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Old 17-09-2012, 10:27   #91
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Re: morallity and employment

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Personally...and it may just be my age.......I would look on it in the way that I look on dogs chasing cars...they chase them, but how often do you see one driving a car?

I might have viewed it a bit differently when I was fact I know I would.

Myself, I would never visit a venue that had The Chippendales on...or any such does absolutely nothing for me....and that hasn't changed over the years......I would not have done it when I was younger either. I cannot see any entertainment value in it at all.
and what about the latest trend, mummy porn? the adventures of mr grey
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Old 17-09-2012, 10:32   #92
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Re: morallity and employment

We have discussed that here
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Old 17-09-2012, 10:35   #93
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Re: morallity and employment

Morality? It's an interesting concept but a very human one. Does it really exist?
Animals don't have morality-some have loyalty(to their group/herd etc.) but isn't that just because each individual knows it has a better chance of survival as part of a group? Buffaloes will herd together, horns down, to keep off the lions but once one of them is down the rest run off when they could easily overwhelm the lions.
Humans are only animals- a high form but still only animals with a herd instinct.
Isn't morality a concept we have but only for as long as we can afford it?
None of us on here are murderers but come the day that someone breaks in your home and starts to stab or attack your partner and children is there any one of us who wouldn't pick up that kitchen knife and push it in, hard? Are any of us 'moral' enough to just let it happen?
'Ah no' you say.'That's not murder,that would be immoral, it's self defence'. It's still taking a human life.Against all our human morals!
Most of us wouldn't dream of stealing but if your children were starving, really starving, and their only hope was for you to steal,lie, cheat to get food wouldn't you? Some even kill to get it.
Morality and employment? Morality and anything- only while we can afford it and it has always been a luxury some people can't afford. As long as the concept makes us feel more safe as individuals or a small group we'll indulge in it but come the crunch-!

Last edited by Gordon Booth; 17-09-2012 at 10:39.
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Old 17-09-2012, 10:42   #94
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Re: morallity and employment

Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
Morality? It's an interesting concept but a very human one. Does it really exist?
Animals don't have morality-some have loyalty(to their group/herd etc.) but isn't that just because each individual knows it has a better chance of survival as part of a group? Buffaloes will herd together, horns down, to keep off the lions but once one of them is down the rest run off when they could easily overwhelm the lions.
Humans are only animals- a high form but still only animals with a herd instinct.
Isn't morality a concept we have but only for as long as we can afford it?
None of us on here are murderers but come the day that someone breaks in your home and starts to stab or attack your partner and children is there any one of us who wouldn't pick up that kitchen knife and push it in, hard? Are any of us 'moral' enough to just let it happen?
'Ah no' you say.'That's not murder,that would be immoral, it's self defence'. It's still taking a human life.Against all our human morals!
Most of us wouldn't dream of stealing but if your children were starving, really starving, and their only hope was for you to steal,lie, cheat to get food wouldn't you? Some even kill to get it.
Morality and employment? Morality and anything- only while we can afford it and it has always been a luxury some people can't afford. As long as the concept makes us feel more safe as individuals or a small group we'll indulge in it but come the crunch-!
i agree, as i as always said, everyone has a sell out price, a point that we can justify our actions
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Old 17-09-2012, 11:00   #95
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Re: morallity and employment

Originally Posted by churchfcrules View Post
and what about the latest trend, mummy porn? the adventures of mr grey
Nope, that doesn't float my boat either.(I didn't buy this book, but it was loaned to me, with the words 'you'll love this, I didn't....I couldn't finish it) Badly written and very contrived, the only reason this was written was to make money for the author - no literary value at all. I consider myself a bit of a prude really.
I do not want to read about someone else's bedroom my opinion(for what it is worth) those things should be private and remain private.
The world will not be destroyed by evil people...
It will be destroyed by those who stand by and do Nothing.
(a paraphrase on a quote by Albert Einstein)
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Old 17-09-2012, 11:04   #96
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Re: morallity and employment

I worked for 35 years at Dhss (now Work and Pensions).

I enjoyed giving away taxpayers money, and bent (not broke) the rules sometimes to help people.
Not all my colleagues felt the same. Some really enjoyed refusing payments which I thought was rather sadistic.

I recall my time paying out 'lump sums' for bedding and furniture etc. -most enjoyable - I made an effort every day to pay out more than the day before.

Before you taxpayers grumble about 'paying out to scroungers', I remind you that the payments were legal, scrutinised, and audited, and I was commended for my competance at applying those rules. The payments did put money into the local economy.

There came the day when 'Single Payments' were to be replaced by the Social Fund.
I could see that people were to be deprived of the basic neccessities of a civilised existence.
I was earmarked to administer this new fund and rebelled against the concept by applying for a transfer to The Public Records Office at Nelson Archives.

I was shortlisted but didn't get the job, but it was enough for the manager to understand that I would not get any job satisfaction administering Social Fund, so my career took a totally different turn into building maintenance and refurbishment, where I gained great job satisfaction by improving the working environment for my colleagues.

So I did make an effort to avoid being part of a system (Social Fund) which I thought was morally flawed. I was fortunate that my employer understood my feelings about it and provided me with alternative work.
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Old 17-09-2012, 13:27   #97
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Re: morallity and employment

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Spelling and grammar don't matter, um ya want to see the stick I get
I am a bit of a grammar nazi on the quiet. It doesn't matter as much on a forum as it does elsewhere though-it's when I see mistakes in newspapers, advertisements, supermarkets...etc that's when I get riled!

Originally Posted by churchfcrules View Post
i love a good thread wander, and seen as though its MY thread, here we go

on sexploitation of women, if your partner was visiting a regular website\stripclub\lap dancing club or similar, and you found out, would you feel as angry as if they had been having an extra marital/relationship affair, or would you see it as at least they havent had physical contact with someone else, so no harm done, also is it on the same scale as finding out they look at porn, or is it worse because its not anonymous?

i think many would see it as a betrayal, i guess its more of a question for women, but thats just because i am being sexist and assuming that the majority of the activities i stated above are predominantly male "indulgences", but fellas how would you feel if your partner was doing any of the above, interesting to see how male attitudes compares to female attitudes.

i can see the point, that whilst visiting said establishment, they arent having an affair, as this suppress that need, much in the same way as the argument that it is "supplying a service" to prevent potential rapists carrying out their crimes(by the way, i dont doubt this, but is there any evidence, i dont see how it can be measured, and without evidence can it be used as an argument )
For me the key is 'Found Out'. If he had lied about where he had been, or simply didn't tell me and I found out through other channels, there's something wrong-why's he covering his actions?
If a partner of mine went to a strip club on a night out with his friends and told me he was going to, I wouldn't care unless our relationship was already showing cracks.
I cannot envision a guy saying to me 'I'm going to (insertnameoft1ttybar) tonight, alone and it being okay-if he wants to do it alone he is wanting more than a dance-he's wanting a strip club experience where he is getting sole attention from women. I think that's different and again, would signify cracks in a relationship.
Porn, if I had a partner that looked at porn when I wasn't around, I wouldn't mind-porn's just an aid to self-sex!If he would RATHER look at porn than have sex with ME, then, again-something wrong with our relationship.
Originally Posted by Gordon Booth View Post
Morality? It's an interesting concept but a very human one. Does it really exist?

None of us on here are murderers
Do you know that for certain

On morality, you may be right. If we appear to have morals it may be because of another underlying emotion...
Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Nope, that doesn't float my boat either.(I didn't buy this book, but it was loaned to me, with the words 'you'll love this, I didn't....I couldn't finish it) Badly written and very contrived, the only reason this was written was to make money for the author - no literary value at all. I consider myself a bit of a prude really.
I do not want to read about someone else's bedroom my opinion(for what it is worth) those things should be private and remain private.
I couldn't even tell you waht this book was about. I don't know anybody who has read it-BUT I was standing in a supermarket queue not so long ago and the woman in front was complaining to the assistant, about the fact that this supermarket had it for sale. I actually intervened toward the end, and said 'You know a good idea? If you don't like the book? Don't read it!!'
Life is 10% what happens to you-and 90% your reaction to it.
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Old 17-09-2012, 15:56   #98
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Re: morallity and employment

Originally Posted by sugarmouse0707 View Post

Do you know that for certain

On morality, you may be right. If we appear to have morals it may be because of another underlying emotion...
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Old 17-09-2012, 17:55   #99
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Re: morality and employment

Originally Posted by Margaret Pilkington View Post
Personally...and it may just be my age.......I would look on it in the way that I look on dogs chasing cars...they chase them, but how often do you see one driving a car?

I might have viewed it a bit differently when I was fact I know I would.

Myself, I would never visit a venue that had The Chippendales on...or any such does absolutely nothing for me....and that hasn't changed over the years......I would not have done it when I was younger either. I cannot see any entertainment value in it at all.
Same thing for me Margaret but with strippers, mind you once had to work at Martholme, when a company hired the room for the night and had strippers on
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Old 17-09-2012, 18:28   #100
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Re: morality and employment

Originally Posted by jaysay View Post
Same thing for me Margaret but with strippers, mind you once had to work at Martholme, when a company hired the room for the night and had strippers on
Being a good Catholic I bet you didn't look.
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Old 17-09-2012, 22:21   #101
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Re: morallity and employment

I once had a job applying makeup to the legs of lap dancers.
Five pounds a week.
The money wasn't much.
However it was all I could afford to pay 'em.
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Old 18-09-2012, 08:59   #102
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Re: morality and employment

Originally Posted by Less View Post
Being a good Catholic I bet you didn't look.
Quite right Less I was on the door all night
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