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Old 20-03-2009, 11:01   #1
Full Member

Mothers....... as Mother's day is close

Mothers day

What’s the clearest memory you have of your Mum from your childhood?

I have a ‘video’ that runs through my head from when I was about 6 years old-ish, I see her all dressed up to go out for the evening, she wears a long, red, halter neck dress and spiky heeled shoes. She is smiling at me a look of love as she hugs me up goodbye. Her hair and lipstick look wonderful and she smells all female n flowery. To me she is like a fairytale
I’m thinking to myself, ‘I have the most beautiful Mummy, she looks like a queen. I want to be like just her’
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Old 20-03-2009, 11:35   #2
Resting in Peace
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Re: Mothers....... as Mother's day is close

Funny that, I often think about my mother, even though it will be 16 years on the 27th March since she died. The thing that sticks in my mind is the last time I saw her, she'd been in hospital and my father was bringing her home and they came down Merlin Drive to avoid road works on Union Road. It was a nice Sunny Friday afternoon and I was sat outside my flat when I noticed their car going past I walked to the end of the block and could see her in the car as it went down the road. I wasn't able to go down and see her as I had an infection and didn't want to pass to on to her, so I had to be content wit talking to her on the phone. Unfortunately She was taken ill the following night and was rushed back into hospital, she died the next day, but I still have that picture of her in the car going down Merlin and I suppose I always will till the day I die
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Old 20-03-2009, 16:10   #3
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Re: Mothers....... as Mother's day is close

Wow Jaysay, thanks for sharing that experience. It twanged a chord for me n I welled up.
The last time I saw my Grandma she was waving through the window of her flat at me as I passed
I knew she was hoping I would call in. I didn't...I had mates to see (teenager) so I waved back n thought I would drop in tomorrow.
Didnt happen she died inbetween n I still see that face at the window
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Old 20-03-2009, 21:10   #4
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Re: Mothers....... as Mother's day is close

I clearly remember my mum turning up at cricket matches at Thorneyholme Road, equipped with sunlounger, big sunglasses, blonde hair, bikini and Ambre Solaire factor 2 ! It certainly raised a few eyebrows and temperatures! I just thought she was the most glamourous mum anyone could have! I would have been about 8! She has always turned heads and continues to do so now, she still looks amazing and has grace and dignity that obviously come from within; I sincerely hope its hereditary!
"Cover up those table legs Mother, they are inflaming my sexual ardour ! "
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Old 20-03-2009, 21:39   #5
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Re: Mothers....... as Mother's day is close

First memory ? .. no idea.

Yardley red lipstick with a touch of Max Factor pressed powder (only on special occasions of course) and the flowery aprons/overalls she wore in t'mill (all home made of course). The cotton fibres in her hair and 30 denier stockings, and just good clean coal tar smell.

My first walking day with Cambridge Street Methodist, do remember her tying
my bonnet under my chin, and fastening the buttons on my coat. Cannot for the life of me remember what colour these were... me on the right.


Obviously the baking, but making the crepe flowers together that adorned the house. To get a rose petal to curl had to scrape your knife along the petal whilst stretching, and it would curl at will... bit like hair tongues now ... LOL.

Can't ever remember holding her hand whilst walking along a street, but think I may have been like a little terrier running back and forth .. 'cause the traffic wasn't too bad then.

Most of all I remember her down and out common sense to life .. didn't inherit that unfortunately..
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Old 20-03-2009, 22:45   #6
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Re: Mothers....... as Mother's day is close

many memories of me mam even though she croaked nearly 30 yrs ago, the thing that always sticks in my mind, is her in the bookies, she only used to put 1 shilling on a rank outsider, cos she liked the name or summat daft like that, the amusing thing was they nearly always won, n all the seasoned gamblers in the bookies, if they were having a bad day, always used to ask, what ya backing "Peggy" used to crack me up, they would be putting £5 or £10 on a nag, n me mam just 1 shilling, thats why i believe in the "Luck Of The Irish"
N.L.T.B.G.Y.D. Do not argue with an idiot, they will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
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Old 20-03-2009, 23:01   #7
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Re: Mothers....... as Mother's day is close

Clearest memory I have of my mum from my childhood, is her alway being there when I came from school. She ran a pub, so was always at home. And on parents evening, she always dressed to kill, with all her jewelry on, and the perfume (of which I have a little bit in a bottle left now), and boy, would she give them teachers a run for there money.

Mum was always smiling behind the bar, always laughing.

Love you Mum, this is my first Mothers Day without you and I miss you so much xxxxxx
The impossible I can do at once, miracles take a little longer
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Old 20-03-2009, 23:07   #8
Passed away 25-11-09
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Re: Mothers....... as Mother's day is close

My earliest memories of my mother are her playing the piano in our front sitting room. She had studied piano for 15 years when she was growing up and, though both my parents played well, Mum had a beautiful touch that Dad didn't have.

I can remember sitting underneath the piano keyboard, next to my mother's feet, while she played and sang, "Mighty Like a Rose" - and crying my eyes out. I'd be about 2 at the time. I also loved to hear her play Grieg's Piano Concerto and the slow movement of that still makes me cry. I think I was a rather damp child when it came to music. Oh, sugar it, I still am.
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Old 21-03-2009, 00:21   #9
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Re: Mothers....... as Mother's day is close

My Mum died way back in 1967 but I still think of her every day. We used to get primroses from Sunday School to give to our Mum's on Mother's Day and she always made such a fuss of them.

Daughters are great too. I received a card from my daughter, Samantha, today and couldn't resist opening it. She's not well off but included twenty euros for me to treat myself......bless her.
June xx

So much muck to eat before you die
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Old 21-03-2009, 01:25   #10
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Re: Mothers....... as Mother's day is close

I have many wonderful memories of my mum from holidays to little moments that although not too significant stick in my mind and i always smile when i think of her.
Its 10 years since she died but i think of her always and will take some flowers to the cemetary on sunday to remember my wonderful mum.
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