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05-06-2005, 12:28
Apprentice Geriatric
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Monitoring Motoring Miles
No doubt many Accringtonians will have heard on the news this morning about the latest crackpot idea that this excuse for a government has come up with.
My letter to my MP reads:
Dear Janet Anderson,
It has been reported on the radio today that the government is considering a change to the way that we motorists will be taxed in the future.
As I understand it the proposal is to charge each and every motorist x pence per mile depending on where the movement takes place and the time of the day.
Is there no end to the hair-brained schemes that this government comes up with? First it was the ID cards, which the majority of the country do not want and will cost billions to implement and now this charge per mile. I might add that it is our taxpayers’ billions that are being wasted and then to rub salt into the wound we will be charged for the blasted ID card.
I might also add that the billions wasted in this manner could and should be used on what the public wants. Health, education, police, pensions to mention just four.
If the government wants to spread the cost of motoring more fairly then new fangled gadgets to track each vehicle and measure its mileage are not the way forward. All it does is give the criminal fraternity something to do – produce gadgets to counter the scheme, as they will with fake ID cards.
A much simpler and definitely more cost effective way of spending OUR taxes is to scrap the Road Fund License and increase the duty on fuel by about 10p per litre.
Every single vehicle uses fuel because without it, a vehicle cannot move and the more mileage someone drives the more fuel will be needed and the more tax the driver will pay. There is no need to spend vast amounts of taxpayers’ money. Thieving joy riders need fuel to make the car move so these criminals will also be making a contribution.
This government could go even further and add an extra 30p to a litre of fuel, 10p to replace RFL and 20p as third party insurance. Tens of thousands of drivers drive around with neither RFL or insurance so these would be caught in the net and would pay their dues. If any vehicle owner wants fully comprehensive insurance they can buy the extra themselves. Anyone who buys fuel for their vehicle whether legally allowed to drive or not would be insured and that would mean that in the case of a claim the innocent victim would get restitution. If an illegal driver damages my car today I have to bear the cost together with my insurer. Me with the excess that I have to pay and my insurer with the actual cost of repair. That is grossly unfair!
This leaves the question of the MOT. Simple, instead of applying to the Post Office or DVLA for a RFL disk, the motorist would apply for an MOT disk and to receive it s/he would have to supply a current driving license, an MOT certificate and the vehicle registration form.
Police would be freed from the need to search for drivers without RFL or insurance and could spend more time bringing other criminals to book.
Drivers who are exempt from road tax like recipients of the higher rate of DLA would need that allowance to be increased to compensate for the extra fuel costs.
It seems to me that the originator of this crackpot idea hasn’t thought it through. Or maybe he has? Because in such a scheme it will be, as usual, we the working classes who will bear the brunt of the cost and the upper classes, captains of industry and commerce, the aristocracy and people in high public office who will benefit with their gas guzzling cars creating more pollution per person than the rest of us.
George Orwell’s 1984 had it spot on. His only error was the date.
I would remind this or any government that it is we, the working class who actually create the wealth by working hard and long for poor pay. It is our blood, sweat and tears that provides the money for the government to spend. We demand that it is spent wisely and not wasted on crackpot ideas.
Sadly I feel that my suggestions will fall on deaf ears as Tony Blair, in spite of his claim to the contrary, just doesn’t listen to the public. I would remind all MP’s that they are where they are because we voted them into office and they are there to carry out the party manifesto and listen to the public if they want to introduce something not in the manifesto.
The party voted into office as the government is there as servants of the public and not the other way around.
Yours faithfully.
Mr. J. Buckley.
05-06-2005, 14:39
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles
Motoring organisations have lobbied government for this for years now. Trouble is that adding tax onto fuel is too simple for them, they need something far more complex so they can brag about how clever they are (not!). The power of the motorist as shown during the petrol blocade has been sadly forgoten now the election is over. But then who can remember anyone lobbying on behalf of the beleagured motorist anyway, apparently we have bottomless pockets & can afford any silly scheme thrown at us.
05-06-2005, 16:05
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles
1. I agree with ID cards
2. I did not vote Blair into office
3. This 'mileage tax' would bankrupt 80% of the population, based on the figures I have heard. I would not be able to afford to do my job. Bye bye house!
"The Hour of Scampering is usually around teatime, according to the Vorlon/Human Translation Dictionary."
05-06-2005, 16:16
I am Banned
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles
simply disconnect your speedometer or if thay put microchips into cars there will be a way to remove or bypass them
some smart ass will figure it out
05-06-2005, 16:27
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles
Should have had ID cards years ago and it would have cut down on illegals, it s OK if youv'e nothing to hide.

05-06-2005, 17:20
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles
There is a big difference between having something to hide and having your movements etc monitored. There is a right to privacy in this country. By putting monitors on every car effectively removes this right as someone will know where you are. ID cards are by default a bad idea. The righteous deal with the problems and those who would suffer still go without. It only takes a look at the number of uninsured drivers to see that the gov cannot manage a situation where people choose not to abide by the law.
As a high mileage driver(30K+ a year) I probably have more right than most to look at ways to improve the taxation system. I have always been in favour of the RFL being replaced with a supplement on fuel. Those that use the most pay the most. Those that choose to run gas guzzlers also pay a premium. As has been already stated it would be impossible to avoid ithence the removal of tax dodgers However the gov should look to encourage people to use environmentally friendly fuels such as LPG, CNG, hybrids etc through a valid use of the taxation system. The problem as usual is the lack of balls by the goverment.
05-06-2005, 18:00
Filthy / Gorgeous
Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles
I would probably benefit by a scheme such as increased tax on fuel. I only manage about 4K per year. I do agree with some sort of ID system though, but then again I am starting to think that a National DNA Database is a good idea.
It's this country.........It's driving me mad.. 
 Never put off until tomorrow what you can avoid altogether.
The views expressed here are my own and not necessarily those of my family, friends, employer, this site, my neighbours, hairdresser, dentist, GP, next door's dog or anyone else who knows me..
05-06-2005, 18:46
Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles
We have lots of silly car rules in this country.
Not having to MOT a car for the first 3 years of its life. Entwisi's car would do almost 100,000 miles without an MOT. Surely cars should be checked every year from new.
The national speed limit sign that means either 60mph on a single carraigeway or 70mph on a duel carraigeway.
You should be able to undertake cars on the motorway so you can pass idiots sat at 70mph in the third lane with lanes one and two empty.
It is illegal to use a hand held mobile phone while driving but not illegal to use a handheld two-way radio ( PMR, CB, taxi etc.)
The most stupid is motorbikes not having front number plates so they cant get caught speeding by the mobile speed cameras ( the speed wardens or whatever they are called).
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05-06-2005, 20:23
Beacon of light
Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles
ID cards did not stop terrorists bombing Madrid........I already know who I am........I have a passport, a driving licencses a National Insurance Number.......the people who take my income tax know who I am........I will not payany amount of money to have an ID card......if the government wants me to carry one then they will have to fund it........and I will go to jail before I will have one of these things.
The crims, the illegals and the other no good scum will not carry ID cards......or maybe they will get them counterfeited. Also the systems to read these Id cards are seriously flawed...can you imagine leaving the country with your ID card and the machine not recognising you to get back in.......it is just another way to fleece us of our hard earned cash.
05-06-2005, 20:27
Beacon of light
Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles
Oh and the business of taxing motorists on the miles they drive is another way to squeeze us till we scream.
I don't recall hearing about this scheme in the Labour manifesto.......do you?
If they want to get us out of our cars they must address the woeful public transport.......public service my eye!
Nurse....check my blood pressure please!
05-06-2005, 21:16
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles
It is a stupid idea full stop. Hopefully it will never actually see the light of day, as I can imagine a national uproar if it did.
Oh, look at my face, my name is might have been, my name is never was, my name's forgotten.
05-06-2005, 22:41
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles
Originally Posted by Neil
We have lots of silly car rules in this country.
It is illegal to use a hand held mobile phone while driving but not illegal to use a handheld two-way radio ( PMR, CB, taxi etc.)
The most stupid is motorbikes not having front number plates so they cant get caught speeding by the mobile speed cameras ( the speed wardens or whatever they are called).
Neil, on these two I agree with your first comment but what is difference with drivers smoking at the wheel, tuning radio, having a conversation with passenger, kids in back, etc. Where do you draw the line?
As for bikes it is not legal to take photos of drivers or riders from the front under civil liberties, hence speed cameras photo rear plates which will include bikes. The old plates were removed as they were dangerous in a smash if the rider went over the handlebars. That is why they had the nickname of "arse splitters".
The worst anomoly is that of braking distance-these were written in the 1030's for cars with drum brakes all round, heavy chassis etc, & do not allow for modern technology as traction control, ABS, all disc & so on. As for the two second distance rule, it is useless at speeds over 50 mph!
05-06-2005, 22:48
Coffin Dodger.
Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles
im a firm beleiver in i.d.cards,and no it didnt prevent the madrid bombing,though i would be interested to know what would?the fact that the spanish have them seems to me like they certainly have a lot less illegals than us,i know that from having lived there.that seems to me in itself a huge plus,though some may not agree.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
05-06-2005, 23:52
land of hope and glory
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Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles
what did you expect from new- labour, a chance to go and get your dinner with the dog in the morning , Its alright voting for your locals but its the boys at the top that pull the strings........... 
06-06-2005, 00:20
Re: Monitoring Motoring Miles
Originally Posted by big al
As for bikes it is not legal to take photos of drivers or riders from the front under civil liberties, hence speed cameras photo rear plates which will include bikes.
Have at look at these 2 example photos I found.
It is the GATSO type camera that takes a picture from behind. The mobile Ford Galaxy's use a laser type camera and takes a picture of the front of the car showing the driver. These can not get bikes because they have no front plate. Bikes should have to have a front plate that faces forward - not on the front mud guard like they used to have.
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