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Old 06-06-2005, 07:20   #16
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles

You can get caught speeding on a bike with a front facing camera. All it requires is the copper to be prepated to stand up in court and read from his notebook the registration number he read as you went past. Don't ask me how I know this I just do OK :/(Goes off muttering something about clean license for 15 years)

As for MOT's yes, every year please, Oh and while your at it how about a 5 yearly 'MOT' on the driver. The standard of driving in this country is awful. Lets get serious about road saftey. Retests would remove those whose eyesight is substandard, whose driving is dangerous and who are simply not fit to be on the road.

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Old 06-06-2005, 08:17   #17
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles

Originally Posted by Neil
It is the GATSO type camera that takes a picture from behind. The mobile Ford Galaxy's use a laser type camera and takes a picture of the front of the car showing the driver. These can not get bikes because they have no front plate. Bikes should have to have a front plate that faces forward - not on the front mud guard like they used to have.
Speed cameras like the roving ones cannot use a photo of the driver by law. This is why the owner of the vehicle is required to name the driver, if not the owner at the time of reputed offence. It will require a new act of parliment to make it legal for these devices to photo the actual driver. Where could you put a plate on the front of a a bike as you suggest?
There are two legal getouts as to being caught by speed cameras, however the main aspect of these are not to get caught in the first place! I do consider this to be lazy policing of motorists in the first instance. More pro active presence of police cars would do far more good, as a gatso cannot tell if a motorist is insured , taxed or has a current MOT. ROSPA also report more accidents at the vicinity of cameras due to motorists rapid braking, further that they only cover several metres of road so motorists who regularly speed will resort to their earlier actions once past. OK we can all be blase about our driving skills but if you consider GATSOS etc a threat go & get a radar detector, they are legal & again ROSPA quote that owners of them are 25% less likely to be involved in an accident. They do make you more aware of the enviroment you are in.
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Old 06-06-2005, 15:23   #18
Resting in peace
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles

So how does Two Jags Prescott feel about this then? I would be in favour of a levy on petrol to cover insurance - having been hit in the rear end by an uninsured motorist, which caused £1,200-worth of damage. (By the way, he was a town planner by profession!) I had to pay it myself, because the loss of my no claims bonus for three years would have cost me more. A levy to pay the RFL would also be a good idea, but in order to get your RFL now you have to produce your MOT certificate and insurance certificate - no guesses as to why some people don't have an up to date one!
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Old 06-06-2005, 17:26   #19
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles

If drivers have more than one car accident per year and it is thier fault then they should be made to re-sit a driving test. Anyone else agree????
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Old 06-06-2005, 18:48   #20
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles

It simply is another way of generating tax and creating a mountain of buraucratic jobs.

I agree with most of Jambutties original posting, but I'm really against agreeing to any further taxation..of any kind!

The NuLabour Government aided by politicians of all sides has denied me my citzens right to vote in a General Election. So I am a second class citizen and not allowed to vote in ANY general election anywhere in the world. Athough they are gracious enough to allow me to pay UK income tax!!

It appears once again, to distract the public from the real issues, the pollies come out with another outrageous idea, and we rant and rave until they agree to tone it down. Meanwhile, back at the ranch!!!!! Foul deeds are afoot!!

Bettr to write to them and tell them to concentrate on real issues, and no more claptrap!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited by Darby; 06-06-2005 at 18:49.
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Old 06-06-2005, 23:13   #21
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles

Everyone knows that motorist have bottomless pockets with rich seams of gold at the bottom of them, especially taught to people with the title Minister Of Transport!
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Old 08-06-2005, 10:05   #22
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles

What about taxi drivers and company reps? If taxi drivers have to pay this ludicrous "tax" it will be reflected in fares. If companies have to pay it for their reps, jobs could go as a result. Another example of thinking with unsuitable parts of the body. And what about bus companies? - would they have to pay it? Whichever way round, it's screw the taxpayer time again.
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Old 08-06-2005, 10:07   #23
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles

And there's more - how do they enforce it? Does a little man come round once a week and check everybody's mileage, or do we all have to have SatNav positioning (paid for by the motorist, of course) so that Big Brother knows where we are and what we're doing all the time?

I'm off to join the Civil Liberties Brigade, while I still can, before they ban that too.
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Old 08-06-2005, 13:14   #24
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles

yep, Sat Nav based system.

George Orwell would be proud.....
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Old 08-06-2005, 14:03   #25
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles

Intrustion of privacy, George Orwell, My rights, Civil libertys, wow has any one considered that you are on the net and you have an ip address and you signed up for an account so you could surf the net and each computers got a hard drive that stores information on it and most web sites log ip addresses and just like that end of privacy.

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Old 08-06-2005, 15:48   #26
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles

Well it's not going to go away, so you may as well get used to it.

Resistance is futile. You will be assimilated.
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."

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Old 08-06-2005, 22:27   #27
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Angry Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles

All smacks of a badly thought up Green plan. Despite this supposed to happen in aprox 10-15 years it is plainly obvious it is unworkable. The only thing is would show up is that by removing tax on petrol, just how miuch we are being ripped off at the pumps now!
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Old 09-06-2005, 19:44   #28
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles

It is going to cost a fortune to collect money in this way........oh and if you query your monthly bill.......or it turns out to be much more than you can afford, what then...?
If the government are trying to get us onto public transport wouldn't it make more sense to get that transport infrastructure right first........? Other countries in the world can provide first class economical public transport......public transport that runs 24hrs a day.........that doesn't stop on weekends and bank holidays.
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Old 10-06-2005, 12:53   #29
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles

Originally Posted by Bazf
Intrustion of privacy, George Orwell, My rights, Civil libertys, wow has any one considered that you are on the net and you have an ip address and you signed up for an account so you could surf the net and each computers got a hard drive that stores information on it and most web sites log ip addresses and just like that end of privacy.
Yes my movements on here are 'logged' but the difference is I choose to use this(plus I could use any number of anonymisers). As for the HD storing all this info it is very easy to destroy a HD beyond the recovery of any goverment agency. I would not have a choice with the tracking of my movement.

There are lots of other considerations, People who already help the environment by car sharing are being tarred with the same brush, it was quoted that charges could be anythingfrom 4p/mile to £1.34. As mentioned I travel over 100 miles a day to go to work. There are no jobs in Accrington for what I am(highly) trained to do. I already help the environment and congestion by running my car on LPG and car sharing with a guy from Blackburn. With the introduction of these charges that will probably go out the window as I will be tempted to switch to my motorcycle(as these tend to be less taxed).
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Old 10-06-2005, 14:36   #30
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles

I really do despair......if I were younger I would move out of this country.
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