Dodger.

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Re: Mitt Romney

Disagree mate, Romney cocked up big time on his recent tour in quite a few places, he managed it quite easily without prompting by the media, he annoyed n upset quite a few people all by himself, perhaps yeh were never shown that oer yon? The mans a balloon.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 23-08-2012, 23:30   #77
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Re: Mitt Romney

Who next for presidency candidate... Fred Phelps? not much worse of a choice than this wannabe mass murderer-- isn't that what the previous republican presidents are? The bush idiots most certainly.

Brian. I think your posts are refreshing and its good to hear a point of view from across the pond. I ain't getting at your for your political beliefs. I just want to get that out of the way so you don't think I am personally attacking you.

But there is being a republican and BEING a republican. Some of these guys are religious maniacs. They get blood on their hands and wipe it on the pages of the bible to cleanse them.

Voting a religious maniac into presidency of the USA scares the hell out of me.
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Old 23-08-2012, 23:45   #78
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Re: Mitt Romney of course his running mate who thinks that an NHS system is a "threat to democracy".

Paul Ryan profile: The brains behind Presidential candidate Mitt Romney who is pro-gun, anti-abortion, hates the NHS and hunts deer - Mirror Online

Well, I don't. Whatever its flaws (and our NHS has many) a health system that is free at the point of delivery is a hallmark of a civillised democracy which looks after everyone including the old and needy. To my mind Romney and Ryan and their Republican fellow travellers display a laissez faire, I'm alright Jack attitude that I don't like.
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Old 26-08-2012, 17:27   #79
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Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by LancYorkYankee View Post
Although I was hoping Herman Cain would have been the Republicans choice, Mitt Romney has the experience, character, and plan to fix the horrible mess the liberals have made of things. Sounds like you guys are being fed a boatload of ideas that are not totally factual. Plus our mainstream media continues to attack Romney but has hidden obama's many, many flaws.

I, too, was a supporter of Herman Cain. Although Romney was not my first choice, he'll do. The thought of President Slash n' Burn getting another four years is scary. He is very anti-American. I did my homework on him in 2008 and knew right away that I could never vote for such a man. He fooled a lot of people at that time. Let's see how many will buy his swill this go around.
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Old 26-08-2012, 17:55   #80
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Re: Mitt Romney

Looks like people living in the States have a poorer opinion of Obama than we do, but after all they have to live with it
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Old 29-08-2012, 01:46   #81
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Re: Mitt Romney

The Republicans, those guys who arranged a National Convention to take place in Florida in hurricane season, sure have some winners in their camp. First we had Todd "Legitimate Rape" Akin; and now this clown:

NH Sheriff Candidate Would Use Deadly Force To Stop Abortions CBS Boston

If the Republicans win, I forsee an increase in tourism in Canada.
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Old 29-08-2012, 05:07   #82
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Re: Mitt Romney

Haven't heard much this week from all those bible bashing Republicans who argue that natural disasters like earthquakes and hurricanes are a judgement from God and a warning to mankind to change its ways.

Even they must see the irony of the Republican Party Convention being delayed by Hurricane Isaac.

But typical of their narrow minded, selective minds, they choose to keep quiet!

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Old 29-08-2012, 05:12   #83
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Re: Mitt Romney

......and WTF was that speech from Romney's 'er indoors all about?

She had all the sincerity of a barrel of treacle, and bringing MS and Breast Cancer into it was just plain cynical.

Pass the sick bag, Alice!
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Old 29-08-2012, 08:13   #84
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Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
......and WTF was that speech from Romney's 'er indoors all about?

She had all the sincerity of a barrel of treacle, and bringing MS and Breast Cancer into it was just plain cynical.

Pass the sick bag, Alice!
You have to make allowances gynn after all she was reading a script and is was a blond airhead

Last edited by jaysay; 29-08-2012 at 08:16.
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Old 02-09-2012, 10:01   #85
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Re: Mitt Romney

If we think Romney is bad, what about his absoluely appalling running mate, one "Paul Ryan"?

His speech to the Republican Party Convention was full of inaccuracies and downright lies.

He attacked the President for making cuts to the Medicare healthcare programme, but did not say that his own budget plan includes the same savings.

He complained that proposals by a budget commission were not adopted, but did not mention he was on the commission and opposed its report.

He was also accused of misleading his audience over the timing of the closure of a GM plant in his home town of Janesville, Wisconsin,
having failed to note that the plant closed under the previous administration of President George W Bush.

And to confirm that he can't be trusted, he has boasted that he has run a marathon in under three hours. The fact is that his one and only marathon took over four hours.

The man is a compulsive liar and a cheat, probably the ideal person to lead a party that has these sort of people attending iits convention:

GOP Convention Attendees at RNC Ejected For Throwing Nuts At Black CNN Camera Operator and Saying 'This is how we feed animals'' - Speakeasy - WSJ

If they get elected, God help us!
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Old 02-09-2012, 10:03   #86
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Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
If we think Romney is bad, what about his absolutely appalling running mate, one "Paul Ryan"?

His speech to the Republican Party Convention was full of inaccuracies and downright lies.

He attacked the President for making cuts to the Medicare health care programme, but did not say that his own budget plan includes the same savings.

He complained that proposals by a budget commission were not adopted, but did not mention he was on the commission and opposed its report.

He was also accused of misleading his audience over the timing of the closure of a GM plant in his home town of Janesville, Wisconsin,
having failed to note that the plant closed under the previous administration of President George W Bush.

And to confirm that he can't be trusted, he has boasted that he has run a marathon in under three hours. The fact is that his one and only marathon took over four hours.

The man is a compulsive liar and a cheat, probably the ideal person to lead a party that has these sort of people attending iits convention:

GOP Convention Attendees at RNC Ejected For Throwing Nuts At Black CNN Camera Operator and Saying 'This is how we feed animals'' - Speakeasy - WSJ

If they get elected, God help us!
gynn he's a politician nough said
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Old 02-09-2012, 10:04   #87
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Re: Mitt Romney

Sounds like politicians behaving normally to me.
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Old 02-09-2012, 10:22   #88
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Re: Mitt Romney

He cheated in order to get the nomination.

Ron Paul Supporters Revolt in Tampa -

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Old 02-09-2012, 10:42   #89
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Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
gynn he's a politician nough said
True, jaysay, but no politician I've ever come across has been such a blatant liar!

(sounds like an invitation to give examples of other politicians behaving badly!)
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Old 02-09-2012, 10:43   #90
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Re: Mitt Romney

PS more nasty tricks

Bullets Planted in Luggage of Ron Paul Delegate at 2012 RNC - YouTube!

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