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Old 21-09-2012, 15:14   #106
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Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
This reminds me of the day I was in a cafe in Sorrento at a table next to some loud (they are aren't they) young adult Yanks.

They were discussing The Gunpowder Plot and how it was a plot to blow up Margaret Thatcher - seriously - I kid you not!

I had to intervene and give them a mini history lesson.
No, no, hon ... don't try to enlighten them (a thankless task) ... have fun with them. Talk about the South Sea Bubble; and ask them if it is a result of Global Warming. Have fun with "The War of Jenkins' Ear" ... The possibilites are almost endless.
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Old 21-09-2012, 20:41   #107
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Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
we are very busy up here trying to figure out how we can get through the winter without an NHL hockey season
Had to google that one, I'm afraid. First I'd heard of any problems.

Ice Hockey generates about as much interest and press reporting in England as, I suspect, Accrington Stanley gets in the US papers.

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Old 21-09-2012, 20:51   #108
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Re: Mitt Romney

And back on the Romney subject, I'm actually starting to feel sorry for genuine supporters of the Republican Party and their admittedly loopy right wing policies regarding the role of government and the duty of the individual to stand on his/her own two feet rather than rely on state handouts.

Their arguments deserve to be heard in any democratic election, but unfortunately they are having those views presented by a candidate who seems hell bent on falling on more banana skins than Coco The Clown.

And don't you just love those Republican pundits coming on SkyNews looking increasingly desperate trying to defend the indefensible in Romneys latest gaffes?

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Old 21-09-2012, 21:01   #109
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Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
And back on the Romney subject, I'm actually starting to feel sorry for genuine supporters of the Republican Party and their admittedly loopy right wing policies regarding the role of government and the duty of the individual to stand on his/her own two feet rather than rely on state handouts.

Their arguments deserve to be heard in any democratic election, but unfortunately they are having those views presented by a candidate who seems hell bent on falling on more banana skins than Coco The Clown.

And don't you just love those Republican pundits coming on SkyNews looking increasingly desperate trying to defend the indefensible in Romneys latest gaffes?

Reminds me of what Abe Lincoln said of one of his generals ... Burnside I think it was ... Mitt Romney seems to be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. I think he must be the first politician in history to alienate 47% of the voters in one day. Quite an accomplisment there, Mitt old buddy. Keep it up.
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Old 21-09-2012, 22:30   #110
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Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
I think he must be the first politician in history to alienate 47% of the voters in one day.
The 47% who don't pay tax.

Unlike Mr Romney who is happy to publish EVERY tax return for the past decade, in honour of his father who introduced this process when he ran for President in the 1960s?

Well, no. We have received the last two years tax returns, showing he paid 14% on his earned income. Thats bad enough because its well below what Mr Average American paid.

What about the previous 8 years? Believe it or not, his spin doctors have tried to pass us off with "an Accountants calculation of the sort of levels of tax he would have paid"

I kid you not!

Conclusion? Not Rocket Science. He's got something to hide.

The man is an absolute, total and utter disgrace.
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Old 22-09-2012, 06:19   #111
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Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by gynn View Post
The 47% who don't pay tax.

Unlike Mr Romney who is happy to publish EVERY tax return for the past decade, in honour of his father who introduced this process when he ran for President in the 1960s?

Well, no. We have received the last two years tax returns, showing he paid 14% on his earned income. Thats bad enough because its well below what Mr Average American paid.

What about the previous 8 years? Believe it or not, his spin doctors have tried to pass us off with "an Accountants calculation of the sort of levels of tax he would have paid"

I kid you not!

Conclusion? Not Rocket Science. He's got something to hide.

The man is an absolute, total and utter disgrace.
Of course, that 47% are those who, in the land of the free etc. don't make enough damn money to pay tax. And, in fact, they do pay taxes. Maybe not Federal income tax; but there are payroll taxes and all the taxes we moan about: booze, smokes, gas etc. He also conveniently forgets those wealthy Americans who prefer to move their money offshore, or to hire tax lawyers and accountants to find convenient loopholes, rather than pay taxes. Poor bloody middle class, eh. The rich avoid taxes, the poor don't make enough to pay them ... guess who gets it in the ass.

And he def. does seem to have something to hide. I don't think he is a total disgrace ... that was Bush Jr., oh, and Nixon. Just an dumb, arrogant, rich sonofabitch (that's a nice little rime) who thought he could buy the White House. Hey, he still might win, though.
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Old 22-09-2012, 09:08   #112
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Re: Mitt Romney

Talking about having sport with the Yanks, reminded me of that one about the big Texan stood in the main concourse at Heathrow, He shouts "Heathrow Airport London England, the arse hole of the world" a little cockney hearing this just looks at him and says "Just passing through are we"
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Old 22-09-2012, 20:37   #113
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Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Talking about having sport with the Yanks, reminded me of that one about the big Texan stood in the main concourse at Heathrow, He shouts "Heathrow Airport London England, the arse hole of the world" a little cockney hearing this just looks at him and says "Just passing through are we"
And the Texan in southern Saskatchewan talking to a local farmer. He asked the stubble jumper how much land he farmed. The farmer said, "Ten sections." The Texan responded, "Hell, back home in Texas I can set out in my truck at sun up, and by the time the sun goes down I'm still on my own land." The Saskatchewan farmer said, "Yup. Know what you mean. I had a truck like that once."
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Old 29-09-2012, 20:48   #114
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Re: Mitt Romney

Some great new campaign ads out. Check out Samuel L. Jackson's "Wake the f... up!" No link; this is a family site Millions of Americans don't like it. 90% of them are Republicans, and the other 10% are too busy debauching their sisters to care one way or the other. (In other words, they are Republicans too). One way of distinguishing between the two parties is: Democrats tend to have a sense of humour. Republicans have no sense of humour, nor of irony. In fact, the ironic is way beyond them. Any old how, which do you like the better of the two: SLJ's performance, or Clint talking to a chair?
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Old 30-09-2012, 09:14   #115
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Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by Eric View Post
Some great new campaign ads out. Check out Samuel L. Jackson's "Wake the f... up!" No link; this is a family site Millions of Americans don't like it. 90% of them are Republicans, and the other 10% are too busy debauching their sisters to care one way or the other. (In other words, they are Republicans too). One way of distinguishing between the two parties is: Democrats tend to have a sense of humour. Republicans have no sense of humour, nor of irony. In fact, the ironic is way beyond them. Any old how, which do you like the better of the two: SLJ's performance, or Clint talking to a chair?
Ya but Clint spoke to the chair with feeling
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Old 01-10-2012, 15:22   #116
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Re: Mitt Romney

You may or not be aware that the US voting machines can be 'manipulated'.

You may or may not be aware of the past election fraud that happened when votes in Florida were excluded from the count.

A snippet of info came my way today - Mitt Romney has strong connections to the company that supply the machines and count the votes.

The Free Press -- Independent News Media from Columbus, Ohio

This may well be the indicator of who will win.
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Old 01-10-2012, 17:44   #117
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Re: Mitt Romney

Originally Posted by MargaretR View Post
You may or not be aware that the US voting machines can be 'manipulated'.

You may or may not be aware of the past election fraud that happened when votes in Florida were excluded from the count.

A snippet of info came my way today - Mitt Romney has strong connections to the company that supply the machines and count the votes.

The Free Press -- Independent News Media from Columbus, Ohio

This may well be the indicator of who will win.
Your not suggesting they'd actually cheat over the pond are you Margaret
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Old 29-10-2012, 16:31   #118
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Re: Mitt Romney

Current betting for the next President is 4/11 Obama, 2/1 Romney.

If Romney wins, what will it mean for us here in the UK?

Well other than our natural desire to see social justice in the world being knocked as all Obama's good work on medical reform is undone, and Romney looks after the rich at the expense of the poor, I suppose the biggest fear will be the threat to world peace. Romney looks like another Bush jnr. so I suppose we can expect an invasion of Iran at some early stage.

Hopefully we won't follow like poodles like we did over Iraq.
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Old 29-10-2012, 16:55   #119
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Re: Mitt Romney

Romney's machines do the count - so it's a done deal

Mitt Romney Diebold Voting Machines Rigged / Goldman Sachs Banking Executives Will Be Counting The Votes In Spain ? / Bain Capital & Clear Channel 100% Zio Owned!!! - WELL REGULATED AMERICAN MILITIAS !

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Old 01-11-2012, 08:04   #120
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Re: Mitt Romney

Mitt Romney= Mr tit money
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