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04-04-2009, 11:56
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Re: Mobility Scooters
Originally Posted by katex
Telll you what there was a Reliant Robin on the M61 last week, in very high winds ... he was bombing along at least 70 m.p.h without waiver ..... was full of admiration, 'cause they are really strange to control.
'cause they are really strange to control'  thats blown your street cred right out of the water kate  , wouldn't know about it myself, I was always into Austin Healy Sprites and Rover 2000TCs my 
04-04-2009, 13:08
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Re: Mobility Scooters
Originally Posted by cashman
funnily enough was talking to me best mate in accy yesterday, he has one of these, was surprised to see they are "Road Taxed" if that is the case, its nuts they don't have any kind of test, another guy with one joined us, when he left,we were both laughing at his terrible driving. 
I know you were ... you didnt even stop and say hiya to me and dave ... 
The views expressed in this post is mine and mine alone anyone want to argue well tough!!!
04-04-2009, 14:59
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Re: Mobility Scooters
Originally Posted by shillelagh
I know you were ... you didnt even stop and say hiya to me and dave ... 
He's fussy who he talks to Jen, especially if your with Dingle 
04-04-2009, 15:08
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Re: Mobility Scooters
It's the thought of the PSCO driving it back that tickled me. 
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04-04-2009, 16:39
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Re: Mobility Scooters
Getting back to the mobility scooters, here in our area of Manchester, some of them are driven on the road, the people doing so, do not take into consideration the motorists, who cannot overtake them as our area is quite busy with traffic, especially buses, so you can imagine what it is like on the road if a bus gets stuck behind one. But i always thought they were neither taxed or insured as they are meant for the pavement only. Personally i think they should be barred from the road as SOME of the people that "drive" them are very dangerous as i have seen them manouvering towards the middle of the road and a car has to swerve to miss them.
04-04-2009, 17:11
white rabbits
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Re: Mobility Scooters
 Ive got one and its brilliant,,we dont drive so its great for doing the shopping,,i am very careful and mindful of other road users ,i keep well to the left so that i dont obstruct those drivers that think we shouldn't be on the road,,i always indicate ,(something that car drivers often DONT)i am fully insured payed for,,,and i have it taxed,which you dont pay for by the way,,,,,,,
Beware if you come to Cleveleys ,,its full of us loony pensioners speeding down the pavements 
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04-04-2009, 17:30
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Re: Mobility Scooters
Originally Posted by grannydingle
Beware if you come to Cleveleys ,,its full of us loony pensioners speeding down the pavements
This is true. A few years ago Police were stopping old biddies in Cleveleys and random eye testing them, not breath testing, due to the high number of accidents involving pensioners. These biddy chariots should only be licensed for the use of registered disabled people and then only after a driving test. The vast majority who drive them are a menace and quite a few just overweight or plain lazy and shouldn't be using them at all.
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
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04-04-2009, 17:52
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Re: Mobility Scooters
Originally Posted by yerself
The vast majority who drive them are a menace and quite a few just overweight or plain lazy and shouldn't be using them at all.
you mean this type of person lol who was actually 12st before he got a scooter

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ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
04-04-2009, 19:25
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Re: Mobility Scooters
Originally Posted by mallard
hey,i dont find that funny at all ,some of you have a car ,but some of us only have this sort of transport to get a bout on like my self.
Hey c,mon mallard how many times have I taken micky out of yours, lol. told ya before youd still bloomin beat me on my bike.
anyway if yer getting rid of yours push it my way will ya  
04-04-2009, 19:50
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Re: Mobility Scooters
there was a mechanic in accy who lost an arm and they eventually took his charriot off him because he kept upgrading their engines and nearly killing himself lol
not the modern scooter things but the older blue things like i posted earlier
All comments above are everything to do with here and therefore the resposibility of the Accrington Web website owners admins and mods.
ive just started a relationship with a blind woman !Its quite rewarding but quite challenging ! it took me ages to get her husbands voice right
04-04-2009, 20:11
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Re: Mobility Scooters
damn right they are dangerous, especially when you get some bloke with one on the bloody bus
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04-04-2009, 21:00
white rabbits
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Re: Mobility Scooters
Originally Posted by yerself
This is true. A few years ago Police were stopping old biddies in Cleveleys and random eye testing them, not breath testing, due to the high number of accidents involving pensioners. These biddy chariots should only be licensed for the use of registered disabled people and then only after a driving test. The vast majority who drive them are a menace and quite a few just overweight or plain lazy and shouldn't be using them at all.
I dont class myself as an old biddy, just someone who has limited mobility,and i went for an eye test last Friday.,I even paid £12,50 for an extra indepth test,,,,,,..  
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04-04-2009, 21:03
white rabbits
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Re: Mobility Scooters
Originally Posted by flashy
damn right they are dangerous, especially when you get some bloke with one on the bloody bus
oh my god ,thats BAD  
Not a full brick
04-04-2009, 22:33
Re: Mobility Scooters
Originally Posted by accyman
they shoud bring back those blue 3 wheeled charriot things because no matter how bad a driver you couldnt go fast enough to cause any harm to anyone

I have not seen a spaz chariot on the road for years   
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04-04-2009, 22:59
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Re: Mobility Scooters
Originally Posted by yerself
This is true. A few years ago Police were stopping old biddies in Cleveleys and random eye testing them, not breath testing, due to the high number of accidents involving pensioners. These biddy chariots should only be licensed for the use of registered disabled people and then only after a driving test. The vast majority who drive them are a menace and quite a few just overweight or plain lazy and shouldn't be using them at all.
Maybe you should stop and think just how many people you are offending with that statement yerself. I personally find it quite insulting.
My brother uses one of those machines and he is far from being an "OLD BIDDY" as you so called refer to them . Hes only late 40s sadly his disability means he NEEDS his and relies on it to stop him becoming a recluse.
He has worked all his life so cant be classed as LAZY or OVERWIEGHT nor is he blind . There are also many people out there using them in similar positions .
I do agree that some of the elderly that use them are partialy sighted and should be sight tested before being allowed to purchase one and also be given basic driving instruction after a certain age and esp if they have never driven .
My mother also used one before she died and she wast an old biddy either. early 50s very similar circumstances to my brother. infact she was the person who instigated the lowering of pavements around Ossy to enable easier access
I have met Granny Claret and she also isnt an old biddy but does have difficulty getting around, and without hers she would be limited to her home, so they also give people a lot of independance and rather than them becoming LAZY and plodding round the house all day long they can get off thier backsides and enjoy life to its fullest.
I may also need one myself in a few years time but it certainly wont be becasue im an old biddy, lazy , blind or lack knowledge of using the road .Nor will i be registered disabled. but simply because I have a disability that is slowly limiting me getting around the way I have always been used to. and im damned if I will vegitate because someone like yerself thinks I should. 
Last edited by cherokee; 04-04-2009 at 23:01.
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