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Old 26-09-2012, 20:34   #1
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Model Dogs

I have just seen the tail end ( no pun intended) of Model Dogs on the telly.Why people dress dogs up is beyond me . Dogs should be treated as dogs and not fashion accessories or substitute children. They are animals and will respect you for treating them as such.
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Old 26-09-2012, 21:13   #2
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Re: Model Dogs

Originally Posted by maxthecollie View Post
I have just seen the tail end ( no pun intended) of Model Dogs on the telly.Why people dress dogs up is beyond me . Dogs should be treated as dogs and not fashion accessories or substitute children. They are animals and will respect you for treating them as such.
Totally agree. The only outfits my dogs have are winter coats. And if you have ever spent winter in Canada, you will know why
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Old 26-09-2012, 21:18   #3
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Re: Model Dogs

Quite right Max, There is knobheads about though.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 26-09-2012, 22:26   #4
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Re: Model Dogs

Never seen the programme but can guess what you mean.
I wouldn't say I 'like' it, and I grew up with working dogs and dogs that were very much a man's 'Best Friend' and companion, a far cry from anything like this.
BUT, as somebody who feels very strongly about animal abuse and lives their life to try their best to go against it, I can't put this high upon my scale of things we do wrong to animals.
Against cases of real cruelty and neglect, it isn't that bad. Plus if somebody goes to all the trouble of dressing a dog up and treating it as they would a child, they're unlikely to treat it badly and appear to love their pets in every instance of it I have experienced.

I wouldn't ever do it. Kya is my running companion and my protection, she's very much playing a traditional dog role. I did get hair dye on her once accidentally but that's as far as it goes!
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Old 26-09-2012, 22:28   #5
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Re: Model Dogs

Yer right sugermouse i don't regard it as cruelty at all, But more stupidity.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 26-09-2012, 22:31   #6
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Re: Model Dogs

I couldn't see me being able to get along very well with somebody who did it! Lol
Life is 10% what happens to you-and 90% your reaction to it.
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Old 26-09-2012, 23:46   #7
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Re: Model Dogs

Originally Posted by maxthecollie View Post
I have just seen the tail end ( no pun intended) of Model Dogs on the telly.Why people dress dogs up is beyond me . Dogs should be treated as dogs and not fashion accessories or substitute children. They are animals and will respect you for treating them as such.
When I stayed at a friend of mines apartment i Benidorm I used to take his dog out for a walk.That was till he bought It a new collar with Rhinestones in it.

Are you not taking the dog today he asked?

Not while It's dressed like that I replied.

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
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Old 27-09-2012, 00:19   #8
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Re: Model Dogs

Originally Posted by Benipete View Post
When I stayed at a friend of mines apartment i Benidorm I used to take his dog out for a walk.That was till he bought It a new collar with Rhinestones in it.

Are you not taking the dog today he asked?

Not while It's dressed like that I replied.
You were holding out for diamonds
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Old 27-09-2012, 04:51   #9
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Re: Model Dogs

No the problem was the nail polish did not match the collar
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Old 27-09-2012, 05:59   #10
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Re: Model Dogs

Originally Posted by Mick View Post
No the problem was the nail polish did not match the collar
Mine or the dogs?

Some people think I'm a bit of an animal, but I'm quite tender really
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Old 27-09-2012, 08:16   #11
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Re: Model Dogs

Dogs should be dogs and that's why we love 'em. One of ours passed away at 12.40 on Wednesday morning (I was stroking her and talking to her at the time - there was nothing I could do, she was old for her breed and been ill for some time). I buried her yesterday. Our other dog is now behaving a bit oddly as she looked on her as her mum I think.
We should love them for what they are and not try to make them into some kind of freak show.
Holly, sadly missed.
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Old 27-09-2012, 08:46   #12
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Re: Model Dogs

Can't stand the likes of Paris Hilton who carry these little dogs about in handbags as a fashion accessory, they should be prosecuted for cruelty to animals
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Old 27-09-2012, 09:17   #13
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Re: Model Dogs

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Can't stand the likes of Paris Hilton who carry these little dogs about in handbags as a fashion accessory, they should be prosecuted for cruelty to animals
Totally agree. Jay, totally agree.
If a dog is stuck in a handbag being carried around the shops what use is that. When does it get to sniff it's environment? How does it get exercise? How is it able to enjoy life in it's own dog way, meeting and playing with other dogs (maybe even occasionally fighting, hey that's dog life also)? When is it allowed to smell like a dog instead of being covered in "doggy shampoo" and probably even "dog perfume"? Have these "owners" never smelled the smell of wet dog after a walk in the rain or the dog having a swim in the stream? Are they never allowed to get dirty and then cause havoc in the house because they have sneaked in before you have got the towel to wipe them down?
Not everything is rosey in the dog owners world. They do irritate when they won't stop barking after they've seen a cat in the garden, when someone knocks on next doors door, when they are pestering for a walk and the weather outside is so bad that Noah would be building an ark. It's not great when you fall over them on the stairs or when they are costing a Kings ransom at the vets, or when the wagging tail has just brushed your new, wet paintwork.
But all this doesn't matter. What matters is that a dog is a companion to be loved under all conditions. Even a working dog is a friend and workmate.
You are right, Jay, these people are not fit to look after semi-wild animals just so they can have a trophy to show their friends in Oscar de la Renta or Georgio Armani.
These are my principles and if you don't like them------well, I have others. (Groucho Marx)
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Old 27-09-2012, 09:27   #14
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Re: Model Dogs

Originally Posted by Houseboy View Post
Totally agree. Jay, totally agree.
If a dog is stuck in a handbag being carried around the shops what use is that. When does it get to sniff it's environment? How does it get exercise? How is it able to enjoy life in it's own dog way, meeting and playing with other dogs (maybe even occasionally fighting, hey that's dog life also)? When is it allowed to smell like a dog instead of being covered in "doggy shampoo" and probably even "dog perfume"? Have these "owners" never smelled the smell of wet dog after a walk in the rain or the dog having a swim in the stream? Are they never allowed to get dirty and then cause havoc in the house because they have sneaked in before you have got the towel to wipe them down?
Not everything is rosey in the dog owners world. They do irritate when they won't stop barking after they've seen a cat in the garden, when someone knocks on next doors door, when they are pestering for a walk and the weather outside is so bad that Noah would be building an ark. It's not great when you fall over them on the stairs or when they are costing a Kings ransom at the vets, or when the wagging tail has just brushed your new, wet paintwork.
But all this doesn't matter. What matters is that a dog is a companion to be loved under all conditions. Even a working dog is a friend and workmate.
You are right, Jay, these people are not fit to look after semi-wild animals just so they can have a trophy to show their friends in Oscar de la Renta or Georgio Armani.
Well lets face it a lot of what goes on in this department over here in this country started in the good old US of A, dressing dogs up is so American, a bit like dressing 6 and 7 year old kids up to look like catwalk models, parading up and down just to gratify their pushy parents, this probably sickens me more that dressing up dogs, sorry for the slight wonder Max, don't want to hijack your thread
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Old 27-09-2012, 10:06   #15
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Re: Model Dogs

Handbag dogs were originally bred as lap dogs with the purpose of sitting on the lap in order to attract the fleas from off the owner.

As such it is not 'designed' for exercise.

Dog breeding practices are responsible for many genetic defects and suffering.
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