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03-02-2006, 16:13
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.
Originally Posted by Doug
we should show a minimum of respect. And before you go off about any related subjects, my opinion is that two wrongs don’t make a right and occasionally we should make the effort to show due respect.
I've made the effort but read the following and tell me why I should afford these people any respect whatsoever.
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan, DEC. 2, 2005 ( Zenit.org).- Christians are being expelled from their homes in Pakistan to make room for victims of the earthquake that hit Kashmir and the northwestern region of the country in early October.
Full article: http://www.zenit.org/english/visualizza.phtml?sid=81032
Under democracy one party always devotes its chief energies to trying to prove that the other party is unfit to rule - and both commonly succeed, and are right.
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03-02-2006, 18:01
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.
somone aske for pictures but i couldnt find them just yet
however i came across this head line
Mohamed cartoons provoke bomb threats against Danish newspaper
By Stephen Castle
Published: 01 February 2006
so the moral of this story is..
draw a cartoon and we will bomb your ass
Last edited by chav1; 03-02-2006 at 18:04.
03-02-2006, 18:29
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.
Loved the remark on radio today that there was something in these papers that stated there can't be many virgins left in heaven .. . just wondered if Garinda was hiding them somewhere (see his new picture!!)
Loved Life of Brian by the way.
03-02-2006, 18:46
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.
A priest was driving along the highway when he was stopped by a police patrol.
Approaching the car the cop could smell alcohol on the priest’s breath.
“What have you been drinking Father?”
“Water!” Pointing to the empty water bottle on the seat beside him.
“Well I can smell wine.”
“Good Lord! He’s done it again!”
Now would you be offended if a Muslim told that joke?
Would you be up in arms threatening to bomb official buildings? No! Of course not.
Try a Google search for Muslim Cartoons.
Respect is earned - not a God given right as the Muslims seem to think. I don’t know about anyone else but I cannot find it in my heart to respect the Islamic faith when they oppress their womenfolk and treat them as second class citizens. How can you respect any organisation that will not tolerate other religions? How can Islam be shown any respect when they actively brain wash their young men and women into becoming suicide bombers. They don’t even respect their own various factions but are at loggerheads with each other.
Verb sap!
03-02-2006, 19:05
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.
Funny how the muslim world have gone nuts about these cartoons, however, why have the danes not gone mad about the muslims burning the danish flag and effergies(sp) of the danish PM... surely that is a lot worse than the cartoons.....
03-02-2006, 19:20
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.
Jambutty's joke made me smile. I'm a Christian but I wasn't offended by it. I used to find most of Dave Allen's jokes hilarious. The ones I didn't find all that funny were simply because they didn't tickle my funny bone. I wasn't offended by them.
The jokes against Christianity which I find upsetting are ones which make a mockery of Christ's suffering on the cross. I find them as hurtful as I would if someone made a joke about my daughter suffering when she was in Intensive Care at BRI. Even so, I wouldn't feel like I should attack those who make the jokes. I may request (in the case of a TV channel for instance) that they rethink the choice of humour but at the end of the day I do uphold other people's right to find their own level. I can choose not to watch, read, participate etc.
It's more of a loss to all of us when we can't poke fun at ourselves. As a Latter-day Saint I laugh at things like the cartoon which showed a wedding cake with one groom and several brides on the top layer and a speech bubble from one of the guests saying "I've never been to a Mormon wedding before." even though the plural marriages no longer take place and most men wouldn't want more than one wife anyway. The ability to laugh at ourselves sets us above those who can't do so in my opinion.
To "retaliate" with flag burnings and death threats is getting the whole thing WAY out of proportion. There are still laws in this country about blasphemy aren't there? And yet how many times have you ever known them used? It's because we have moved on from that. We are able to. It shows maturity.
03-02-2006, 19:58
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.
It reminds me a bit of our past a good few hundred years ago. We were very similar. We used to brain wash each other, torture at will, murder innocent people and even murder women by burning them at the stake in the name of who ever or what ever. Thankfully over those hundreds of years we have moved on and evolved, we have learnt to tolerate, give a little etc.
These days it’s hard for us to imagine that we were once so stupid and cruel and perhaps it will take another few hundred years for everyone else to catch up and realize the same.
04-02-2006, 03:03
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.
one thing i think no one of the above has pointed out is that in islam you do not do faces etc of people let alone of the prophet. hence as someoen said they're all dead ppl in the pics etc.
more is actually known about how the prophet looked than jesus yet no one draws the face. end of the day there's been a million and one cartoons jokes about islam we all know and heard and laughed at them. there's been mullah hook and mullah so and so and were any voices raised to object at them? no. thats fine go ahead. free speech and freedom of the press and all that. but then when u go against a pliminary belief of a religion then u have to question why?
soemoen above said that no cartoons of say jesus were found in any publication of the islamic world. simple reason is cause muslims also believe that he was a prophet *not ness the son of god but a prophet nonetheless* so that kills that. but then what about hindu's? islam and hinduism has nothing in common yet for all the fundamentalist hindus *and there are ALOT of them esp in india* u dont get its arch enemy pakistan even during war makin caricatures in its newspapers of them. these are two nations who have gone to war twice gone nuclear cause the other one has that for 40-50 yrs banned direct travel between the two nations. yet there has not been one cartoon of the hindu gods hanuman or ganesh - as easy as it wud b there hasnt been one.
respect is earned and shud b expected too. the danes showed what i believe is a lack of respect to islam and what do they expect back? a garland of flowers and islamic nations sayin to here u can have a billion gallons of oil for free?
a presenter on 5 live summed up why there has been such a volatile reaction to this perfectly i feel. he said that in the uk christians are christians and go church on sundays. with the islamic world and the religion itself the way its beliefs adn prayers are organised the life there is organised around prayers etc and around religion and yes i'm here being sensible about it talkin etc and no flag burning but for those ppl in such arab nations this is just a huge insult to their whole life so to speak.
and dont forget it wasnt so long ago that the swedes and danes *i think* had the film life of brian banned from the country.
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04-02-2006, 03:23
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.
here's a few things i got from another site i haunt...
Jewish people beleive they can't say the word for God in hewbrew, gods name,that is repsected.
Christians think that Jesus was born to a virgin, a biologically impossible concept but that is respected.
Sikhs have long hair and beards, that is repected.
Hindu people hold cows holy, you never show caractures of what they hold holy like them worshipping burgers...
Why should muslims put up with what we hold dear being trampled upon in the name of free speach?
just because a few muslims have decided to do things the wrong way does not give anyone a license to ridicule us.
Jordanian independent tabloid al-Shihan reprinted three of the cartoons on Thursday, saying people should know what they were protesting about, AFP news agency reports.
"Muslims of the world be reasonable," wrote editor Jihad Momani.
"What brings more prejudice against Islam, these caricatures or pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of the cameras or a suicide bomber who blows himself up during a wedding ceremony in Amman?"
yes we do realise that some of the reaction has been more than over the top. protest if you must but why step over the mark and start death threats...
Danish-Swedish dairy giant Arla Foods says the ongoing boycott of Danish products in the Middle East had so far cost it between £40m and £50m.
As the Muslim world refuses to buy Danish goods in protest over cartoons published in a Danish newspaper, Arla is losing £1m a day
Maybe now - the Danish press will see how being civil and respecting anothers beliefs will benefit them too.
I also found it amusing how when some top ranking German bod was questioned if anti-semitic cartoons would be allowed to be published, causing offence....he said 'no, as there are limits' LOL
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
04-02-2006, 03:27
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.
andddddddddddddd one final thing i want to add is that the protest that took place in london today *or yesterday* was organised by a group thrown out of mosques all over the country for preaching what many imam's *priests* believe is the false image of islam.
this was the same group who last year backed adn pushed that school girl in luton to sue the school.
it only takes the few to make the whole country paint us with the same brush.
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
04-02-2006, 05:00
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.
Originally Posted by mani
andddddddddddddd one final thing i want to add is that the protest that took place in london today *or yesterday* was organised by a group thrown out of mosques all over the country for preaching what many imam's *priests* believe is the false image of islam.
this was the same group who last year backed adn pushed that school girl in luton to sue the school.
it only takes the few to make the whole country paint us with the same brush.
Just as it only takes the actions of a few Americans for the islamic world to condemn the whole nation.
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04-02-2006, 09:02
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.
Originally Posted by mani
Jordanian independent tabloid al-Shihan reprinted three of the cartoons on Thursday, saying people should know what they were protesting about, AFP news agency reports.
"Muslims of the world be reasonable," wrote editor Jihad Momani.
"What brings more prejudice against Islam, these caricatures or pictures of a hostage-taker slashing the throat of his victim in front of the cameras or a suicide bomber who blows himself up during a wedding ceremony in Amman?"
I believe the editor has since lost his job for saying that, which is a great pity.
Originally Posted by mani
yes we do realise that some of the reaction has been more than over the top. protest if you must but why step over the mark and start death threats...
I do agree with this. Everyone should have a right to protest about something which they find hurtful and offensive to themselves, their way of life and their religion. If that objection was put forward in a dignified and civilised way then I think they would be far more likely to gain people's respect and perhaps people would look at themselves again and ask are they being humerous or are they merely seeking to belittle and ridicule. To me the former is acceptable, the latter isn't.
I find it interesting that we are told the face of the prophet must never be depicted and yet there are paintings and drawings of him which have existed for centuries, some even produced by muslims.
Those cartoons would probably have faded into obscurity if such a fuss hadn't been made but now so much attention has been drawn to them that more and more people are clamouring to see them and more and more people are publishing them. I've seen them and personally I think they are a load of rubbish. They have obviously been drawn by (a) narrow minded individual(s) who should never have attracted so much attention. Unfortunately there will always be people who think along the lines of those cartoonists whether they see the cartoons or not, you can't make laws which stop people from thinking even if you stop them from expressing those thoughts. There are also many people who think the cartoons are tasteless and moronic, but who have now come down in defense of their publication purely as a result of the reaction from the muslim world and I find that very sad indeed.
04-02-2006, 09:27
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.
This discussion has raised another side topic which I find interesting. The idea that Christianity is a one day a week religion as opposed to Islam which is a way of life.
I don't know about others and their churches but speaking for myself and many other Latter-day Saints ours is not a one day a week religion either. It's an integral part of our lives. Prayer is part of each day. The day begins and ends with prayer, food is not eaten until it has been blessed. Those two things are the very least which we just couldn't imagine being otherwise. We do have a specific day to attend church (Sunday like other denominations) but we also have other things during the week. Once a month we have a fast day.
From ages 14 to 18 our young people have the option of attending a seminary class each day (quite often this is held early morning but can also be after school in the late afternoon or early evening) where they do more serious Bible study as well as studying the Book of Mormon.
We are very often misunderstood by other Christian denominations, some of which claim that we are not Christian and that we do not believe in the Bible yet from the age of 8 our children have lessons taken from the Old and New Testaments. They already know a great deal before they even get to seminary.
04-02-2006, 11:13
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.
Most Christians I know, their faith is practiced every day, either through prayer or action.
It's wrong to say just because Sunday is the traditional day of worship, Christians don't hold their faith and prayers close to their heart everyday.
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04-02-2006, 15:02
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.
Originally Posted by mani
Christians think that Jesus was born to a virgin, a biologically impossible concept but that is respected.
i have heard many stand up comics make jokes about that yet so far to my knowledge no one has paraded through the streets demanding they be beheaded unlike yesterdays protesters
religeon is a farce anyway it causes way too much trouble and not one religeion christian , islam or whatever can be backed up by solid facts yet peopel will kill each other over it
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