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Old 11-09-2007, 11:52   #1
Apprentice Geriatric
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Angry More Car Parking Fees???

Quote from
Supermarkets should be banned from offering customers free parking and goods sold below cost price, a Conservative policy group is to suggest.
Note how the Conservatives have grouped two issues together.

Why don’t these people just admit it that this crackpot (with acknowledgment to Tealeaf for the loan of his word) scheme is just another way of saying, “the working classes have got above their station and they should not have cars? They should be forced to use the public transport instead. That would leave the roads empty for the use of the upper classes.” Congestion sorted at a stroke.

A supermarket owns all the land where the building is situated, including the car park and no one, but no one should be able to enforce car-parking charges that go into the local authority coffers.

The supermarkets, being money-grabbing institutions, would undoubtedly have thought of this point and dismissed it because their customers wouldn’t wear it and they would lose business.

There is no doubt that supermarkets have badly affected the ‘in town’ local shops but the local authorities have compounded the problem by continually increasing the business rates in town centres. And now the Tories are spreading their money tentacles wider and wider whilst at the same time pushing you and me further and further into a corner where they can exercise ultimate control over us.
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Old 11-09-2007, 11:55   #2
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Re: More Car Parking Fees???

well that justs sums up the consevative mentality perfectly to me.
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 11-09-2007, 12:13   #3
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Re: More Car Parking Fees???

Whenever I observe a Jambutty posting, I am never certain as to whether I am reading a sustainable argument or viewing Darwen's answer to Jackson Pollock, such is the assortment of colour within the text.

In this instance, I am at a complete loss to understand exactly what he is saying. He is certainly acknowledging the huge damage that supermarkets have done to the economic and social fabric of towns throughout the land; yet at the same time, he is dismissing any attempt to introduce a level playing field for smaller retail establishments and bring some real life back to our town centres.

Most peculiar.
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Old 11-09-2007, 15:25   #4
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Cool Re: More Car Parking Fees???

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Whenever I observe a Jambutty posting, I am never certain as to whether I am reading a sustainable argument or viewing Darwen's answer to Jackson Pollock, such is the assortment of colour within the text.

In this instance, I am at a complete loss to understand exactly what he is saying. He is certainly acknowledging the huge damage that supermarkets have done to the economic and social fabric of towns throughout the land; yet at the same time, he is dismissing any attempt to introduce a level playing field for smaller retail establishments and bring some real life back to our town centres.

Most peculiar.
Most peculiar is how you manage to read into what isn’t there.

Definitely most peculiar!
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Old 11-09-2007, 23:46   #5
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Re: More Car Parking Fees???

Where do the middle and upper classes shop, if you think this is just a ruse to keep the oiks off the roads?

The analogy seems a bit far fetched.
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Old 11-09-2007, 23:51   #6
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Re: More Car Parking Fees???

Just read the whole thing.

The Tories are now a loved up, touchy feely, anti-capitalist, bunch of wets, and this very week we had Brown praising Thatcher.

The whole world's gone mad!
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 12-09-2007, 12:07   #7
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Unhappy Re: More Car Parking Fees???

Not being one of the upper or middle classes garinda I have no idea where they shop. I’m one of the hoipolloi or oik as you put it. I prefer hoipolloi – it has a classier ring to it. Oik sounds so pig like. In any case you couldn’t call a Jew or a Muslim an oik – it would offend them.

Ever since traffic congestion became an issue the government of the day has tried all sorts of means to dissuade us from using our cars, or price us out of them, whilst at the same time swanning around in gas guzzling limos. This latest suggestion of charging for parking at supermarkets is just one more attempt in a long line of tries.
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Old 12-09-2007, 13:40   #8
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Re: More Car Parking Fees???

Shop on line its CHEAPER!! - see my latest thread

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Old 12-09-2007, 14:47   #9
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Re: More Car Parking Fees???

How the heck can the government ban supermarkets from allowing free parking on their own land?

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Old 12-09-2007, 21:59   #10
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Re: More Car Parking Fees???

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
Not being one of the upper or middle classes garinda I have no idea where they shop. I’m one of the hoipolloi or oik as you put it. I prefer hoipolloi – it has a classier ring to it. Oik sounds so pig like. In any case you couldn’t call a Jew or a Muslim an oik – it would offend them.

Ever since traffic congestion became an issue the government of the day has tried all sorts of means to dissuade us from using our cars, or price us out of them, whilst at the same time swanning around in gas guzzling limos. This latest suggestion of charging for parking at supermarkets is just one more attempt in a long line of tries.
It was your good self who mentioned class in relation to these proposals. I personally think they are more likely to affect the well off, ie: the 4x4 driving yummy mummies, who drop their little darlings off at prep school, before popping to Tescos to buy some salmon for dinner.

I can't see these proposals going down too well with the Tories core supporters, and I'm happy to say that they will probably be a shooting themselves in the foot, with these 'green taxes'. Zac Goldsmith is turning into someone as stupid as his late father.

As for where the upper classes shop, pop into Waitrose or Safeway on the King's Road in Chelsea, and you'll see it filled to the rafters with Dowagers and assorted Hooray Henries.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
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Old 12-09-2007, 22:05   #11
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Re: More Car Parking Fees???

I'd have thought you'd rejoice at the thought of potentially fewer cars about jambutty, regardless of which class of people is at an advantage - what with all that awful SMOG and all
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Old 12-09-2007, 22:11   #12
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Re: More Car Parking Fees???

Originally Posted by jambutty View Post
I’m one of the hoipolloi or oik as you put it. I prefer hoipolloi – it has a classier ring to it. Oik sounds so pig like. In any case you couldn’t call a Jew or a Muslim an oik – it would offend them.
I only mentioned the word 'oik', as you seemed to think the ideas put forward were an attack by the ruling classes on the proletariat. It's a word in common usage. See dictionary.

oik definition - Dictionary - MSN Encarta
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 12-09-2007, 22:18   #13
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Cool Re: More Car Parking Fees???

Fewer cars on the road and less pollution would be nice shakermaker but why should we hoipolloi always be the target to make the sacrifice.

Proletariat garinda? That reminds me of communist Russia.
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Old 12-09-2007, 22:23   #14
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Re: More Car Parking Fees???

Even if the Conservatives had a cat in hell's chance of forming a government, Cameron has now distanced himself from these plans.

David Cameron dumps Tory car park plans - Telegraph

Cameron, champion of the working classes.
'If you're going to be a Kant, be the very best Kant there is my son.'
Johann Georg Kant, father of Immanuel Kant, philosopher.

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Old 14-09-2007, 08:36   #15
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Re: More Car Parking Fees???

The supermarkets need sorting out, their loss leading tactics are doing huge damage to the smaller retailers.

I'm 100% sure this policy idea is not intended or going to make such an impact that people can no longer shop at supermarkets because its suddenly too expensive, but it does give a more equal playing field to smaller retailers.

I think you need to reassess where you stand in the class structure Jambutty. You have a car, a computer, the internet for a start, there are families that don't have those. Those families who can't afford cars or luxury items like computers, are probably the ones that parking prices would affect IF they had a car to park!

Im sure a more simple way round is to make carparking in town centers free. But that would encourage people to drive rather than use public transport. At the moment I never get the car to Manchester if im going to the center, as its much much cheaper to get a bus than having to park.

At the end of the day, I don't want to be stuck in a situation where Tesco and others, control what we can and can't buy in stores. It's already happening in Accrington. Where is Toymaster? I looked around for trivial pursuit, a certain version of, and I couldn't find it anywhere in Accrington. Book shop, theres WHSmith but its hardly a large range, Wardleworths was an amazing place. Now we have limited books to choose from because Asda can't stock them all.
formerly cyfr
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