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Old 06-02-2006, 18:34   #61
Full Member

Re: Mohamed cartoons.

Originally Posted by chav1
this man has made a public appology and it should be accepted and forgiveness should be given

the above statement was also preppared by a solicitor
Ummm, no!................
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Old 06-02-2006, 18:50   #62
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.

just as i said they were the luton HT crew who shud've been banned from this country long time ago...

i do agree with the fact that the bloke who was dressed as a bomber hsud've been shot - at least no one cud ocmplain he didnt look like a suicide bomber unlike the unfortunate brazilian.
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan

Last edited by mani; 06-02-2006 at 18:59.
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Old 06-02-2006, 18:54   #63
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.

i do agree that the d**ks holdin those placards on fri shud all b rounded up and arrested. i do agree wiht the police that it wudnt have been productive for them to do so on the day

i just wish htey shud've shot that guy dressed as a suicide bomber - at least no one wud complain that he didnt look the part. stupid ppl like him derserve it.

him apologising is just an attempt to not being charged with anything
If you had not committed great sins, God would not have sent a punishment like me upon you - Ghenghis Khan
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Old 06-02-2006, 22:18   #64
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.

Still think he should be charged regardless of an appology.

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Old 06-02-2006, 22:22   #65
Full Member

Re: Mohamed cartoons.

Just heard on TV news, the guy in question was jailed for 5 years for pushing cocaine. He is out on probation, which means, it looks like he will go back in for being a naughty boy! Could not have happened to a nicer guy.
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Old 06-02-2006, 22:32   #66
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.

lol what an idiot he didnt even think to cover his face which with having a criminal record would be the first thing you think he would do

oh well stupid is as stupid does
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Old 06-02-2006, 22:50   #67
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Exclamation Re: Mohamed cartoons.

This government has backed itself into a corner with all the bending over backwards towards the Muslim community.

They are now afraid to slap down extremists for fear of the possible reprisals. Much in the same way that most people didn’t upset the school or work bully because they were afraid of what s/he would do to get back at them. The recent demonstrations in London have established that quite firmly.

It is not too late for we British (English if you like) to stand up and be counted and point out to those who come from abroad to live here that it is our country and they must learn to integrate or leave.

We British have a long history of tolerance towards other cultures and beliefs but these last few years we have laid down and allowed ourselves to be walked over.

I don’t care if a person is black, red, yellow or has come from Alpha Centauri. I don’t care what deity s/he believes in and s/he can practice those beliefs providing that no law is broken in doing so. I do care about having that belief thrust in my face. The immigrant must adapt to our ways not the other way around. If there is a clash in cultures then the visitor must back down and make the adjustment, not us.

You can only go so far in welcoming a guest but once they start to take over and impose their ways then we have to say, “Thus far and no further.”

If that makes me a racist then so be it.
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Old 07-02-2006, 14:15   #68
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.

Excuse me for a few minutes, I'm just nipping down to Barclays to do a bank raid. Of course, I will apologise afterwards, so that makes it all right, even if I have scared the staff sh****ss with my sawn-off shotgun.

Anyway, if this guy was jailed for supplying Class A drugs, what price being a good Muslim? - or does this count as just another way of sapping the spirit of the infidel, and therefore legit?

I do not subscribe to organised religions - I think they have caused more deaths in history than disease. However, no true religion can countenance murder. The only hope is that since we at the time of the Crusades were where fundamentalists are now, trying to convert the whole world by force, they also may come to realise the rank stupidity of it.
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Old 07-02-2006, 16:30   #69
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.

The drug pushing idiot in a suicide bomber's jacket can no more be a representative of Islam than the man in the moon. His "sincere apology" was probably nothing more than a fear of ending up back in jail again which is exactly where he ended up anyway and well deserved.

Twerps like him just jumping on a bandwagon lead others to believe that they represent something they don't and these sort of things are what lead to more problems.

I've no objections to a peaceful protest. People should be allowed to show how they feel but I agree with mani about the ones carrying placards with death threats etc.

From what I heard on the news today the police didn't want to charge in at the time and provoke a possible riot, but had infiltrated the gathering and are now making arrests.

Evil minded people are causing more bad feelings and misunderstandings. They aren't doing anybody any favours.

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Old 07-02-2006, 17:06   #70
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.

I think the English worm will turn sooner or later.
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Old 07-02-2006, 17:44   #71
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.

Yet again a minority makes a mess for the majority.

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Old 07-02-2006, 21:49   #72
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.

I was talking to a guy today who is a Muslim, he talked about things quite openly and his opinion was that the cartoon was offensive but that the protestors went about it the wrong way and set back their cause.

From what I understood, the average Muslim in East Lancashire was annoyed by the cartoon but accepted it for what it was - an offensive cartoon. So yes, the minority, who protested with placards and burning of flags, etc, really are just a minority.

Hopefully there are enough reasonable people out there of most faiths that can get past this and use it as a platform for talking about understanding.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 07-02-2006, 21:53   #73
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.

Originally Posted by Gayle
Hopefully there are enough reasonable people out there of most faiths that can get past this and use it as a platform for talking about understanding.
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Old 07-02-2006, 21:58   #74
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.

Well, I hope that's the case.

The thing is that the average Muslem in the area is probably as upset by the protests as the rest of us but at least they are closer to understanding the reasoning behind them than we are. I have a very good relationship, I hope, with the chap I was talking to and I like to think that he is more indicative of the current Muslem approach than the placard waving protestors.

The views expressed within this post are mine and mine alone.

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Old 07-02-2006, 23:28   #75
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Re: Mohamed cartoons.

Well guys and gals this is what all the fuss is about, just been sent the cartoon........

The idiots are trying to start world war 3 over this!!!!!!!!!!!

prefer these.......

Last edited by Roy; 08-02-2006 at 05:28. Reason: Cartoons removed.. see further in thread...
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